--1、办公 2、餐饮 3、商业 4、酒店 5、其他 select (case when (ci_area>=0 and ci_area<=500) then '1-500' when (ci_area>=501 and ci_area<=1000) then '500-1000' else '一千以上' end) a, sum(case when ci_leixing=1 then 1 else 0 end) as '办公', sum(case when ci_leixing=2 then 1 else 0 end) as '餐饮', sum(case when ci_leixing=3 then 1 else 0 end) as '商业', sum(case when ci_leixing=4 then 1 else 0 end) as '酒店', sum(case when ci_leixing=5 then 1 else 0 end) as '其他' from zab_clientInfo where ci_designerid=60 group by case when (ci_area>=0 and ci_area<=500) then '1-500' when (ci_area>=501 and ci_area<=1000) then '500-1000' else '一千以上' end order by a
select case when (age >=10 and age <=20) then '10-20' when (age >=21 and age <=30) then '21-30' else '30-' end 'eag_layer', count(*) emps from emp group by case when (age >=10 and age <=20) then '10-20' when (age >=21 and age <=30) then '21-30' else '30-' end order by 1
select sname as 姓名, max(case course when '语文' then score else 0 end) 语文, max(case course when '数学' then score else 0 end) 数学, max(case course when '物理' then score else 0 end) 物理, from scores group by sname