


  • launch the rocket into the sky 向空中发射火箭
  • fill a leaking bottle with water 往漏水的瓶子注水
  • the sign's rules 指示牌的规定
  • have two option for lunch 午饭有两种选择
  • take an excursion into the forest 去森林远足
  • the medical field 医学领域
  • wear something proper 穿着得体
  • mineral water 矿泉水/矿物质水
  • the experiment supported his notion 实验证实了他的观点
  • his sun’s request for candy 他儿子想吃糖的要求
  • the amount of sugar in this product 这个产品的含糖量

posted on 2021-10-30 10:37  草叶睡蜢  阅读(67)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报