
// Number of blocks
    const int32 NumBlocks = Size * Size;

    // Loop to spawn each block
    for(int32 BlockIndex=0; BlockIndex<NumBlocks; BlockIndex++)
        const float XOffset = (BlockIndex/Size) * BlockSpacing; // X坐标
        const float YOffset = (BlockIndex%Size) * BlockSpacing; // Y坐标

        // Make postion vector, offset from Grid location
        const FVector BlockLocation = FVector(XOffset, YOffset, 0.f) + GetActorLocation();

        // Spawn a block
        APuzzleBlock* NewBlock = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<APuzzleBlock>(BlockLocation, FRotator(0,0,0));

        // Tell the block about its owner
        if(NewBlock != NULL)
            NewBlock->OwningGrid = this;


posted on 2018-03-22 14:59  一粒沙  阅读(581)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报