11 2010 档案
摘要:Configuring raw devices (multipath) for Oracle Clusterware 10g Release 2 (10.2.0) on RHEL5/OEL5 [ID 564580.1]Modified 24-JAN-2010Type HOWTOStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentGoalSolutionDeprecation of Support for Raw DevicesA Bit About Udev and Device Name PersistencyMultipath, Raw and UdevConfiguring
摘要:Configuring raw devices (multipath) for Oracle Clusterware 10g Release 2 (10.2.0) on RHEL5/OEL5 [ID 564580.1]Modified 24-JAN-2010Type HOWTOStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentGoalSolutionDeprecation of Support for Raw DevicesA Bit About Udev and Device Name PersistencyMultipath, Raw and UdevConfiguring
摘要:10gR2 RAC Install issues on Oracle EL5 or RHEL5 or SLES10 (VIPCA / SRVCTL / OUI Failures) [ID 414163.1]Modified 04-AUG-2010Type PROBLEMStatus ARCHIVEDIn this DocumentSymptomsCauseSolutionReferencesApplies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.2 to 10.2L
摘要:10gR2 RAC Install issues on Oracle EL5 or RHEL5 or SLES10 (VIPCA / SRVCTL / OUI Failures) [ID 414163.1]Modified 04-AUG-2010Type PROBLEMStatus ARCHIVEDIn this DocumentSymptomsCauseSolutionReferencesApplies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.2 to 10.2L
摘要:官网上的介绍: AIX 常用命令汇总 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/aix/library/au-dutta_cmds.html我们先SSH 到AIX 系统:******************************************************************************** ** ** Welcome to AIX Version 5.3! ** ** ** Please see the README file in /usr/lpp/bos for information pertinent to **
摘要:官网上的介绍: AIX 常用命令汇总 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/aix/library/au-dutta_cmds.html我们先SSH 到AIX 系统:******************************************************************************** ** ** Welcome to AIX Version 5.3! ** ** ** Please see the README file in /usr/lpp/bos for information pertinent to **
摘要:AIX 全名为(Advanced Interactive Executive),它是IBM 公司的UNIX操作系统, 整个系统的设计从网络、主机硬件系统,到操作系统完全遵守开放系统的原则。是真正的第二代UNIX,具有性能卓越、易于使用、扩充性强、适合企业关键应用等众多特点。一. AIX 简介 IBM公司在1987年即有了AIX的雏形,于1993年推出RS/6000机型后,正式发布了AIX 3.2.5版本,之后又相继推出了AIX 4.1、AIX 4.2、AIX 4.3.3、AIX5L,2007 年发布了 AIX 6 操作系统, 2010 下半年推出了AIX 7. RS/6000 采用IB...
摘要:AIX 全名为(Advanced Interactive Executive),它是IBM 公司的UNIX操作系统, 整个系统的设计从网络、主机硬件系统,到操作系统完全遵守开放系统的原则。是真正的第二代UNIX,具有性能卓越、易于使用、扩充性强、适合企业关键应用等众多特点。一. AIX 简介 IBM公司在1987年即有了AIX的雏形,于1993年推出RS/6000机型后,正式发布了AIX 3.2.5版本,之后又相继推出了AIX 4.1、AIX 4.2、AIX 4.3.3、AIX5L,2007 年发布了 AIX 6 操作系统, 2010 下半年推出了AIX 7. RS/6000 采用IB...
摘要:之前打算装Oracle 11gR2的RAC的。 后来因为资源不够,就改装oracle 10g了。 raw 是用openfiler 配置 加 Multipath多路径配置的。 raw的配置参考我的Blog: Linux 5.4 LVM RAW 设备 配置的深入研究 http://blog.csdn.net/tianlesoftware/archive/2010/11/26/6036263.aspx这种情况下配置有些注意事项。 否则会在执行root.sh命令的时候,报错:[root@rac1 init.d]# /u01/app/oracle/product/crs/root.shWARNI...
