[SAP BASIS][UPGRADE] shadown instance operation

  1. unlock the shadow system

  2. lock the  shadow system

  3. stop the shadow instance

  4. start the shadow instance

1.unlock the shadow system


cd /<update directory>/abap/bin   (e.g. /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin)
./SAPup unlockshd



cd \<update directory>\abap\bin   (e.g. \usr\sap\PRD\SUM\abap\bin)         

.\SAPup unlockshd

2.lock the  shadow system


./SAPup lockshd


.\SAPup lockshd

3.stop the shadow instance

  step 1

UNIX:           cd <update directory>/abap/bin           example:     cd  /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin    
WINDOWS: <drive>                                                 example:     D:                        
                    cd <update directory>\abap\bin           example:     cd \usr\sap\SUM\abap\bin

  Step 2

UNIX:            ./SAPup stopshd    
WINDOWS:  .\SAPup stopshd

4.start the shadow instance

  Step 1

UNIX:           cd <update directory>/abap/bin           example:     cd  /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin    
WINDOWS: <drive>                                                 example:     D:                                            
                     cd <update directory>\abap\bin           example:     cd \usr\sap\SUM\abap\bin

  Step 2

UNIX:            ./SAPup startshd    
WINDOWS:  .\SAPup startshd

  Step 3

The following output will be displayed:

 Starting shadow system ...
Starting service ...
waiting 4 seconds for system to come up ...
testing if system is available ...


posted on 2020-02-28 22:09  InnoLeo  阅读(354)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报