Akka-Cluster(6)- Cluster-Sharding:集群分片,分布式交互程序核心方式
集群分片由分片管理ShardRegion和分片定位ShardCoordinator共同协作实现,目标是把消息正确传递给指定ID的entity。分片定位负责确定分片所在集群节点,分片管理则对每个集群节点上分片内的entity进行定位。ShardCoordinator是个cluster-singleton,而ShardRegion则必须部署在每个集群节点上。每个分片内的entity必须是一个类型的actor。发给entity的消息内部必须包含分片编号和entity ID。通过从消息中解析位置信息后由ShardCoordinator确定负责传递消息的ShardRegion,相关的ShardRegion按ID把消息发送至目标entity。
* Scala API: Register a named entity type by defining the [[akka.actor.Props]] of the entity actor
* and functions to extract entity and shard identifier from messages. The [[ShardRegion]] actor
* for this type can later be retrieved with the [[#shardRegion]] method.
* Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.cluster.sharding` section
* of the `reference.conf`.
* @param typeName the name of the entity type
* @param entityProps the `Props` of the entity actors that will be created by the `ShardRegion`
* @param settings configuration settings, see [[ClusterShardingSettings]]
* @param extractEntityId partial function to extract the entity id and the message to send to the
* entity from the incoming message, if the partial function does not match the message will
* be `unhandled`, i.e. posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream
* @param extractShardId function to determine the shard id for an incoming message, only messages
* that passed the `extractEntityId` will be used
* @param allocationStrategy possibility to use a custom shard allocation and
* rebalancing logic
* @param handOffStopMessage the message that will be sent to entities when they are to be stopped
* for a rebalance or graceful shutdown of a `ShardRegion`, e.g. `PoisonPill`.
* @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard
def start(
typeName: String,
entityProps: Props,
settings: ClusterShardingSettings,
extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId,
extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId,
allocationStrategy: ShardAllocationStrategy,
handOffStopMessage: Any): ActorRef = {...}
typeName = Counter.shardName,
entityProps = Counter.props(),
settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system),
extractEntityId = Counter.idExtractor,
extractShardId = Counter.shardResolver)
object Counter {
trait Command
case object Increment extends Command
case object Decrement extends Command
case object Get extends Command
case object Stop extends Command
trait Event
case class CounterChanged(delta: Int) extends Event
// Sharding Name
val shardName: String = "Counter"
// outside world if he want to send message to sharding should use this message
case class CounterMessage(id: Long, cmd: Command)
// id extrator
val idExtractor: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
case CounterMessage(id, msg) => (id.toString, msg)
// shard resolver
val shardResolver: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
case CounterMessage(id, msg) => (id % 12).toString
def props() = Props[Counter]
val counterRegion: ActorRef = ClusterSharding(system).shardRegion("Counter")
counterRegion ! Get(123)
用"Counter"获得ShardRegion的ActorRef后所有本节点的消息都是通过这个ShardRegion actor来定位,转达。所以每个ShardRegion都必须具备消息目的地entity的分片编号及entityID的解析方法:extractShardId和extractEntityId。在有些情况下由于节点角色的关系在某个节点不部署任何entity,但本节点需要向其它节点的entity发送消息,这时需要构建一个中介ProxyOnlyShardRegion:
* Java/Scala API: Register a named entity type `ShardRegion` on this node that will run in proxy only mode,
* i.e. it will delegate messages to other `ShardRegion` actors on other nodes, but not host any
* entity actors itself. The [[ShardRegion]] actor for this type can later be retrieved with the
* [[#shardRegion]] method.
* Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.cluster.sharding` section
* of the `reference.conf`.
* @param typeName the name of the entity type
* @param role specifies that this entity type is located on cluster nodes with a specific role.
* If the role is not specified all nodes in the cluster are used.
