摘要: Water is important and necessary in our life, Without food, we may be able to live for several weeks, butwithout water, we will die in a few days. Eve 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-07-05 15:00 tianyunchuan 阅读(4) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: When the wind blows, leaves fall from the trees. You can also see them flying across the sky. When the windblows, people in the street hold their clot 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-07-04 17:30 tianyunchuan 阅读(2) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: There are four seasons in a year, They are spring, summer, autumn and winter, Ofall these seasons, i likeutumn best. f like autumn because it is the m 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-07-01 14:54 tianyunchuan 阅读(2) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: Of all the Chinese festivals, I like Mid-autumn Festival best because it is a traditional Chinese festival. Moimportantly, it is the symbol of“family 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-06-30 13:19 tianyunchuan 阅读(2) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 自学 英语 每天英语单词5个记录、5个就单词朗读 初中英语 阅读与完形 初中英语 语法与词汇 新概念英语 六下_培优 语文 每天摘抄优秀作文 古诗视频 西游记 数学 六下_错题集_未完成 六下_培优 六下_橙果 物理 自学预习 课外 无人机python操控 PPT资料制作游戏 ok_ 帝国时代3 完 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-06-23 20:45 tianyunchuan 阅读(13) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: [minecraft] # 生成启动文件:https://blog.csdn.net/networken/article/details/84477537 视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13N411o7TU?spm_id_from=333.337.sea 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-05-27 21:15 tianyunchuan 阅读(11) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: ## pip install openai==0.28.1 import openaiimport jsonimport os# openai.api_key = get_api_key()openai.api_key = "your key"# q = "用python实现:提示手动输入3个不同的 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-03-04 21:09 tianyunchuan 阅读(65) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: My apologize. I believe China is currently the largest carbon imitter in the world. They had been addressing air polution since 2008. What specific as 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-03-01 08:37 tianyunchuan 阅读(1) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: Sub CombineAndCopyTextToA1() Dim selectedRange As Range Dim cell As Range Dim combinedText As String ' 检查是否有选定的单元格 If Selection.Cells.Count < 8 Then M 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-02-24 08:45 tianyunchuan 阅读(2) 评论(3) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: PowerBI C:\_PowerBI\SonyTV\DataProc FA Codeing C:\_TianProc\_spyder_\survey\FaCoding 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-02-22 11:59 tianyunchuan 阅读(1) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