In the previous part we have learned how to parse(recognize) and interpreter arithmetic expressions with any any numbers of plus or minus operators in 阅读全文
Let's continue learning from the previous part.Graphically,the arithmetic expression can be represented with the following syntax diagram: A syntax di 阅读全文
“If you learn only methods,you will be tied to your methods.But if you learn principles, you can devise your own methods.” Ralph Waldo Emerson On taht 阅读全文
今天突然想要记录一下自己的学习过程,一方面是为了以后更好的回顾,另一方面则是在记录的过程中希望看到自己的成长。因为我是根据一篇博客进行学习的,所以接下来可能会使用很多英语。 什么是编译器(compiler)或解释器(interpreter)呢?它们的功能是什么?它们之间又有什么曲别呢? The go 阅读全文