33个版本Win Vista大集合

      Vista Professional Edition(专业版)
  Vista Semi-Professional Edition (半专业版)
  Vista Slightly Professional Edition (略微专业版)
  Vista Complete Amateur Edition (完全业余版)
  Vista Server Edition (服务器版)
  Vista Server Premium Edition (高级服务器版)
  Vista Server Not Bad But Not As Good As Premium Edition (不坏但不如高级版好的服务器版)
  Vista Server My Other Edition Is Premium Edition Edition (#¥%……※)
  Vista 5 User License Edition (5用户版)
  Vista Site License Edition (站点用户版)
  Vista Country License Edition (国家用户版)
  Vista Planetary License Edition (行星用户版)
  Vista Galaxy License Edition (银河用户版)
  Vista Universe License Edition (大学用户版)
  Vista Universe License Without Windows Media Player Edition* (阉割掉Media Player的大学用户版)
  Vista Home Edition (家庭版)
  Vista Home Premium Edition (高级家庭版)
  Vista Home Premium Edition With Some Server Features(拥有一些服务器特性的高级家庭版)
  Vista Home I Can't BelIEve It's Not Server Edition (难以置信它不是服务器版)
  Vista Away From Home But Have My Laptop With Me Edition (专业版)
  Vista Gamers Edition (游戏版)
  Vista Mostly Play Games but Also Like to Surf the Net Edition (专职玩游戏、业余上网版)
  Vista Boot Straight Into World of Warcraft and Never Be Seen Again Edition (直接引导进魔兽世界版)
  Vista Just Read Email And Clean Up Viruses Edition (仅收邮件和杀毒版)
  Vista Downloaded Via Bittorrent Just Wait For The Subpoena Edition (BT下载并等待侵权之后被传唤版)
  Vista Erases Your iPod Edition (with Free Creative Player Voucher Included) (清除 iPod内存版)
  Vista Beginners Edition (初级版)
  Vista Intermediate Edition (中级版)
  Vista Advanced Edition (高级版)
  Vista Write My Own Drivers Edition (自己写驱动版)
  Vista One Finger On The Reset Button Edition (手指放在重启键版)
  Vista Uninstall And Reinstall XP Edition (卸载并重新安装版)
  Vista ME Just Joking! Practical Jokers Edition (恶作剧版)
  *Only Available In Europe(仅在欧洲上市)
posted @ 2008-03-27 10:55  tiasys  阅读(522)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报