摘要:#include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define ll long long const int N =100009; const ll mod = 1000000007; ll c[N][10]; void init() { c[0][0] =1ll; for...
摘要:标题:螺旋折线 如图p1.png所示的螺旋折线经过平面上所有整点恰好一次。 对于整点(X, Y),我们定义它到原点的距离dis(X, Y)是从原点到(X, Y)的螺旋折线段的长度。 例如dis(0, 1)=3, dis(-2, -1)=9 给出整点坐标(X, Y),你能计算出dis(X, Y)吗?
摘要:Teemo has a formula and he want to calculate it quickly. The formula is . As the result may be very large, please output the result mod 1000000007. In
摘要:65536K Teemo is very interested in convex polygon. There is a convex n-sides polygon, and Teemo connect every two points as diagonal lines, and he wan
摘要:Problem Description I've sent Fang Fang around 201314 text messages in almost 5 years. Why can't she make sense of what I mean?``But Jesus is here!" t
摘要:Let's consider some math problems. JSZKC has a set A=A={1,2,...,N}. He defines a subset of A as 'Meo set' if there doesn't exist two integers in this
摘要:65536K Let's consider some math problems. JSZKC has a set A=\{1,2,...,N\}A={1,2,...,N}. He defines a subset of AA as 'Meo set' if there doesn't exist