I'm trying to use any of the NodeJS or NPM commands but I always got the following error:

socket: (10106) The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized.

I'm running Windows 10, I tried to re-installed the nodejs again but still the same.


Found the solution to my problem: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/asp-net-state-service-wont-start-t3422497.html

This sounds like a Winsock problem, not a problem with Nodejs itself. You can reset your Winsock installation to setup defaults by following the instructions from this KB article:


(The short version of this is to use netsh winsock reset from a command prompt.)

I reset my winsock installation and rebooted.

Problem solved.


我执行了一下netsh winsock reset 就好了,也没有重启机器。

posted on 2018-03-31 20:42  今夜太冷  阅读(848)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报