源码分析篇 - Android绘制流程(三)requestLayout()与invalidate()流程及Choroegrapher类分析
@CallSuper public void requestLayout() { if (mMeasureCache != null) mMeasureCache.clear();
//让这次的布局延时执行 if (mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mViewRequestingLayout == null) { // Only trigger request-during-layout logic if this is the view requesting it, // not the views in its parent hierarchy ViewRootImpl viewRoot = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRoot != null && viewRoot.isInLayout()) { if (!viewRoot.requestLayoutDuringLayout(this)) { return; } } mAttachInfo.mViewRequestingLayout = this; }
//只有设置过该标志位,才会执行measure()和layout()流程 mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT; mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; if (mParent != null && !mParent.isLayoutRequested()) { mParent.requestLayout(); } if (mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mViewRequestingLayout == this) { mAttachInfo.mViewRequestingLayout = null; } }
@Override public void requestLayout() {
if (!mHandlingLayoutInLayoutRequest) { checkThread(); mLayoutRequested = true; scheduleTraversals(); } }
void scheduleTraversals() { if (!mTraversalScheduled) {
//表示在排好这次绘制请求前,不再排其它的绘制请求 mTraversalScheduled = true; mTraversalBarrier = mHandler.getLooper().getQueue().postSyncBarrier(); mChoreographer.postCallback( Choreographer.CALLBACK_TRAVERSAL, mTraversalRunnable, null); if (!mUnbufferedInputDispatch) { scheduleConsumeBatchedInput(); } notifyRendererOfFramePending(); pokeDrawLockIfNeeded(); } }
void doTraversal() { if (mTraversalScheduled) { mTraversalScheduled = false; mHandler.getLooper().getQueue().removeSyncBarrier(mTraversalBarrier);
... //用于调试相关代码 performTraversals(); ... //用于调试相关代码 } }
invalidate()与postInvalidate()都是用于被调用来触发View的更新(重画)动作,区别在于invalidate()方法是在UI线程自身中使用,而postInvalidate()是非UI线程中使用。 首先来看View.postInvalidate()。
public void postInvalidate() { postInvalidateDelayed(0); } public void postInvalidateDelayed(long delayMilliseconds) { // We try only with the AttachInfo because there's no point in invalidating // if we are not attached to our window final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.dispatchInvalidateDelayed(this, delayMilliseconds); } }
public void dispatchInvalidateDelayed(View view, long delayMilliseconds) { Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_INVALIDATE, view); mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delayMilliseconds); }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_INVALIDATE: ((View) msg.obj).invalidate(); break; ... }
public void invalidate() { invalidate(true); } void invalidate(boolean invalidateCache) {
//mLeft、mRigth、mTop、mBottom记录的是当前View边界距离其父布局View边界的距离 invalidateInternal(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop, invalidateCache, true); } void invalidateInternal(int l, int t, int r, int b, boolean invalidateCache, boolean fullInvalidate) { if (mGhostView != null) { mGhostView.invalidate(true); return; }
//如果当前视图为不可见状态且没有动画正在执行,且其父布局也没有过渡动画执行,则跳过 if (skipInvalidate()) { return; }
if ((mPrivateFlags & (PFLAG_DRAWN | PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS)) == (PFLAG_DRAWN | PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS) || (invalidateCache && (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID) == PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID) || (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_INVALIDATED) != PFLAG_INVALIDATED || (fullInvalidate && isOpaque() != mLastIsOpaque)) {
if (fullInvalidate) { mLastIsOpaque = isOpaque(); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWN; } mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DIRTY; if (invalidateCache) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; } // Propagate the damage rectangle to the parent view.
final AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; final ViewParent p = mParent; if (p != null && ai != null && l < r && t < b) { final Rect damage = ai.mTmpInvalRect; damage.set(l, t, r, b); p.invalidateChild(this, damage); } // Damage the entire projection receiver, if necessary. if (mBackground != null && mBackground.isProjected()) { final View receiver = getProjectionReceiver(); if (receiver != null) { receiver.damageInParent(); } } // Damage the entire IsolatedZVolume receiving this view's shadow. if (isHardwareAccelerated() && getZ() != 0) { damageShadowReceiver(); } } }
@Override public final void invalidateChild(View child, final Rect dirty) { ViewParent parent = this; final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { // If the child is drawing an animation, we want to copy this flag onto // ourselves and the parent to make sure the invalidate request goes // through
//drawAnimation记录调用该方法的子View是否正在执行动画 final boolean drawAnimation = (child.mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAW_ANIMATION) == PFLAG_DRAW_ANIMATION; // Check whether the child that requests the invalidate is fully opaque // Views being animated or transformed are not considered opaque because we may // be invalidating their old position and need the parent to paint behind them.
