Can't Believe I Could Work As An Interpreter


The three-day business trip in Guangzhou finished. During this trip, I worked as an intrepreters for my 2 forein friends, Alex and Megan to visit a furniture exhibition. They think It would be helpful with my presence to do the translation job for them, as well as my experience in engineering.  


It turns out I did do some help for translation and some communication stuff. And I am glad they could use my help. But still for now, I cannot believe I could work as an interpreter for foreiners. I did't even think about it before. Thank to my English teacher Miss Shen, in junior high school, she lit my passion toward English. As a fresh teacher that time, she just graduated from Shanghai Forein Language School. She was pretty skilled in Enlish and very passionate to teach students. So, due to her hard work and creative teaching style, I got to know a lot about English, such as vocabulary, the world outside, listening, and so on. It happened like 7 years ago. 


After that, I became such a student that always loves English  even with poor grades in English. Actually, my English is not that bad, but with a normal level.  I really like to make friends, especially with forein friends. But in the high school, we don't have that kind of chances. But when I went to the university, there were so many chances. My school, Shanghai University is a very international school. There are so many exchange students here every year. Though my major is in Mechanical Engineering and Automation( Robotics), I still will find chances to make friends with foreign friends. At first, in the freshman year, I felt nervous to chat with foreign students, but I still will try that.  Think of those memories for now, I feel it is very funny. At that time, as an English lover, I woud looking for  where are those places that foreign friends usually go. And sometimes I would have a look at the class schedules sticked in the information board of foreign language school, to see when would foreign friends's class over, and met them outside of the classroom.   That time I was a little bit "spy", searching for informations of when and where I could meet foreign friends and  wished to make friends with them, and wished to offer them help. But those "spy life", only lasted 2-3 semesters. (I was getting more and more busy of work when I stepped to the thrid year of my college).


About those forein friends I remember, I know a man named GouKu, from Istanbul, Turkey, and helped him to set the wifi in his dorm;I know Uncle John from Ameria. He worked as an editor in EF in Shanghai (an English Education Organization). John was an old man, and taught writing in college before, he liked history a lot. My friend Zhang Zhi Wei, Amy and I often showed John around Shanghai.  We took him to visit Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, The bund and some other nice places.  Sometimes, we would took him to participate a lot of univerisy activites, like music concerts, piano contest, art galleries, etc. John is the first foreign person for me to make friends for a long time(like half a year or 1 year). We chatted a lot, and sometimes, he would like to help us about English writing; Then another good memories is about my graduation project -- drone. At that program, I worked with another 2 talant American friends Brian and Yale, as wel as 2 other Chinese friends -- Michael and Huang Xiao Peng. We were in a team in the SHU-WPU joint graduation project program, while there were some other 12 foreign friends in SHU that time(Maria, Connah, Daniel, Pahalm, ...etc).  I spent with those friends for 12 weeks. Work with them every workdays, and play with them every weekends or nights. That was absolutely a super excited memories. I could use English and my major knowledge at the same time. Finally, our team made a drone by ourselfs, and let it fly automatically, landing automatically --fixed point landing.




Those are some of my happy memories with English, and this time, I appreciated that I could have the chance to meet with Alex and Mega. Both of them are very nice people. I hope in the future, we could have more chances to work together or hangouts.


That's it. Good luck to everyone!



From Shanghai.






posted on 2016-03-31 09:46  天涯柠檬  阅读(135)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