* @param messageExtractor functions to extract the entity id, shard id, and the message to send to the
* entity from the incoming message
* @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard
def startProxy(
typeName: String,
role: Optional[String],
messageExtractor: ShardRegion.MessageExtractor): ActorRef = {...}
还有一个重要问题是如何弃用passivate entity,以释放占用资源。akka-cluster提供的方法是通过定义一个空转时间值idle-timeout,如果空转超出此时间段则可以进行passivate。下面是一段应用示范:两分钟空转就passivate entity
class ABC extends Actor {
// passivate the entity when no activity
override def receive .....
override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case Increment ⇒ persist(CounterChanged(+1))(updateState)
case Decrement ⇒ persist(CounterChanged(-1))(updateState)
case Get(_) ⇒ sender() ! count
case ReceiveTimeout ⇒ context.parent ! Passivate(stopMessage = Stop)
case Stop ⇒ context.stop(self)
/* 或者
override def unhandled(msg: Any): Unit = msg match {
case ReceiveTimeout => context.parent ! Passivate(stopMessage = PoisonPill)
case _ => super.unhandled(msg)
在配置文件中设定:akka.cluster.sharding.passivate-idle-entity-after = 120 s // off to disable
trait CounterCommand case object Increment extends CounterCommand final case class GetValue(replyTo: ActorRef[Int]) extends CounterCommand case object Idle extends CounterCommand case object GoodByeCounter extends CounterCommand def counter2(shard: ActorRef[ClusterSharding.ShardCommand], entityId: String): Behavior[CounterCommand] = { Behaviors.setup { ctx ⇒ def become(value: Int): Behavior[CounterCommand] = Behaviors.receiveMessage[CounterCommand] { case Increment ⇒ become(value + 1) case GetValue(replyTo) ⇒ replyTo ! value Behaviors.same case Idle ⇒ // after receive timeout shard ! ClusterSharding.Passivate(ctx.self) Behaviors.same case GoodByeCounter ⇒ // the stopMessage, used for rebalance and passivate Behaviors.stopped } ctx.setReceiveTimeout(30.seconds, Idle) become(0) } } sharding.init(Entity( typeKey = TypeKey, createBehavior = ctx ⇒ counter2(ctx.shard, ctx.entityId)) .withStopMessage(GoodByeCounter))
case "stop" =>
context.parent ! PoisonPill
import akka.actor._
import akka.cluster._
import akka.persistence._
import akka.pattern._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object POSTerminal {
case class Fruit(code: String, name: String, price: Double)
case class Item(fruit: Fruit, qty: Int)
sealed trait Command {
case class Checkout(fruit: Fruit, qty: Int) extends Command
case object ShowTotol extends Command
case class PayCash(amount: Double) extends Command
case object Shutdown extends Command
sealed trait Event {}
case class ItemScanned(fruit: Fruit, qty: Int) extends Event
case object Paid extends Event
case class Items(items: List[Item] = Nil) {
def itemAdded(evt: Event): Items = evt match {
case ItemScanned(fruit,qty) =>
copy( Item(fruit,qty) :: items ) //append item
case _ => this //nothing happens
def billPaid = copy(Nil) //clear all items
override def toString = items.reverse.toString()
def termProps = Props(new POSTerminal())
//backoff suppervisor must use onStop mode
def POSProps: Props = {
val options = Backoff.onStop(
childProps = termProps,
childName = "posterm",
minBackoff = 1 second,
maxBackoff = 5 seconds,
randomFactor = 0.20
class POSTerminal extends PersistentActor with ActorLogging {
import POSTerminal._
val cluster = Cluster(context.system)
// self.path.parent.name is the type name (utf-8 URL-encoded)
// self.path.name is the entry identifier (utf-8 URL-encoded) but entity has a supervisor
override def persistenceId: String = self.path.parent.parent.name + "-" + self.path.parent.name
var currentItems = Items()
override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
case evt: Event => currentItems = currentItems.itemAdded(evt)
log.info(s"***** ${persistenceId} recovering events ... ********")
case SnapshotOffer(_,loggedItems: Items) =>
log.info(s"***** ${persistenceId} recovering snapshot ... ********")
currentItems = loggedItems
override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case Checkout(fruit,qty) =>
log.info(s"*********${persistenceId} is scanning item: $fruit, qty: $qty *********")
persist(ItemScanned(fruit,qty))(evt => currentItems = currentItems.itemAdded(evt))
case ShowTotol =>
log.info(s"*********${persistenceId} on ${cluster.selfAddress} has current scanned items: *********")
if (currentItems.items == Nil)
log.info(s"**********${persistenceId} None transaction found! *********")
