

不同国家的人有着不一样的肤色,说着不一样的语言,唯独音乐,能够消弭隔阂。音乐从来无国界,它仿佛是全世界的共同语言,通过旋律和节奏,你总能够倾听来自不同国家的声音。最近,美国的流行音乐也在打开大门,拥抱不同语言和曲风,Billboard 不再是英语歌曲一家独大,我们来看看《卫报》对这件事的看法吧。



English is no longer the default language of American pop


For the first time ever, the No 1 album in America features lyrics sung mostly in Korean. Love Yourself: Tear by K-pop group BTS has managed to clinch the No 1 spot, outperforming industry predictions. 

这是有史以来第一次,在美国排行第一的专辑大部分歌词用韩语演唱。来自韩国男团防弹少年团的 《LOVE YOURSELF 转 Tear》 已经位居榜首,超过了业界的预测。

The record’s success comes at a time of huge opportunity in the US music industry for acts that don’t perform in English. 


In the past three years, the proportion of non-English tracks on Billboard has been increasing. This has, in large part, been down to the success of reggaeton artists and, in particular, Despacito. It opened the door for other latin tracks. In 2016, the year before its release, there were just four Spanish-language tracks in the top 100 all year. In 2017, there were 19. 

过去 3 年,美国公告牌榜上非英文歌曲的比例一直在增加。这在很大程度上归功于雷鬼盾艺术家们的成功,尤其是 Despacito。它为其他拉丁歌曲打开了市场。在 2016 年,也就是它发行的前一年,一整年都只有 4 首西班牙语歌曲进入了前 100 名。而 2017 年有 19 首。

Spanish has long been the most commonly learned language in the US, but the influence of K-pop is being felt in the languages young Americans are learning. 


Priscilla Kim is the director of the Korean Cultural Center in New York. She says that, among younger students, K-pop has become a driving factor to learn the language. “We have courses in the summer that are tailored toward K-pop fans who are interested in learning Korean through K-pop lyrics.” 


The rapid chart surge for non-English music in the past few years suggests this may just be the beginning. 


At a time where some Americans are concerned that speaking other languages in public puts themselves in danger, pop music feels like a progressive antidote, with the importance of what language a song is performed in second to the music itself. 


—————  文章来源 / 卫报 


default      /ˈdiːfɔːlt/     n. 默认结果;预设值        e.g.        the default is to meet at 7.00 p.m

feature     /ˈfiːtʃər/       v. 以...为特色;给...以显著地位       e.g.     This broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.      broadcast:广播

The movie features Brad Pitt as a teenager. 

clinch       /klɪntʃ/      v. 赢得      e.g.    clinch the playoff spot:赢得季后赛一席之地

out-     /ˌaʊtpərˈfɔːrm/    v. 超过;胜过     e.g.   outperform:在表现上超过。outnumber:在数量上超过。 outsize:在大小上超过

track   /træk/     n. (专辑中的)一首歌   e.g.   title track:主打歌

reggaeton   /ˈreɡeɪtɑːn/    n. 雷鬼盾(音乐类型)

tailored    /ˈteɪlərd/    adj. 特供的;量身定做的     e.g.    a tailored suit合身的套装     tailored to/toward:为....定制、量身打造        a computer system tailored to/toward the project. 

chart   /tʃɑːrt/     adj. (音乐)进榜的;上榜的   n. 表格     e.g.      charts (n.):排行榜     Their record didn't even chart. (v.)   他们的唱片没有进排行榜

surge:浪涌, 波, 巨浪.

progressive   /prəˈɡresɪv/    adj. (思想或体制)先进的;进步的    e.g.    progressive ideas/attitudes:进步的思想/态度

antidote  /ˈæntidoʊt/    n. 解药;缓解方法;对抗手段    e.g.    Regular exercise is the best antidote to tiredness.

be down to  由...决定;是...的责任   e.g.   It's down to me to find a suitable person for the job. 

driving factor    驱动因素    e.g.   School fees should no longer be a driving factor in choosing a school. 

be second to    次于    e.g.   In the output of grain, China is second to none.       second to none:不比任何人差,首屈一指。

feels like:感觉像

posted @ 2018-07-01 22:49  耐烦不急  阅读(526)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报