[smart210] firstled.s 代码分析及编译分析
.globl _start _start: ldr r1, =0xE0200280 //config the GPJ2CON[0to15] as output ldr r0, =0x00001111 str r0, [r1] mov r2, #0x1000 //r2=8 led_blink: ldr r1, =0xE0200284 //set the GPJ2DAT[0to3] as 0,4 leds would light on! mov r0, #0xa str r0, [r1] bl delay ldr r1, =0xE0200284 //set the GPJ2DAT[0to3] as 1,4 leds would light off! mov r0, #0x5 str r0, [r1] bl delay sub r2,r2,#1 //r2=r2-1 cmp r2,#0 //if r2!=0 jump to led_blink bne led_blink //then the led_blink will turn 8 times halt: b halt //while(1) delay: mov r0,#0xf000000 //r0=0xf000000 delay_loop: cmp r0,#0 //if r0=0 sub r0,r0,#1 //r0=r0-1 bne delay_loop //after "cmp r0,#0" ,if r0!=0 jump to delay_loop //then the delay_loop will turn 32 times mov pc,lr //come back the main
arm-linux-gcc -c -o firstled.o firstled.s //对.s文件进行预处理,编译,汇编,生成.o文件
arm-linux-ld -Ttext 0x0 -o led.elf firstled.o //链接.o文件,并设置代码段起始运行地址为0x0 ,生成.elf
arm-linux-objcopy -O binary led.elf led.bin //将.elf文件复制一份,并以二进制.bin形式保存,该形式可在开发板上使用
arm-linux-objdump -D led.elf > led_elf.dis //将.elf文件反汇编成.dis文件,方便调试程序
./mkmini210 led.bin led210.bin
/* 在BL0阶段,Irom内固化的代码读取nandflash或SD卡前16K的内容, * 并比对前16字节中的校验和是否正确,正确则继续,错误则停止。*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define BUFSIZE (16*1024) #define IMG_SIZE (16*1024) #define SPL_HEADER_SIZE 16 #define SPL_HEADER "S5PC110 HEADER " int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; char *Buf, *a; int BufLen; int nbytes, fileLen; unsigned int checksum, count; int i; // 1. 3个参数 if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: mkbl1 <source file> <destination file>\n"); return -1; } // 2. 分配16K的buffer BufLen = BUFSIZE; Buf = (char *)malloc(BufLen); if (!Buf) { printf("Alloc buffer failed!\n"); return -1; } memset(Buf, 0x00, BufLen); // 3. 读源bin到buffer // 3.1 打开源bin fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if( fp == NULL) { printf("source file open error\n"); free(Buf); return -1; } // 3.2 获取源bin长度 fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); // 3.3 源bin长度不得超过16K-16byte count = (fileLen < (IMG_SIZE - SPL_HEADER_SIZE)) ? fileLen : (IMG_SIZE - SPL_HEADER_SIZE); // 3.4 buffer[0~15]存放"S5PC110 HEADER " memcpy(&Buf[0], SPL_HEADER, SPL_HEADER_SIZE); // 3.5 读源bin到buffer[16] nbytes = fread(Buf + SPL_HEADER_SIZE, 1, count, fp); if ( nbytes != count ) { printf("source file read error\n"); free(Buf); fclose(fp); return -1; } fclose(fp); // 4. 计算校验和 // 4.1 从第16byte开始统计buffer中共有几个1 a = Buf + SPL_HEADER_SIZE; for(i = 0, checksum = 0; i < IMG_SIZE - SPL_HEADER_SIZE; i++) checksum += (0x000000FF) & *a++; // 4.2 将校验和保存在buffer[8~15] a = Buf + 8; *( (unsigned int *)a ) = checksum; // 5. 拷贝buffer中的内容到目的bin // 5.1 打开目的bin fp = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("destination file open error\n"); free(Buf); return -1; } // 5.2 将16k的buffer拷贝到目的bin中 a = Buf; nbytes = fwrite( a, 1, BufLen, fp); if ( nbytes != BufLen ) { printf("destination file write error\n"); free(Buf); fclose(fp); return -1; } free(Buf); fclose(fp); return 0; }
第一步 分配16k 的buffer;
第二步 将led.bin 读到buffer的第16byte开始的地方;
第三步 计算校验和,并将校验和保存在buffer第8~11byte中;
第四步 将16k 的buffer拷贝到led210.bin 中;