currentItems.items.reverse.foreach (item =>
log.info(s"*********${persistenceId}: ${item.fruit.name} ${item.fruit.price} X ${item.qty} = ${item.fruit.price * item.qty} *********"))
case PayCash(amt) =>
log.info(s"**********${persistenceId} paying $amt to settle ***********")
persist(Paid) { _ =>
currentItems = currentItems.billPaid
saveSnapshot(currentItems) //no recovery
//shutdown this node to validate entity relocation and proper state recovery
case Shutdown =>
log.info(s"******** node ${cluster.selfAddress} is leaving cluster ... *******")
2、persistenceId=self.path.parent.parent.name+"-"+self.path.parent.name 代表: 店号-机号 如: 1-1021。actor.path.name的产生是由ShardRegion具体操作的,其实就是ExtactShardId-ExtractEntityId。
3、注意这个状态类型Item,它的方法itemAdded(evt): Item 即返回新状态。所以必须谨记用currentItems=itemAdded(evt)这样的语法。
object POSShard {
import POSTerminal._
val shardName = "POSManager"
case class POSCommand(id: Long, cmd: Command) {
def shopId = id.toString.head.toString
def posId = id.toString
val getPOSId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
case posCommand: POSCommand => (posCommand.posId,posCommand.cmd)
val getShopId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
case posCommand: POSCommand => posCommand.shopId
def create(port: Int) = {
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port")
val system = ActorSystem("posSystem",config)
typeName = shardName,
entityProps = POSProps,
settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system),
extractEntityId = getPOSId,
extractShardId = getShopId
object POSDemo extends App {
val posref = POSShard.create(2554)
val apple = Fruit("0001","high grade apple",10.5)
val orange = Fruit("0002","sunkist orage",12.0)
val grape = Fruit("0003","xinjiang red grape",15.8)
posref ! POSCommand(1021, Checkout(apple,2))
posref ! POSCommand(1021,Checkout(grape,1))
posref ! POSCommand(1021,ShowTotol)
posref ! POSCommand(1021,Shutdown)
posref ! POSCommand(1021,Checkout(orange,10))
posref ! POSCommand(1021,ShowTotol)
posref ! POSCommand(1028,Checkout(orange,10))
posref ! POSCommand(1028,ShowTotol)
[akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021 is scanning item: Fruit(0001,high grade apple,10.5), qty: 2 ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021 is scanning item: Fruit(0003,xinjiang red grape,15.8), qty: 1 ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021 on akka.tcp://posSystem@ has current scanned items: ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021: high grade apple 10.5 X 2 = 21.0 ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021: xinjiang red grape 15.8 X 1 = 15.8 ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@******** node akka.tcp://posSystem@ is leaving cluster ... ******* [akka.tcp://posSystem@] Remoting shut down. [akka.tcp://posSystem@***** 1-1021 recovering events ... ******** [akka.tcp://posSystem@***** 1-1021 recovering events ... ******** [akka.tcp://posSystem@********1-1021 is scanning item: Fruit(0002,sunkist orage,12.0), qty: 10 ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021 on akka.tcp://posSystem@ has current scanned items: ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021: high grade apple 10.5 X 2 = 21.0 ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021: xinjiang red grape 15.8 X 1 = 15.8 ********* [akka.tcp://posSystem@*********1-1021: sunkist orage 12.0 X 10 = 120.0 *********
name := "akka-cluster-sharding" version := "0.2" scalaVersion := "2.12.8" libraryDependencies := Seq( "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-sharding" % "2.5.19", "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence" % "2.5.19", "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra" % "0.92", "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra-launcher" % "0.92" % Test )
akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = off akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off akka.log-dead-letters = off akka { loglevel = INFO actor { provider = "cluster" } remote { log-remote-lifecycle-events = off netty.tcp { hostname = "" port = 0 } } cluster { seed-nodes = [ "akka.tcp://posSystem@"] log-info = off } persistence { journal.plugin = "cassandra-journal" snapshot-store.plugin = "cassandra-snapshot-store" } }