摘要:之前打算装Oracle 11gR2的RAC的。 后来因为资源不够,就改装oracle 10g了。 raw 是用openfiler 配置 加 Multipath多路径配置的。 raw的配置参考我的Blog: Linux 5.4 LVM RAW 设备 配置的深入研究 http://blog.csdn.net/tianlesoftware/archive/2010/11/26/6036263.aspx这种情况下配置有些注意事项。 否则会在执行root.sh命令的时候,报错:[root@rac1 init.d]# /u01/app/oracle/product/crs/root.shWARNI...
摘要:PROT-1: root.sh Failed to Initialize ocrconfig [ID 983792.1]Modified 03-MAR-2010Type PROBLEMStatus MODERATEDIn this DocumentSymptomsCauseSolutionReferencesThis document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process and therefore has not been subject to an independ
摘要:PROT-1: root.sh Failed to Initialize ocrconfig [ID 983792.1]Modified 03-MAR-2010Type PROBLEMStatus MODERATEDIn this DocumentSymptomsCauseSolutionReferencesThis document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process and therefore has not been subject to an independ
摘要:Executing root.sh errors with "Failed To Upgrade Oracle Cluster Registry Configuration" [ID 466673.1]Modified 07-JUN-2010Type PROBLEMStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentSymptomsChangesCauseSolutionReferencesApplies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later[Release: 1
摘要:Executing root.sh errors with "Failed To Upgrade Oracle Cluster Registry Configuration" [ID 466673.1]Modified 07-JUN-2010Type PROBLEMStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentSymptomsChangesCauseSolutionReferencesApplies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later[Release: 1
摘要:Placement of Voting disk and OCR Files in Oracle RAC 10g and 11gR1 [ID 293819.1]Modified 27-OCT-2010Type BULLETINStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentPurposeScope and ApplicationPlacement of Voting disk and OCR Files in Oracle RAC 10g and 11gR1Linux–AIX –HP–Solaris–Tru64 –ReferencesApplies to: Oracle Ser
摘要:Placement of Voting disk and OCR Files in Oracle RAC 10g and 11gR1 [ID 293819.1]Modified 27-OCT-2010Type BULLETINStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentPurposeScope and ApplicationPlacement of Voting disk and OCR Files in Oracle RAC 10g and 11gR1Linux–AIX –HP–Solaris–Tru64 –ReferencesApplies to: Oracle Ser
摘要:Redhat 平台对raw设备的配置在redhat 5之后有了变化。在redhat 5之前,直接配置/etc/sysconfig/rawdevices件,通过/etc/init.d/rawdevices来管理raw设备的启动和关闭。在Redhat 5之后,原来的raw设备接口已经取消了,redhat 5中通过udev规则进行配置。 要配置,需要编辑/etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules 这个文件。 先说明一下配置环境。 用openfiler 模拟了存储, 并将这些设备用iscsi挂到了服务器上。 在openfiler存储上设置了三个3个target, 用iscsi 连接.
摘要:Redhat 平台对raw设备的配置在redhat 5之后有了变化。在redhat 5之前,直接配置/etc/sysconfig/rawdevices件,通过/etc/init.d/rawdevices来管理raw设备的启动和关闭。在Redhat 5之后,原来的raw设备接口已经取消了,redhat 5中通过udev规则进行配置。 要配置,需要编辑/etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules 这个文件。 先说明一下配置环境。 用openfiler 模拟了存储, 并将这些设备用iscsi挂到了服务器上。 在openfiler存储上设置了三个3个target, 用iscsi 连接.
摘要:Oracle 11gR2 RAC 的安装。 这个实验采用的架构:虚拟机VMServer 2.0 + REDHAT 5.4 +Oracle 11gR2+openfiler存储 + DNS server (scan),openfiler通过iscsi 连接到虚拟机上,作为共享设备。 参考Oracle 官方文档: 在 Oracle Enterprise Linux 和 iSCSI 上构建您自己的 Oracle RAC 11g 集群 http://www.oracle.com/technology/global/cn/pub/articles/hunter-rac11gr2-iscsi.html一.
