KingbaseES V8R3集群运维案例之---ssh连接故障failover切换失败分析

KingbaseES V8R3集群,主库data挂在目录只读了,failover切换失败。主库failover日志,如下图所示:

KingbaseES V8R3


node 209  原主库
 node 210  原备库




1、主库在2023-10-15 07:57:01 ,检测到data目录只读,由于use_check_disk=on,所以关闭主库数据库服务。
2、通过主库failover.log日志获悉,从2023-10-15 08:01:44开始执行failover切换,但是由于ssh连接新主库加载vip失败,failover切换失败。
3、从备库cluster.log看,在2023-10-15 07:57:57时,备库检测到连接主库数据库服务失败,超过阈值10次后,触发failover请求到主库node209.



1)主库在2023-10-15 07:57:01 ,检测到data目录只读,由于use_check_disk=on,所以关闭主库数据库服务。

2023-10-15 07:57:01 recover beging...
could not create/write the file "/home/kingbase/cluster/clusterdb/db/data/rw_status_file_714111580".
unlink: 无法清除'/home/kingbase/cluster/clusterdb/db/data/rw_status_file_714111580' 的链接: 只读文件系统
unlink file failed "/home/kingbase/cluster/clusterdb/db/data/rw_status_file_714111580", please check it
2023-10-15 08:00:01 failed to check read/write on mount point (1 / 6).

2023-10-15 08:01:01 execute check_mount_point() failed, maybe the disk is error
2023-10-15 08:01:01 USE_CHECK_DISK = on, will exit with stop db.
stop db.....
等待服务器进程关闭 ..............................I'm already recovery now pid[19320], return nothing to do,will exit script will success
................................I'm already recovery now pid[19320], return nothing to do,will exit script will success
............................... 失败
sys_ctl: server进程没有关闭
2023-10-15 08:02:33 now will del vip []
but no on my DEV, nothing to do with del

2)通过主库failover.log日志获悉,从2023-10-15 08:01:44开始执行failover切换,但是由于ssh连接新主库加载vip失败,failover切换失败。

-----------------2023-10-15 08:01:44 failover beging---------------------------------------
----failover-stats is %H = hostname of the new master node [], %P = old primary node id [0], %d = node id[0], %h = host name [], %O = old primary host[] %m = new master node id [1], %M = old master node id [0], %D = database cluster path [/home/kingbase/cluster/clusterdb/db/data].
----ping trust ip 
ping trust ip success 
----determine whether the faulty db is master or standby 
master down, let become new primary.....
 2023-10-15 08:01:46 del old primary VIP on
ssh connect host: success, will stop old primary db and del the vip
stop the old primary db
sys_ctl: 无法发送停止信号 (PID: 16367): 没有那个进程
DEL VIP NOW AT 2023-10-15 08:01:47 ON bond0
execute: [/sbin/ip addr del dev bond0]
Oprate del ip cmd end.
2023-10-15 08:01:47 add VIP on
the new primary can not ssh, exit failover


1)、从备库cluster.log看,在2023-10-15 07:57:57时,备库检测到连接主库数据库服务失败,超过阈值10次后,触发failover请求到主库node209.

# cluster.log:
2023-10-15 07:57:21: pid 47108: LOG:  failed to connect to kingbase server on "", getsockopt() detected error "Connection refused"
2023-10-15 07:57:21: pid 47108: ERROR:  failed to make persistent db connection

2023-10-15 07:57:57: pid 47108: LOG:  health checking retry count 10
2023-10-15 07:57:57: pid 47108: LOG:  failed to connect to kingbase server on "", getsockopt() detected error "Connection refused"
2023-10-15 07:57:57: pid 47108: ERROR:  failed to make persistent db connection
2023-10-15 07:57:57: pid 47108: DETAIL:  connection to host:"" failed
2023-10-15 07:57:57: pid 47108: LOG:  setting backend node 0 status to NODE DOWN
2023-10-15 07:57:57: pid 47108: LOG:  received degenerate backend request for node_id: 0 from pid [47108]
2023-10-15 07:57:57: pid 47144: LOG:  new IPC connection received
2023-10-15 07:57:57: pid 47144: LOG:  failover request from local kingbasecluster node received on IPC interface is forwarded to master watchdog node " Linux Kylin"

2023-10-15 07:58:10: pid 47108: LOG:  failover: set new primary node: -1
2023-10-15 07:58:10: pid 47108: LOG:  failover: set new master node: 1
failover done. shutdown host 07:58:10: pid 47168: LOG:  worker process received restart request

2023-10-15 07:58:10: pid 47108: LOG:  failover done. shutdown host


# recovery.log:

2023-10-15 07:56:01 recover beging...
my pid is 52239,officially began to perform recovery
2023-10-15 07:56:01 check read/write on mount point
2023-10-15 07:56:01 check read/write on mount point (1 / 6).
2023-10-15 07:56:01 stat the directory of the mount point 
"/home/kingbase/cluster/clusterdb/db/data/rw_status_file_800201960" ...
2023-10-15 07:56:01 delete the file "/home/kingbase/cluster/clusterdb/db/data/rw_status_file_800201960" ... OK
2023-10-15 07:56:01 success to check read/write on mount point (1 / 6).
2023-10-15 07:56:01 check read/write on mount point ... ok
2023-10-15 07:56:01 check if the network is ok
ping trust ip success ping times :[3], success times:[2] 
determine if i am master or standby 
 node_id |    hostname     | port  | status | lb_weight |  role   | select_cnt | load_balance_node | replication_delay 
 0       | | 62163 | up     | 0.500000  | primary | 0          | false             | 0
 1       | | 62163 | up     | 0.500000  | standby | 0          | true              | 0
(2 rows)

i am standby in cluster,determine if recovery is needed
2023-10-15 07:56:03 now will del vip []
ip addr execute failed,will retry ,retry times:[1/3]
"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -T localhost "/sbin/ip addr | grep -w "" | wc -l"" execute failed, error num=[   ]
ip addr execute failed,will retry ,retry times:[2/3]
"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -T localhost "/sbin/ip addr | grep -w "" | wc -l"" execute failed, error num=[   ]
ip addr execute failed,will retry ,retry times:[3/3]
"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -T localhost "/sbin/ip addr | grep -w "" | wc -l"" execute failed, error num=[   ]
del vip failed,after retry 3 times ,cannot del vip, will exit

此次集群failover切换失败是因为,切换过程中,连接新主库加载vip失败(通过ssh连接节点);在原备库的recovery.log日志中,已经很早就报了‘ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -T localhost "/sbin/ip addr | grep -w "" | wc -l"" execute failed, error num=[ ]’的故障,dba没有及时发现并处理这一问题,导致failover切换后,ssh连接新主库(原备库)节点加载vip失败,导致整个failover切换失败,dba应及时关注集群出现的故障日志并解决日志体现的问题。

posted @ 2023-10-17 15:27  天涯客1224  阅读(5)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报