

想象一下,你点了一个美味的披萨外卖,可你的披萨在运输的过程中历经一路颠簸,等你满怀期待地掀开盒子的那一刹那,它已经不如刚出炉那般色味俱佳了。而最近,英国《卫报》报道说,为把披萨最美味诱人的一面展现在顾客面前,达美乐披萨公司宣布在美国 20 个小城市赞助修路。这背后又藏着怎样的商业动机呢?


Domino's branded potholes appear after pizza company takes to road repair 


注:domino:多米诺骨牌。branded:名牌的。take to doing sth/take to sth:开始习惯于做某事

In December, a crew of workers in Bartonville, Texas, set about fixing the potholes in the town. They filled in eight holes, and at the end of a hard day’s work they shared a couple of pizzas. There was nothing particularly remarkable about the job, except for the logo painted on the side of the equipment, on the cones used to stop traffic and even spray-painted on the freshly laid asphalt: Domino’s Pizza. 


注:crew:一群。set about doing sth:开始做某事。hole:洞,孔。couple:对,配偶,几个。except for :除了。。。之外。spray-painted:喷漆的

Bartonville is one of four towns where the fast-food company has partnered with local administrations in order to help fix their broken roads. The project, called Paving for Pizza, is the first time Domino’s has worked with local government to attempt an infrastructure project. 


注: fast-food company:快餐公司

Domino’s claim they’re making the move because potholes and bumps in the road can cause “irreversible damage to your pizza”. But the more likely reason for the sudden move into road repair is good publicity. The campaign was created by the CP+B ad agency, which specialises in drumming up media interest, claiming on their website to make the “most written about, talked about, and outrageously successful work in the world”. 

达美乐声称他们之所以采取这一行动,是因为路上的凹坑和凸块会“对披萨造成不可逆转的损害。” 但突然开始修路更可能是为了获得良好的宣传效果。这次活动由 CP+B 广告公司策划,这家公司的专长是吸引媒体的眼球,它们还在官方网站上声称它们的作品被报道得最多,被谈论得最多,而且无与伦比的成功。

注:make the move = take measures 采取行动。specialis in :专门从事某事,专攻某事。 outrageously :极端过分的,骇人听闻的。

That’s not to say America couldn’t do with some help with its road system. The most recent set of studies by the National Transportation Research Group found that 37% of America’s major roads are in poor or mediocrecondition. Driving on these damaged roads costs American drivers $107bn each year, around $482 per driver, with most of that money going on vehicle repair costs. 

这并不意味着美国的道路系统不需要援助。国家交通研究小组最近的一系列调查显示,美国主要道路中有 37%状况不佳或是一般。每年因为在受损道路上开车美国司机们会损失 1070 亿美元,平均每人损失 482 美元。这些钱主要都用于支付车辆维修的费用。

注:do with 觉得...有用,想要.....。

So far, Domino’s has made very little dent in that problem. They say they’re going to fix more, and are allowing people to nominate towns on their website. So if you’ve got a pothole outside your house it might be worth dropping them a line, as long as you live on a picturesque avenue that will look good on an advert. 


注:dent:凹坑,凹痕。nominate:任命;提名…为候选人;挑选;指定(时间、日期、名称等)。drop sb a line:给某人写信。as long as:只要。picturesque:像画一样美丽。avenue:林荫道。advert:广告

—————  文章来源 / 卫报 


pothole   /ˈpɑːthoʊl/    n. 凹坑e.g.   Drivers complain about potholes frequently.

cone    /koʊn/    n. 圆锥体e.g.       an ice cream cone                                the rocky cone of the mountain               rocky:坚硬的

asphalt    /ˈæsfɔːlt/    n. 沥青;柏油

partner     /ˈpɑːrtnər/     v. 使合作; 与…合伙

infrastructure       /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər/     n. (国家或机构的)基础设施,基础建设

irreversible   /ˌɪrɪˈvɜːrsəbl/    adj. 无法复原(或挽回)的;不能倒转的

outrageously     /aʊtˈreɪdʒəsli/     adv. 令人无法容忍地;骇人地e.g.

outrageously expensive

outrageously wrong

mediocre   /ˌmiːdiˈoʊkər/    adj. 普通的,平庸的e.g.    The actor's performance is mediocre in his new movie.



adj. 风景如画的;有自然美景的

take to (doing) sth.  开始干某事e.g.        Frank Underwood took to eating a rib at Freddie's long before everyone could remember.     rib:肋骨

drum up sth.   竭力争取(支持);兜揽(生意)e.g.The fans drum up support for their idols.偶像

drum up trade

drum up business

make a dent in sth.    减少,削减(尤指资金)e.g.   Buying a new car will make a big dent in our savings.


posted @ 2018-06-29 14:04  耐烦不急  阅读(516)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报