摘要:Oracle 11gR2 RAC 的安装。 这个实验采用的架构:虚拟机VMServer 2.0 + REDHAT 5.4 +Oracle 11gR2+openfiler存储 + DNS server (scan),openfiler通过iscsi 连接到虚拟机上,作为共享设备。 参考Oracle 官方文档: 在 Oracle Enterprise Linux 和 iSCSI 上构建您自己的 Oracle RAC 11g 集群 http://www.oracle.com/technology/global/cn/pub/articles/hunter-rac11gr2-iscsi.html一.
摘要:RAC Connection Redirected To Wrong Host/IP ORA-12545 [ID 364855.1]Modified 16-APR-2010Type PROBLEMStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentSymptomsCauseSolutionReferencesApplies to: Oracle Net Services - Version: to - Release: 9.2 to 11.1Information in this document applies to any platfo
摘要:RAC Connection Redirected To Wrong Host/IP ORA-12545 [ID 364855.1]Modified 16-APR-2010Type PROBLEMStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentSymptomsCauseSolutionReferencesApplies to: Oracle Net Services - Version: to - Release: 9.2 to 11.1Information in this document applies to any platfo
摘要:一. Linux 目录结构 通常情况下,根文件系统所占空间一般应该比较小,因为其中的绝大部分文件都不需要经常改动,而且包括严格的文件和一个小的不经常改变的文件系统不容易损坏。 除了可能的一个叫/ vmlinuz标准的系统引导映像之外,根目录一般不含任何文件。所有其他文件在根文件系统的子目录中。Linux 的根目录下,有如下目录:[root@racnode1 /]# lldrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10-28 21:22 bindrwxr-xr-x 4 root root 1024 11-10 23:17 bootdrwxr-xr-x 15 root root 512
摘要:一. Linux 目录结构 通常情况下,根文件系统所占空间一般应该比较小,因为其中的绝大部分文件都不需要经常改动,而且包括严格的文件和一个小的不经常改变的文件系统不容易损坏。 除了可能的一个叫/ vmlinuz标准的系统引导映像之外,根目录一般不含任何文件。所有其他文件在根文件系统的子目录中。Linux 的根目录下,有如下目录:[root@racnode1 /]# lldrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10-28 21:22 bindrwxr-xr-x 4 root root 1024 11-10 23:17 bootdrwxr-xr-x 15 root root 512
摘要:ORA-16032 Can not Start Instance via srvctl but via sqlplus is fine [ID 1062071.1]Modified 07-OCT-2010Type PROBLEMStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentSymptomsChangesCauseSolutionApplies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.1 to 11.2Information in this docu
摘要:ORA-16032 Can not Start Instance via srvctl but via sqlplus is fine [ID 1062071.1]Modified 07-OCT-2010Type PROBLEMStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentSymptomsChangesCauseSolutionApplies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.1 to 11.2Information in this docu
摘要:Oracle 11gR2 下RAC 安装后,启动CRS. 错误如下:[root@rac1 bin]# ./crsctl check crsCRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is onlineCRS-4535: Cannot communicate with Cluster Ready ServicesCRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is onlineCRS-4533: Event Manager is online从这个错误提示,可以看到是CRS启动失败了。 CRS是关键进程。 它不能启
摘要:Oracle 11gR2 下RAC 安装后,启动CRS. 错误如下:[root@rac1 bin]# ./crsctl check crsCRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is onlineCRS-4535: Cannot communicate with Cluster Ready ServicesCRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is onlineCRS-4533: Event Manager is online从这个错误提示,可以看到是CRS启动失败了。 CRS是关键进程。 它不能启
摘要:前几天一个朋友问了我一个问题。 说她在alert log里面看到了如下信息: Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 415 Private strand flush not complete Current log# 4 seq# 414 mem# 0: /dev/rora_redotb04 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 415 Current log# 5 seq# 415 mem# 0: /dev/rora_redotb05 Thu Nov 11 16:01:51 2010我遇到的是:Checkpoi..