//Matrix可以用于View的平移、缩放、扩放、旋转等操作,比如某些应用上的双指缩放功能 Matrix childMatrix = child.getMatrix(); final boolean isOpaque = child.isOpaque() && !drawAnimation && child.getAnimation() == null && childMatrix.isIdentity(); // Mark the child as dirty, using the appropriate flag // Make sure we do not set both flags at the same time int opaqueFlag = isOpaque ? PFLAG_DIRTY_OPAQUE : PFLAG_DIRTY; if (child.mLayerType != LAYER_TYPE_NONE) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; }
final int[] location = attachInfo.mInvalidateChildLocation;
//记录子View边界距离父View左边界和上边界的距离到Location中,用于下一段代码中的计算 location[CHILD_LEFT_INDEX] = child.mLeft; location[CHILD_TOP_INDEX] = child.mTop;
//如果子View设置了变换矩阵,则根据变换矩阵调整dirty区域 if (!childMatrix.isIdentity() || (mGroupFlags & ViewGroup.FLAG_SUPPORT_STATIC_TRANSFORMATIONS) != 0) { RectF boundingRect = attachInfo.mTmpTransformRect; boundingRect.set(dirty); Matrix transformMatrix; if ((mGroupFlags & ViewGroup.FLAG_SUPPORT_STATIC_TRANSFORMATIONS) != 0) { Transformation t = attachInfo.mTmpTransformation; boolean transformed = getChildStaticTransformation(child, t); if (transformed) { transformMatrix = attachInfo.mTmpMatrix; transformMatrix.set(t.getMatrix()); if (!childMatrix.isIdentity()) { transformMatrix.preConcat(childMatrix); } } else { transformMatrix = childMatrix; } } else { transformMatrix = childMatrix; } transformMatrix.mapRect(boundingRect); dirty.set((int) Math.floor(boundingRect.left), (int) Math.floor(boundingRect.top), (int) Math.ceil(boundingRect.right), (int) Math.ceil(boundingRect.bottom)); }
//这是一个从当前的布局View向上不断遍历当前布局View的父布局,最后遍历到ViewRootImpl的循环 do { View view = null;
//最后一次循环执行时为ViewRootImpl类型 if (parent instanceof View) { view = (View) parent; }
//如果子View正在执行动画,设置遍历的父布局View的动画标识 if (drawAnimation) { if (view != null) { view.mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAW_ANIMATION; } else if (parent instanceof ViewRootImpl) { ((ViewRootImpl) parent).mIsAnimating = true; } } // If the parent is dirty opaque or not dirty, mark it dirty with the opaque // flag coming from the child that initiated the invalidate
//设置当前ViewGroup的Dirty标识,表示当前的ViewGroup需要重绘 if (view != null) { if ((view.mViewFlags & FADING_EDGE_MASK) != 0 && view.getSolidColor() == 0) { opaqueFlag = PFLAG_DIRTY; } if ((view.mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) != PFLAG_DIRTY) { view.mPrivateFlags = (view.mPrivateFlags & ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) | opaqueFlag; } }
parent = parent.invalidateChildInParent(location, dirty); if (view != null) { // Account for transform on current parent Matrix m = view.getMatrix(); if (!m.isIdentity()) { RectF boundingRect = attachInfo.mTmpTransformRect; boundingRect.set(dirty); m.mapRect(boundingRect); dirty.set((int) Math.floor(boundingRect.left), (int) Math.floor(boundingRect.top), (int) Math.ceil(boundingRect.right), (int) Math.ceil(boundingRect.bottom)); } } } while (parent != null); } }
在do-while循环中会调用到parent = parent.invalidateChildInParent(location, dirty),这里执行到ViewGroup.invalidateChildInParent()方法。
@Override public ViewParent invalidateChildInParent(final int[] location, final Rect dirty) {
//做完下面的偏移操作后,dirty的四个坐标就是想对于当前ViewGroup的坐标值了 dirty.offset([CHILD_LEFT_INDEX] - mScrollX, location[CHILD_TOP_INDEX] - mScrollY);
//则将当前ViewGroup的区域与View的区域做求并集的操作 if ((mGroupFlags & FLAG_CLIP_CHILDREN) == 0) { dirty.union(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop); } final int left = mLeft; final int top = mTop;
//如果当前ViewGroup需要裁剪View,且ViewGroup区域与View区域没有并集,则dirty置空 if ((mGroupFlags & FLAG_CLIP_CHILDREN) == FLAG_CLIP_CHILDREN) { if (!dirty.intersect(0, 0, mRight - left, mBottom - top)) { dirty.setEmpty(); } } mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID;
