Sharepoint ECB Context 转

Custom_AddDocLibMenuItems - ctx and m objects properties 
Monday, October 13, 2008, 08:54
Posted by Administrator

Ever wondered what the ctx object properties are when creating a custom context menu?

here they are:


0: ctx[listBaseType] : 1

1: ctx[listTemplate] : 101

2: ctx[listName] : {5726BE86-34A8-47F8-AB73-105E34D807F2}

3: ctx[view] : {475151F9-6C22-45FB-B19E-FFE7EC13ADC3}

4: ctx[listUrlDir] : /projects/scans

5: ctx[HttpPath] : /projects/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=65001

6: ctx[HttpRoot] : http://xxx/projects

7: ctx[serverUrl] : null

8: ctx[imagesPath] : /_layouts/images/

9: ctx[PortalUrl] : null

10: ctx[RecycleBinEnabled] : -1

11: ctx[isWebEditorPreview] : 0

12: ctx[rootFolderForDisplay] : null

13: ctx[isPortalTemplate] : null

14: ctx[isModerated] : false

15: ctx[recursiveView] : false

16: ctx[displayFormUrl] : /projects/scans/Forms/DispForm.aspx

17: ctx[editFormUrl] : /projects/scans/Forms/EditForm.aspx

18: ctx[newFormUrl] : null

19: ctx[ctxId] : 1

20: ctx[CurrentUserId] : 24

21: ctx[isForceCheckout] : false

22: ctx[EnableMinorVersions] : false

23: ctx[ModerationStatus] : 0

24: ctx[verEnabled] : 1

25: ctx[isVersions] : 0

26: ctx[WorkflowsAssociated] : true

27: ctx[ContentTypesEnabled] : false

28: ctx[SendToLocationName] : 

29: ctx[SendToLocationUrl] : 

30: ctx[OfficialFileName] : 

31: ctx[WriteSecurity] : 1

32: ctx[SiteTitle] : Projects

33: ctx[ListTitle] : scans


0: m[language] : 

1: m[scrollHeight] : 0

2: m[isTextEdit] : false

3: m[currentStyle] : [object]

4: m[document] : [object]

5: m[onmouseup] : null

6: m[oncontextmenu] : null

7: m[isMultiLine] : true

8: m[clientHeight] : 0

9: m[onrowexit] : null

10: m[onbeforepaste] : null

11: m[onactivate] : null

12: m[scrollLeft] : 0

13: m[lang] : 

14: m[onmousemove] : null

15: m[onmove] : null

16: m[onselectstart] : null

17: m[parentTextEdit] : [object]

18: m[oncontrolselect] : null

19: m[canHaveHTML] : true

20: m[onkeypress] : null

21: m[oncut] : null

22: m[onrowenter] : null

23: m[onmousedown] : null

24: m[onpaste] : null

25: m[className] : ms-SrvMenuUI

26: m[id] : 14_menu

27: m[onreadystatechange] : null

28: m[onbeforedeactivate] : null

29: m[hideFocus] : false

30: m[dir] : 

31: m[isContentEditable] : false

32: m[onkeydown] : null

33: m[clientWidth] : 0

34: m[onlosecapture] : null

35: m[parentElement] : [object]

36: m[ondrag] : null

37: m[ondragstart] : null

38: m[oncellchange] : null

39: m[recordNumber] : null

40: m[onfilterchange] : null

41: m[onrowsinserted] : null

42: m[ondatasetcomplete] : null

43: m[onmousewheel] : null

44: m[ondragenter] : null

45: m[onblur] : null

46: m[onresizeend] : null

47: m[onerrorupdate] : null

48: m[onbeforecopy] : null

49: m[ondblclick] : null

50: m[scopeName] : HTML

51: m[onkeyup] : null

52: m[onresizestart] : null

53: m[onmouseover] : null

54: m[onmouseleave] : null

55: m[outerText] : 

56: m[innerText] : 

57: m[onmoveend] : null

58: m[tagName] : MENU

59: m[title] : 

60: m[offsetWidth] : 0

61: m[onresize] : null

62: m[contentEditable] : inherit

63: m[runtimeStyle] : [object]

64: m[filters] : [object]

65: m[ondrop] : null

66: m[onpage] : null

67: m[onrowsdelete] : null

68: m[tagUrn] : 

69: m[offsetLeft] : -1

70: m[clientTop] : 0

71: m[style] : [object]

72: m[onfocusout] : null

73: m[clientLeft] : 0

74: m[ondatasetchanged] : null

75: m[canHaveChildren] : true

76: m[ondeactivate] : null

77: m[isDisabled] : false

78: m[onpropertychange] : null

79: m[ondragover] : null

80: m[onhelp] : null

81: m[ondragend] : null

82: m[onbeforeeditfocus] : null

83: m[disabled] : false

84: m[onfocus] : null

85: m[behaviorUrns] : [object]

86: m[accessKey] : 

87: m[onscroll] : null

88: m[onbeforeactivate] : null

89: m[onbeforecut] : null

90: m[readyState] : complete

91: m[all] : [object]

92: m[sourceIndex] : 1421

93: m[onclick] : null

94: m[scrollTop] : 0

95: m[oncopy] : null

96: m[onfocusin] : null

97: m[tabIndex] : 0

98: m[onbeforeupdate] : null

99: m[outerHTML] : 

100: m[innerHTML] : 

101: m[ondataavailable] : null

102: m[offsetHeight] : 0

103: m[onmovestart] : null

104: m[onmouseout] : null

105: m[scrollWidth] : 0

106: m[offsetTop] : -1

107: m[onmouseenter] : null

108: m[onlayoutcomplete] : null

109: m[offsetParent] : [object]

110: m[onafterupdate] : null

111: m[ondragleave] : null

112: m[children] : [object]

113: m[nodeName] : MENU

114: m[nodeValue] : null

115: m[ownerDocument] : [object]

116: m[firstChild] : null

117: m[lastChild] : null

118: m[childNodes] : [object]

119: m[nextSibling] : null

120: m[parentNode] : [object]

121: m[type] : 

122: m[compact] : false

123: m[nodeType] : 1

124: m[previousSibling] : [object]

125: m[attributes] : [object]


Create a content editor webpart and add to the source editor:

<script language="javascript">

function Custom_AddDocLibMenuItems(m, ctx)
text = "<p>-----ctx---------</p>"
var teller= 0;
for(att in ctx){
text = text + "<p>"+teller+": ctx["+att+"]"+" : "+ctx[att]+"</p>"

text = text + "<p>-----m---------</p>"

var teller= 0;
for(att in m){
text = text + "<p>"+teller+": m["+att+"]"+" : "+m[att]+"</p>"



posted on 2010-08-05 11:53  阅读(280)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
