图文混排:Emacs Org中显示图片

软件平台:Windows 7 + Emacs23.2

1 在Emacs中显示图片

想要在Emacs Org中显示图片,你首先得

1.1 开启图片显示功能


(auto-image-file-mode t) 


1.2 还是不能显示

看看链接的图片能不能显示了!如果不能的话,你的Emacs可能少了一些dll文件,因为Windows上的Emacs默认编译时没带这几个DLL文件(来源)。你可以运行C-h v image-library-alist,看看你的Emacs显示了什么,我的Emacs显示:

image-library-alist is a variable defined in `C source code'. Its value is shown below.

This variable is potentially risky when used as a file local variable.

Documentation: Alist of image types vs external libraries needed to display them.

Each element is a list (IMAGE-TYPE LIBRARY…), where the car is a symbol representing a supported image type, and the rest are strings giving alternate filenames for the corresponding external libraries.

Emacs tries to load the libraries in the order they appear on the list; if none is loaded, the running session of Emacs won't support the image type. Types 'pbm and 'xbm don't need to be listed; they are always supported.

Value: ((xpm "libxpm.dll" "xpm4.dll" "libXpm-nox4.dll") 

    (png "libpng12d.dll" "libpng12.dll" "libpng.dll" "libpng13d.dll" "libpng13.dll") 

    (jpeg "jpeg62.dll" "libjpeg.dll" "jpeg-62.dll" "jpeg.dll")

    (tiff "libtiff3.dll" "libtiff.dll")

    (gif "giflib4.dll" "libungif4.dll" "libungif.dll")

    (svg "librsvg-2-2.dll") 

    (gdk-pixbuf "libgdkpixbuf-2.0-0.dll") 

    (glib "libglib-2.0-0.dll")

    (gobject "libgobject-2.0-0.dll")) 




1.3 测试到底是不是缺少dll文件


(image-type-available-p 'gif)

(image-type-available-p 'jpeg)

(image-type-available-p 'tiff)

(image-type-available-p 'xpm)

(image-type-available-p 'xbm)

(image-type-available-p 'pbm) 



1.4 在哪下DLL文件


地址1:GnuWin Packages

地址2:winterTTr's github

1.5 DLL有了,然后呢






2 图文混排


2.1 启用iimage模式

其实,你离图文混排已经很近了,按M-x iimage-mode RET试试看,是不是图文混排了!!

想要图文混排需要iimage.el的支持,而emacs23.2以上的版本已自带iimage了。它会为Emacs增加一种Minor Mode,上面的语句就是启用该模式。

2.2 在Org中启动iimage模式

如果你想在Emacs Org模式动启用iimage模式,你可以把下列代码放到.emacs文件中

(defun org-toggle-iimage-in-org () 

  "display images in your org file"


  (if (face-underline-p 'org-link) 

    (set-face-underline-p 'org-link nil)

    (set-face-underline-p 'org-link t)) 



以后你只要输入M-x org-toggle-iimage-in-org RET或M-x iimage-mode RET就可以了。



Author: skyfire <tianyuhuo@foxmail.com>

Date: 2012-09-12 15:05:14

HTML generated by org-mode 6.33x in emacs 23

posted on 2012-09-12 15:10  天与火  阅读(3501)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报