//用于循环到下一个ViewGroup时做offset操作 location[CHILD_LEFT_INDEX] = left; location[CHILD_TOP_INDEX] = top; if (mLayerType != LAYER_TYPE_NONE) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; } return mParent; } else {//如果当前ViewGroup中有动画要执行 mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWN & ~PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; location[CHILD_LEFT_INDEX] = mLeft; location[CHILD_TOP_INDEX] = mTop;
if ((mGroupFlags & FLAG_CLIP_CHILDREN) == FLAG_CLIP_CHILDREN) { dirty.set(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop); } else { // in case the dirty rect extends outside the bounds of this container dirty.union(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop); } if (mLayerType != LAYER_TYPE_NONE) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; } return mParent; } } return null; }
invalidateChildInParent()主要是完成了dirty区域在调用该方法的ViewGroup中的更新,dirty指示的区域就是需要重绘制的区域。如果ViewGroup没有动画在执行,则dirty区域还是原来的区域,只需要通过偏移操作更改该区域的坐标值从相对于上一个ViewGroup(父ViewGroup),到相对于当前ViewGroup;如果有动画要执行,则表示当前整个ViewGroup都需要重绘,更改dirty值为当前ViewGroup 区域。
@Override public ViewParent invalidateChildInParent(int[] location, Rect dirty) { checkThread(); if (DEBUG_DRAW) Log.v(mTag, "Invalidate child: " + dirty);
//如果传入一个null drity,则表示要重绘当前ViewRootImpl指示的整个区域
//如果传入一个empty dirty,则表示经过计算需要重绘的区域不需要绘制
if (dirty == null) { invalidate(); return null; } else if (dirty.isEmpty() && !mIsAnimating) { return null; }
... invalidateRectOnScreen(dirty); return null; }
private void invalidateRectOnScreen(Rect dirty) {
final Rect localDirty = mDirty; if (!localDirty.isEmpty() && !localDirty.contains(dirty)) { mAttachInfo.mSetIgnoreDirtyState = true; mAttachInfo.mIgnoreDirtyState = true; } // Add the new dirty rect to the current one
//当前已有的dirty区域与此次dirty区域做并集 localDirty.union(dirty.left, dirty.top, dirty.right, dirty.bottom); // Intersect with the bounds of the window to skip // updates that lie outside of the visible region final float appScale = mAttachInfo.mApplicationScale;
//处理窗口缩放与做完并集的localDirty做交集 final boolean intersected = localDirty.intersect(0, 0, (int) (mWidth * appScale + 0.5f), (int) (mHeight * appScale + 0.5f)); //如果没有交集
if (!intersected) { localDirty.setEmpty(); }
//如果没有在执行performTraversals &&(intersected || 正在执行动画) if (!mWillDrawSoon && (intersected || mIsAnimating)) { scheduleTraversals(); } }
在ViewRootImpl中,会调用mChoreographer = Choreographer.getInstance()来初始化一个Choreographer变量。进入Choreographer.getInstance()代码。
private static final ThreadLocal<Choreographer> sThreadInstance = new ThreadLocal<Choreographer>() { @Override protected Choreographer initialValue() { Looper looper = Looper.myLooper(); if (looper == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The current thread must have a looper!"); } return new Choreographer(looper); } }; public static Choreographer getInstance() { return sThreadInstance.get(); }
private Choreographer(Looper looper) { //调用该方法的源头是UI线程,所有looper为UI线程的looper mLooper = looper; mHandler = new FrameHandler(looper); //如果系统使用Vsync机制,则创建一个Vsync信号的接收器FrameDisplayEventReceiver类 mDisplayEventReceiver = USE_VSYNC ? new FrameDisplayEventReceiver(looper) : null; mLastFrameTimeNanos = Long.MIN_VALUE; mFrameIntervalNanos = (long)(1000000000 / getRefreshRate()); //创建回调数组,CALLBAKCK_LAST=3,后文详解 mCallbackQueues = new CallbackQueue[CALLBACK_LAST + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= CALLBACK_LAST; i++) { mCallbackQueues[i] = new CallbackQueue(); } }
