


  • a thank-you note 一张感谢卡片
  • I can give you my consent 我赞成你的想法
  • driveway 车道
  • a democratic society 一个民主的国家
  • let me check if your blood pressure is normal 让我检测一下你的血压是否正常
  • the narrow alley 窄巷子
  • be referred to 被称作为
  • this smartphone is affordable for me 这个智能手机我买得起
  • my heart is beating at a normal rate 我的心跳正常
  • it's time to do something 是时候做某事了
  • launch a campaign to call for environmental protection 发起(组织/举行)一场呼吁环保的活动
  • solve the crime 破案
  • a mushroom cloud 蘑菇云
  • the atomic bomb went off 原子弹爆炸
  • inspect the shop for a health test 卫生健康检查
  • climb mountain 爬山
  • make a complete circle 形成一个完整的圆形
  • the area of the office 办公室的面积
  • supply and demand 供需关系
  • no one offered a seat to the elderly man 没人给老人让座
  • canteen 食堂
  • the odor of the socks 臭袜子味

posted on 2021-11-02 13:49  草叶睡蜢  阅读(104)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报