mysql unauthenticated user原因分析以及解决方法

今天OJ数据库服务器挂了,我这边很奇怪的ssh连不上,后来连上了但是很卡,看了下mysql/error.log没看出来什么原因。学长那边进去mysql用了下showprocesslist发现大量的unauthenticated user Connect的信息。于是查了一下原因。
手册中的解释是:unauthenticated user refers to a thread that has become associated with a client connection but for which authentication of the client user has not yet been done。意即:有一个线程在处理客户端的连接,但是该客户端还没通过用户验证

When a new client connects to mysqld, mysqld spawns a new thread to handle the request. This thread first checks whether the host name is in the host name cache. If not, the thread attempts to resolve the host name: 
The thread takes the IP address and resolves it to a host name (using gethostbyaddr()). It then takes that host name and resolves it back to the IP address (using gethostbyname()) and compares to ensure it is the original IP address.

即:先作反向解析IP>Hostname,然后作Hostname>IP的正向解析。如果结果符合,则验证为合法用户允许登录,如果不符合则定义为“unauthenticated user”。
1-)在 hosts 中添加客户端ip,如 yejr
2-) MySQL启动参数增加一个skip-name-resolve,即不启用DNS反响解析。即修改mysql配置文件/etc/mysql/my.cnf,在 [mysqld] 行下添加  –skip-name-resolve ,重新启动mysql服务
2、服务器的线程还处于排队状态,因此可以加大 back_log

建议创建用户权限的时候,不要使用hostname作为限制而是直接用IP;更干脆的话就主机不配置DNS Server

posted @ 2013-02-28 21:04  时光旅行的懒猫  阅读(6762)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报