void scheduleTraversals() { ... mChoreographer.postCallback( Choreographer.CALLBACK_TRAVERSAL, mTraversalRunnable, null); ... }
public void postCallback(int callbackType, Runnable action, Object token) { postCallbackDelayed(callbackType, action, token, 0); } public void postCallbackDelayed(int callbackType, Runnable action, Object token, long delayMillis) { ... //异常情况判断 postCallbackDelayedInternal(callbackType, action, token, delayMillis); } private void postCallbackDelayedInternal(int callbackType, Object action, Object token, long delayMillis) { ... // Debug log synchronized (mLock) { final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); final long dueTime = now + delayMillis; //将此次回调事件添加到对应类型的事件队列 mCallbackQueues[callbackType].addCallbackLocked(dueTime, action, token); if (dueTime <= now) { //立刻安排执行 scheduleFrameLocked(now); } else { //延时处理,还是会调用到scheduleFrameLocked()方法 Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_DO_SCHEDULE_CALLBACK, action); msg.arg1 = callbackType; msg.setAsynchronous(true); mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, dueTime); } } }
private void scheduleFrameLocked(long now) { if (!mFrameScheduled) { mFrameScheduled = true; if (USE_VSYNC) { //如果使用了Vsync机制 if (DEBUG_FRAMES) { Log.d(TAG, "Scheduling next frame on vsync."); } // If running on the Looper thread, then schedule the vsync immediately, // otherwise post a message to schedule the vsync from the UI thread // as soon as possible. //如果前线程开启了Looper,则调用scheduleVsyncLocked()请求Vsync信号 if (isRunningOnLooperThreadLocked()) { scheduleVsyncLocked(); } else {//如果当前线程未启动Looper //则发消息到调用创建Choreographer的线程来请求Vsync信号 Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_DO_SCHEDULE_VSYNC); msg.setAsynchronous(true); mHandler.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(msg); } } else {//如果未使用Vsync机制,则手动计算下一次绘制时间,使用延时消息来控制 final long nextFrameTime = Math.max( mLastFrameTimeNanos / TimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MS + sFrameDelay, now); if (DEBUG_FRAMES) { Log.d(TAG, "Scheduling next frame in " + (nextFrameTime - now) + " ms."); } Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_DO_FRAME); msg.setAsynchronous(true); mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, nextFrameTime); } } }
private void scheduleVsyncLocked() { mDisplayEventReceiver.scheduleVsync(); }
void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos, int frame) { final long startNanos; synchronized (mLock) {
//表示有callback事件需要安排执行 if (!mFrameScheduled) { return; // no work to do } if (DEBUG_JANK && mDebugPrintNextFrameTimeDelta) { mDebugPrintNextFrameTimeDelta = false; Log.d(TAG, "Frame time delta: " + ((frameTimeNanos - mLastFrameTimeNanos) * 0.000001f) + " ms"); }
//frameTimeNanos表示Vsync信号发出的时间或者帧开始的时间 long intendedFrameTimeNanos = frameTimeNanos;
//当前时间 startNanos = System.nanoTime(); final long jitterNanos = startNanos - frameTimeNanos;
//当前时间距离Vsync信号时间超过了屏幕的刷新周期,即一帧16ms的时间 if (jitterNanos >= mFrameIntervalNanos) { final long skippedFrames = jitterNanos / mFrameIntervalNanos;
//如果超过太多,即跳过了太多帧,则打出Log提示跳过了太多帧,可能是主线程做了太多事了 if (skippedFrames >= SKIPPED_FRAME_WARNING_LIMIT) { Log.i(TAG, "Skipped " + skippedFrames + " frames! " + "The application may be doing too much work on its main thread."); } final long lastFrameOffset = jitterNanos % mFrameIntervalNanos; if (DEBUG_JANK) { Log.d(TAG, "Missed vsync by " + (jitterNanos * 0.000001f) + " ms " + "which is more than the frame interval of " + (mFrameIntervalNanos * 0.000001f) + " ms! " + "Skipping " + skippedFrames + " frames and setting frame " + "time to " + (lastFrameOffset * 0.000001f) + " ms in the past."); } frameTimeNanos = startNanos - lastFrameOffset; }
