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List of computer science conferences

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This is a list of academic conferences in computer science. Only established, well-known conferences are included; within each field; the conferences are ranked according to quality and impact. The ranking is approximate and non-authoritative.



Algorithms and theory

ESA 2009

Conferences accepting a broad range of topics from theoretical computer science, including algorithmsdata structurescomputabilitycomputational complexityautomata theory and formal languages:


Conferences whose topic is algorithms and data structures considered broadly, but that do not include other areas of theoretical computer science such as computational complexity theory:

formerly: "Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures"
formerly: "Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory"

Geometric algorithms[edit]

Conferences on computational geometrygraph drawing, and other application areas of geometric computing:

Formerly ARO-MSI Workshop on Computational Geometry


Other specialized subtopics[edit]

formerly: "Structure in Complexity Theory Conference"
formerly: WIA – "Workshop on Implementation of Automata"
merger of: DCAGRS – "Descriptional Complexity of Automata, Grammars and Related Structures", FDSR – "Formal Descriptions and Software Reliability"

Languages and software[edit]

Programming languages[edit]

Conferences on programming languagesprogramming language theory and compilers:

formerly "SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Optimization" and "SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction"
merger of: FPCA – Functional Programming and Computer Architecture and LFP – LISP and Functional Programming
a.k.a. JICSLP – "Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming"
a.k.a. AOSD – Aspect-Oriented Software Development[2][52][53]

Software engineering[edit]

Conferences on software engineering:

Formal methods[edit]

Conferences on formal methods in software engineering, including formal specificationformal verification, and static code analysis:

formerly: FME – "Formal Methods Europe"
formerly: "International Conference on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems and Communication Protocols", "International Conference on Formal Description Techniques"
formerly: WSA – "Workshop on Static Analysis"

Concurrent, distributed and parallel computing[edit]

Conferences on concurrentdistributed, and parallel computingfault-tolerant systems, and dependable systems:

merger of: FTCS - "International Symposium on Fault-tolerant Computing", DCCA - "International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications
merger of: IPPS - "International Parallel Processing Symposium", SPDP - "Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing"
formerly: WDAG - "Workshop on Distributed Algorithms on Graphs"
formerly: "Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems"
a.k.a. "European Conference on Parallel Processing", "European Conference on Parallel Computing"

High-performance computing[edit]

Conferences on high-performance computingcluster computing, and grid computing:

a.k.a. "SUPER", "ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing", "SC Conference"
formerly: IWCC - "IEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing"

Operating systems[edit]

Conferences on operating systemsstorage systems and middleware:

Computer architecture[edit]

Conferences on computer architecture:

a.k.a. "Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture"

Computer hardware[edit]

Conferences on computer hardware:

  • ISPD - International Symposium on Physical Design[91]
  • CHES - Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems[91]
  • ICCD - International Conference on Computer Design[91]
  • ISLPED - International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design[2][91]
  • FCCM - Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines[91][92]
  • FPGA - Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays[2][91]
  • ISSS - International Symposium on Systems Synthesis[91]
  • CODES+ISSS - International Conference on Hardware Software Codesign[2][91]
  • ARVLSI - Advanced Research in VLSI[91]
  • ASAP - Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors[91]
  • ISCAS - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems[91]

Real-time and embedded systems[edit]

Conferences on real-time systems and embedded systems:

Computer-aided design[edit]

Conferences on computer-aided design and electronic design automation:

Computer networking[edit]

Conferences on computer networking:

a.k.a. "ACM Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems"
a.k.a. "Global Telecommunications Conference"

Wireless networks and mobile computing[edit]

Wireless networks and mobile computing, including ubiquitous and pervasive computingwireless ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks:

formerly: WMCSA
formerly: "European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks"
formerly: "International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimed

Security and privacy[edit]

Conferences on computer security and privacy:

formerly: CSFW - "Computer Security Foundations Workshop"[2][39][146][147]


Cryptography conferences:

Data management[edit]

Conferences on databasesinformation systemsinformation retrievaldata mining and the world wide web:

a.k.a. "ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data"
formerly: SSD - "Symposium on Large Spatial Databases"

Artificial intelligence[edit]

Conferences on artificial intelligence and machine learning:

a.k.a. "National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence"
merger of: "International Conference on Autonomous Agents", ATAL - "Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages", ICMAS - "International Conference on Multiagent Systems"
formerly: "Conference on Computational Learning Theory"
merger of: COLT, EuroCOLT - "European Conference on Computational Learning Theory"
merger of: ECML - "European Conference on Machine Learning", PKDD - "European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases"
formerly: EWSL - "European Working Session on Learning", PKDD - "European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery from Databases"
merger of: AIPS - "Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems", ECP - "European Conference on Planning"

Evolutionary computation[edit]

Conferences on Evolutionary computation.

Automated reasoning[edit]

See also: § Logic, and § Formal methods

Conferences on automated reasoning:

Computer vision[edit]

Conferences on computer vision (including also image analysis) and pattern recognition:

Natural language processing[edit]

Conferences on computational linguistics and natural language processing:

Computer graphics[edit]

Conferences on computer graphicsimage processing, and multimedia:

a.k.a. SI3D, I3DG
a.k.a. ACMMM - "ACM Multimedia Conference"
a.k.a. ICMCS - "International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems"

Human–computer interaction[edit]

Conferences on human–computer interaction and user interfaces:

formerly: "International ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies"

Computational biology[edit]

Conferences on bioinformatics and computational biology:


Conferences on computer science education and electronic learning:

a.k.a. "Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education"

See also[edit]

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