import akka.actor._ import akka.cluster._ import akka.persistence._ import akka.pattern._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ object POSTerminal { case class Fruit(code: String, name: String, price: Double) case class Item(fruit: Fruit, qty: Int) sealed trait Command { } case class Checkout(fruit: Fruit, qty: Int) extends Command case object ShowTotol extends Command case class PayCash(amount: Double) extends Command case object Shutdown extends Command sealed trait Event {} case class ItemScanned(fruit: Fruit, qty: Int) extends Event case object Paid extends Event case class Items(items: List[Item] = Nil) { def itemAdded(evt: Event): Items = evt match { case ItemScanned(fruit,qty) => copy( Item(fruit,qty) :: items ) //append item case _ => this //nothing happens } def billPaid = copy(Nil) //clear all items override def toString = items.reverse.toString() } def termProps = Props(new POSTerminal()) //backoff suppervisor must use onStop mode def POSProps: Props = { val options = Backoff.onStop( childProps = termProps, childName = "posterm", minBackoff = 1 second, maxBackoff = 5 seconds, randomFactor = 0.20 ) BackoffSupervisor.props(options) } } class POSTerminal extends PersistentActor with ActorLogging { import POSTerminal._ val cluster = Cluster(context.system) // self.path.parent.name is the type name (utf-8 URL-encoded) // self.path.name is the entry identifier (utf-8 URL-encoded) but entity has a supervisor override def persistenceId: String = self.path.parent.parent.name + "-" + self.path.parent.name var currentItems = Items() override def receiveRecover: Receive = { case evt: Event => currentItems = currentItems.itemAdded(evt) log.info(s"***** ${persistenceId} recovering events ... ********") case SnapshotOffer(_,loggedItems: Items) => log.info(s"***** ${persistenceId} recovering snapshot ... ********") currentItems = loggedItems } override def receiveCommand: Receive = { case Checkout(fruit,qty) => log.info(s"*********${persistenceId} is scanning item: $fruit, qty: $qty *********") persist(ItemScanned(fruit,qty))(evt => currentItems = currentItems.itemAdded(evt)) case ShowTotol => log.info(s"*********${persistenceId} on ${cluster.selfAddress} has current scanned items: *********") if (currentItems.items == Nil) log.info(s"**********${persistenceId} None transaction found! *********") else currentItems.items.reverse.foreach (item => log.info(s"*********${persistenceId}: ${item.fruit.name} ${item.fruit.price} X ${item.qty} = ${item.fruit.price * item.qty} *********")) case PayCash(amt) => log.info(s"**********${persistenceId} paying $amt to settle ***********") persist(Paid) { _ => currentItems = currentItems.billPaid saveSnapshot(currentItems) //no recovery } //shutdown this node to validate entity relocation and proper state recovery case Shutdown => log.info(s"******** node ${cluster.selfAddress} is leaving cluster ... *******") cluster.leave(cluster.selfAddress) } }
import akka.actor._ import akka.cluster.sharding._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object POSShard { import POSTerminal._ val shardName = "POSManager" case class POSCommand(id: Long, cmd: Command) { def shopId = id.toString.head.toString def posId = id.toString } val getPOSId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = { case posCommand: POSCommand => (posCommand.posId,posCommand.cmd) } val getShopId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = { case posCommand: POSCommand => posCommand.shopId } def create(port: Int) = { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port") .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()) val system = ActorSystem("posSystem",config) ClusterSharding(system).start( typeName = shardName, entityProps = POSProps, settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system), extractEntityId = getPOSId, extractShardId = getShopId ) } }
import POSTerminal._ import POSShard._ object POSDemo extends App { POSShard.create(2551) Thread.sleep(1000) POSShard.create(2552) POSShard.create(2553) val posref = POSShard.create(2554) scala.io.StdIn.readLine() val apple = Fruit("0001","high grade apple",10.5) val orange = Fruit("0002","sunkist orage",12.0) val grape = Fruit("0003","xinjiang red grape",15.8) posref ! POSCommand(1021, Checkout(apple,2)) posref ! POSCommand(1021,Checkout(grape,1)) posref ! POSCommand(1021,ShowTotol) scala.io.StdIn.readLine() posref ! POSCommand(1021,Shutdown) scala.io.StdIn.readLine() posref ! POSCommand(1021,Checkout(orange,10)) posref ! POSCommand(1021,ShowTotol) scala.io.StdIn.readLine() posref ! POSCommand(1028,Checkout(orange,10)) posref ! POSCommand(1028,ShowTotol) scala.io.StdIn.readLine() }