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 change MAC Address in CentOS 7:

nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens160

systemctl restart network.service

或者: /etc/init.d/network restart

You are done. Now, verify by issuing ifconfig command.

If you have a windows machine in the same network. Issue arp -d to delete current ARP table. Then ping CentOS 7 IP Address from Windows PC. Next issue arp -a. You will find the changed MAC next to your CentOS 7 IP Address.


注意: ifcfg-ens160本身的HWADDR不要改动: 
Note: in the file is a value HWADDR - This is not the same thing. Use MACADDR for permanent changes.

The HWADDR "directive is useful for machines with multiple NICs to ensure that the interfaces are assigned the correct device names regardless of the configured load order for each NIC's module. This directive should not be used in conjunction with MACADDR." ... The MACADDR "directive is used to assign a MAC address to an interface, overriding the one assigned to the physical NIC. This directive should not be used in conjunction with HWADDR."






  rm /Users/xxxx/Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer.TeamViewer.plist 

  rm /Users/xxxx/Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer.teamviewer.preferences.plist 

  sudo rm /Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer.teamviewer.preferences.plist 


posted on 2018-06-13 15:47  xxxxxxxx1x2xxxxxxx  阅读(1170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报