[UE4] 虚幻4学习---UE4中的字符串转换

String Conversions: 

FString To FName

FString To Int32

Float To FString

FArrayReaderPtr To FString

TArray<uint8> To FString

FString To char *  ---  (  TCHAR_TO_ANSI()  )

FString To TCHAR *

FString To Array<uint8>

FString To FText (新增)

FText To FString (新增)


  1. FString to FName
  2. std::string to FString
  3. FString and FCString Overview
  4. FString to Integer
  5. FString to Float
  6. Float/Integer to FString
  7. UE4 C++ Source Header References

All the header files I refer to in this tutorial are found in

your UE4 install directory  / Engine / Source

you will probably want to do a search for them from this point :)

Converting FString to FNames

Say we have

FString TheString = "UE4_C++_IS_Awesome";

To convert this to an FName you do:

FName ConvertedFString = FName(*TheString);

std::string to FString

#include <string>
some function
  std::string TestString = "Happy"; 
  FString HappyString(TestString.c_str());

FString to std::string

#include <string>
FString UE4Str = "Flowers";
std::string MyStdString(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*UE4Str));

FCString Overview

Converting FString to Numbers

The * operator on FStrings returns their TCHAR* data which is what FCString functions use.

If you cant find the function you want in FStrings (UnrealString.h) then you should check out the FCString functions (CString.h)

I show how to convert from FString to FCString below:

Say we have

FString TheString = "123.021";

FString to Integer

int32 MyShinyNewInt = FCString::Atoi(*TheString);

FString to Float

float MyShinyNewFloat = FCString::Atof(*TheString);

Note that Atoi and Atof are static functions, so you use the syntax FCString::TheFunction to call it :)


Float/Integer to FString

FString NewString = FString::FromInt(YourInt);
FString VeryCleanString = FString::SanitizeFloat(YourFloat);

Static functions in the UnrealString.h :)

UE4 Source Header References


See CString.h for more details and other functions like

atoi64 (string to int64)
Atod    (string to double precision float)

For a great deal of helpful functions you will also want to look at

UnrealString.h for direct manipulation of FStrings!

For more info on FNames check out


FArrayReaderPtr to FString

uint8 data[512];  
FMemory::Memzero(data, 512);  
FMemory::Memcpy(data, ArrayReaderPtr->GetData(), ArrayReaderPtr->Num());  
FString str = ((const char*)data);  

Array<uint8> to FString

TArray<uint8> content;  
const std::string cstr(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(content.GetData()), content.Num());  
FString frameAsFString = cstr.c_str();  
UE_LOG(VRSLog, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *frameAsFString);  

FString to char *  TCHAR_TO_ANSI()

int BP_GetColumnIndex(int resultSet, FString columnName)  
    return GetColumnIndex(resultSet, TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*columnName));  
int GetColumnIndex(int iResult, const char* columnName)  

FString to TCHAR *

int BP_GetColumnIndex(int resultSet, FString columnName)  
    return GetColumnIndex(resultSet, *columnName);  
int GetColumnIndex(int iResult, const TCHAR* columnName)  

FString To Array<uint8>

// 简洁用法
FString JsonStr;  
TArray<uint8> content;  
memcpy(content.GetData(), TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*JsonStr), JsonStr.Len());  
FString StrData;  
const TCHAR* StrPtr = *StrData;  
FTCHARToUTF8 UTF8String(StrPtr);  
int32 CTXSize = UTF8String.Length();  
TArray<uint8> URLData;  
memcpy(URLData.GetData(), UTF8String.Get(), CTXSize);  

FString To FText

FString Str = TEXT("str");  
FText Text = FText::FromString(Str);  

FText To FString

FString Name = NameDesc->GetText().ToString();  


posted on 2018-03-24 21:42  一粒沙  阅读(4432)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报