//如果距离最后一帧时间未超过屏幕刷新周期,则重新请求Vsync信号 if (frameTimeNanos < mLastFrameTimeNanos) { if (DEBUG_JANK) { Log.d(TAG, "Frame time appears to be going backwards. May be due to a " + "previously skipped frame. Waiting for next vsync."); } scheduleVsyncLocked(); return; } mFrameInfo.setVsync(intendedFrameTimeNanos, frameTimeNanos); mFrameScheduled = false;
//设置本次帧的执行时间为最后一次的帧执行时间 mLastFrameTimeNanos = frameTimeNanos; } try { Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "Choreographer#doFrame"); AnimationUtils.lockAnimationClock(frameTimeNanos / TimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MS);
//但不一定都会执行这四类事件,要看队列中是否有post过且符合这一帧执行到条件的事件 mFrameInfo.markInputHandlingStart(); doCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_INPUT, frameTimeNanos); mFrameInfo.markAnimationsStart(); doCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, frameTimeNanos); mFrameInfo.markPerformTraversalsStart(); doCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_TRAVERSAL, frameTimeNanos); doCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_COMMIT, frameTimeNanos); } finally { AnimationUtils.unlockAnimationClock(); Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW); } if (DEBUG_FRAMES) { final long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); Log.d(TAG, "Frame " + frame + ": Finished, took " + (endNanos - startNanos) * 0.000001f + " ms, latency " + (startNanos - frameTimeNanos) * 0.000001f + " ms."); } }
void doCallbacks(int callbackType, long frameTimeNanos) { CallbackRecord callbacks; synchronized (mLock) { // We use "now" to determine when callbacks become due because it's possible // for earlier processing phases in a frame to post callbacks that should run // in a following phase, such as an input event that causes an animation to start. final long now = System.nanoTime();
//根据帧开始的时间,取出当前该类型队列中的一个callback事件 callbacks = mCallbackQueues[callbackType].extractDueCallbacksLocked( now / TimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MS); if (callbacks == null) { return; } mCallbacksRunning = true; ... //CALLBACK_COMMIT事件的处理try { Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, CALLBACK_TRACE_TITLES[callbackType]); for (CallbackRecord c = callbacks; c != null; c = c.next) { if (DEBUG_FRAMES) { Log.d(TAG, "RunCallback: type=" + callbackType + ", action=" + c.action + ", token=" + c.token + ", latencyMillis=" + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - c.dueTime)); } c.run(frameTimeNanos); } } finally { synchronized (mLock) { mCallbacksRunning = false; do { final CallbackRecord next = callbacks.next; recycleCallbackLocked(callbacks); callbacks = next; } while (callbacks != null); } Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW); } }
public CallbackRecord extractDueCallbacksLocked(long now) {
//返回队列头事件,即要求最快要执行的事件 CallbackRecord callbacks = mHead; if (callbacks == null || callbacks.dueTime > now) { return null; }
CallbackRecord last = callbacks; CallbackRecord next = last.next; while (next != null) { if (next.dueTime > now) { last.next = null; break; } last = next; next = next.next; }
//next表示的是未到执行时间且要求执行到时间最早的事件 mHead = next; return callbacks; }
private static final class CallbackRecord { public CallbackRecord next; public long dueTime; public Object action; // Runnable or FrameCallback public Object token; public void run(long frameTimeNanos) { if (token == FRAME_CALLBACK_TOKEN) { ((FrameCallback)action).doFrame(frameTimeNanos); } else { ((Runnable)action).run(); } } }
final class TraversalRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { doTraversal(); } }