摘要:前几天一个朋友问了我一个问题。 说她在alert log里面看到了如下信息: Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 415 Private strand flush not complete Current log# 4 seq# 414 mem# 0: /dev/rora_redotb04 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 415 Current log# 5 seq# 415 mem# 0: /dev/rora_redotb05 Thu Nov 11 16:01:51 2010我遇到的是:Checkpoi..
摘要:Redo log 是用于恢复和一个高级特性的重要数据,一个redo条目包含了相应操作导致的数据库变化的所有信息,所有redo条目最终都要被写入redo文件中去。Redo log buffer是为了避免Redo文件IO导致性能瓶颈而在sga中分配出的一块内存。一个redo条目首先在用户内存(PGA)中产生,然后由oracle服务进程拷贝到log buffer中,当满足一定条件时,再由LGWR进程写入redo文件。 由于log buffer是一块“共享”内存,为了避免冲突,它是受到redo allocation latch保护的,每个服务进程需要先获取到该latch才能分配redo buffe..
摘要:Redo log 是用于恢复和一个高级特性的重要数据,一个redo条目包含了相应操作导致的数据库变化的所有信息,所有redo条目最终都要被写入redo文件中去。Redo log buffer是为了避免Redo文件IO导致性能瓶颈而在sga中分配出的一块内存。一个redo条目首先在用户内存(PGA)中产生,然后由oracle服务进程拷贝到log buffer中,当满足一定条件时,再由LGWR进程写入redo文件。 由于log buffer是一块“共享”内存,为了避免冲突,它是受到redo allocation latch保护的,每个服务进程需要先获取到该latch才能分配redo buffe..
摘要:公司刚上线一套Oracle 11gR2 的RAC。 将MEMORY_TARGET内存设置为12G后,启动的时候报了错误: ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system00845, 00000, "MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system"// *Cause: The MEMORY_TARGET parameter was not supported on this operating system or /dev/shm was not sized correctly
摘要:公司刚上线一套Oracle 11gR2 的RAC。 将MEMORY_TARGET内存设置为12G后,启动的时候报了错误: ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system00845, 00000, "MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system"// *Cause: The MEMORY_TARGET parameter was not supported on this operating system or /dev/shm was not sized correctly
摘要:How to Troubleshoot Grid Infrastructure Startup Issues [ID 1050908.1]Modified 11-OCT-2010Type HOWTOStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentGoalSolutionStart up sequence:Cluster statusCase 1: OHASD.BIN does not startCase 2: OHASD Agents does not startCase 3: CSSD.BIN does not startCase 4: CRSD.BIN does not s
摘要:How to Troubleshoot Grid Infrastructure Startup Issues [ID 1050908.1]Modified 11-OCT-2010Type HOWTOStatus PUBLISHEDIn this DocumentGoalSolutionStart up sequence:Cluster statusCase 1: OHASD.BIN does not startCase 2: OHASD Agents does not startCase 3: CSSD.BIN does not startCase 4: CRSD.BIN does not s
摘要:How to Proceed from Failed 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure (CRS) Installation [ID 942166.1]Modified 10-OCT-2010Type HOWTOStatus MODERATEDIn this DocumentGoalSolutionDeconfigure and Reconfigure of Standalone Server (Oracle Restart):Deinstall of Grid Infrastructure Standalone Server:Deconfigure and Reconfig
摘要:How to Proceed from Failed 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure (CRS) Installation [ID 942166.1]Modified 10-OCT-2010Type HOWTOStatus MODERATEDIn this DocumentGoalSolutionDeconfigure and Reconfigure of Standalone Server (Oracle Restart):Deinstall of Grid Infrastructure Standalone Server:Deconfigure and Reconfig