Mac M1 安装ElasticSearch & kibana

首先,下载安装包(需要注意的是:Kibana 的版本需要和 Elasticsearch 的版本一致。这是官方支持的配置。)



 对于Mac M1芯片基于ARM架构应该选择Aarch64(另一个X86_64是x86架构的64位处理器)





原因是,elasticSearch是基于java开发的,需要jdk运行环境,ES 7.X后,将jdk直接打包到了自己的包中,不再本地寻找jdk安装环境。

但是,对于mac系统,他检测到 没有安全认证信息,所以执行这个应用。我尝试了网上的方法,在【安全与隐私】中放行,但是失败了。

还有一种方式,执行在终端执行命令:sudo spctl --master-disable(用于在macOS上禁用系统安全性和隐私设置中的"Gatekeeper"功能)


安全起见,在安装完之后,最好执行命令sudo spctl --master-enable 开启Gatekeeper

再次执行./elasticSearch 开始启动ES,报错:

✅ Elasticsearch security features have been automatically configured!

✅ Authentication is enabled and cluster connections are encrypted.

❌ Unable to auto-generate the password for the elastic built-in superuser.

ℹ️ HTTP CA certificate SHA-256 fingerprint: 7b2c93e96f3d6d67358141309fd6aceaa1a429c07763eed4702b919262bd6dec

❌ Unable to generate an enrollment token for Kibana instances, try invoking `bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s kibana`.

ℹ️ Configure other nodes to join this cluster: • On this node: ⁃ Create an enrollment token with `bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s node`. ⁃ Uncomment the setting at the end of config/elasticsearch.yml. ⁃ Restart Elasticsearch. • On other nodes: ⁃ Start Elasticsearch with `bin/elasticsearch --enrollment-token <token>`, using the enrollment token that you generated.

再往下报错:free: 22.3gb[9.7%], shards will be relocated away from this node; currently relocating away shards totalling [0] bytes; the node is expected to continue to exceed the high disk watermark when these relocations are complete



 用户名密码:Elasticsearch 在启用 X-Pack 安全特性时,初始默认用户名是 elastic,默认密码在安装 X-Pack 并启动 Elasticsearch 之后,可以通过运行 elasticsearch-setup-passwords 命令来设置。

新开一个终端,执行命令:elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto  (当然,你也可以使用elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive为每个es保留用户设置密码


./elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto
Note: The 'elasticsearch-setup-passwords' tool has been deprecated. This       command will be removed in a future release.

Initiating the setup of passwords for reserved users elastic,apm_system,kibana,kibana_system,logstash_system,beats_system,remote_monitoring_user.
The passwords will be randomly generated and printed to the console.
Please confirm that you would like to continue [y/N]y

Changed password for user apm_system
PASSWORD apm_system = E5mMyF5DOoI0C7B7amuc

Changed password for user kibana_system
PASSWORD kibana_system = 2ml71TAC6gf34URPtZiq

Changed password for user kibana
PASSWORD kibana = 2ml71TAC6gf34URPtZiq

Changed password for user logstash_system
PASSWORD logstash_system = SDxKQoUo8vyzTXjN4KMV

Changed password for user beats_system
PASSWORD beats_system = mwsY0Kb0T5HDi8qL8kzK

Changed password for user remote_monitoring_user
PASSWORD remote_monitoring_user = 8k11nOytNBZMs16rZYzN

Changed password for user elastic
PASSWORD elastic = vu4SAYVG0lbJ6OAykjey


 ======================================Kibana 开始================================================================

同样的解压kibana-8.14.3-darwin-aarch64.tar.gz,在终端中进入Kibana解压路径/bin ,执行./kibana








posted @ 2024-07-25 17:43  田海超  阅读(880)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报