

2013-02-22 12:55  卡列宁  阅读(162)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


1, selenium webdriver start firefox with custom profile
2, selenium webdriver start chrome with extensions or user-data
3, selenium webdriver webpage object patten
4, automation testing: framework
5, automation testing: custom test context
6, automation testing: TestState
7, selenium webdriver timeout, wait
8, selenium webdriver extension: takescreenshot (for element, area, page)
9, testing methodology: http://www.guru99.com/testing-methodology.html
10, performance testing: PLT, load test...
11, User Acceptance Testing
12, EndToEnd Testing
13, White box testing
14, Functional testing
15, Service(API) Testing
16, Unit Testing
17, Unit Testing: Mock
18, TDD
19, automation testing: WatiN, selenium, telerik
20, Unit testing frameworks: NUnit, MSTest
21, integration testing

1, how to ready a book
2, clean coding