Built-In Standard 添加双面逻辑
有些模型在建模的时候是单面的, 在显示中想要双面显示, HDRP的Lit已经有了双面功能, 不过Built-In的Standard没有支持, 只能自己复制出来然后改一下:
// Unity built-in shader source. Copyright (c) 2016 Unity Technologies. MIT license (see license.txt) Shader "CustomBuildIn/Standard(Two Side)" { Properties { _Color("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _MainTex("Albedo", 2D) = "white" {} _Cutoff("Alpha Cutoff", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5 _Glossiness("Smoothness", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5 _GlossMapScale("Smoothness Scale", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 1.0 [Enum(Metallic Alpha,0,Albedo Alpha,1)] _SmoothnessTextureChannel ("Smoothness texture channel", Float) = 0 [Gamma] _Metallic("Metallic", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.0 _MetallicGlossMap("Metallic", 2D) = "white" {} [ToggleOff] _SpecularHighlights("Specular Highlights", Float) = 1.0 [ToggleOff] _GlossyReflections("Glossy Reflections", Float) = 1.0 _BumpScale("Scale", Float) = 1.0 [Normal] _BumpMap("Normal Map", 2D) = "bump" {} _Parallax ("Height Scale", Range (0.005, 0.08)) = 0.02 _ParallaxMap ("Height Map", 2D) = "black" {} _OcclusionStrength("Strength", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 1.0 _OcclusionMap("Occlusion", 2D) = "white" {} _EmissionColor("Color", Color) = (0,0,0) _EmissionMap("Emission", 2D) = "white" {} _DetailMask("Detail Mask", 2D) = "white" {} _DetailAlbedoMap("Detail Albedo x2", 2D) = "grey" {} _DetailNormalMapScale("Scale", Float) = 1.0 [Normal] _DetailNormalMap("Normal Map", 2D) = "bump" {} [Enum(UV0,0,UV1,1)] _UVSec ("UV Set for secondary textures", Float) = 0 // Blending state [HideInInspector] _Mode ("__mode", Float) = 0.0 [HideInInspector] _SrcBlend ("__src", Float) = 1.0 [HideInInspector] _DstBlend ("__dst", Float) = 0.0 [HideInInspector] _ZWrite ("__zw", Float) = 1.0 } CGINCLUDE #define UNITY_SETUP_BRDF_INPUT MetallicSetup ENDCG SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "PerformanceChecks"="False" } LOD 300 // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Base forward pass (directional light, emission, lightmaps, ...) Pass { Name "FORWARD" Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" } Cull Off Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend] ZWrite [_ZWrite] CGPROGRAM #pragma target 3.0 // ------------------------------------- #pragma shader_feature_local _NORMALMAP #pragma shader_feature_local _ _ALPHATEST_ON _ALPHABLEND_ON _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON #pragma shader_feature_fragment _EMISSION #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _DETAIL_MULX2 #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF #pragma shader_feature_local _PARALLAXMAP #pragma multi_compile_fwdbase #pragma multi_compile_fog #pragma multi_compile_instancing // Uncomment the following line to enable dithering LOD crossfade. Note: there are more in the file to uncomment for other passes. //#pragma multi_compile _ LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE #pragma vertex vertBase #pragma fragment fragBase #include "UnityStandardCoreForward.cginc" ENDCG } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Additive forward pass (one light per pass) Pass { Name "FORWARD_DELTA" Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardAdd" } Blend [_SrcBlend] One Fog { Color (0,0,0,0) } // in additive pass fog should be black ZWrite Off ZTest LEqual CGPROGRAM #pragma target 3.0 // ------------------------------------- #pragma shader_feature_local _NORMALMAP #pragma shader_feature_local _ _ALPHATEST_ON _ALPHABLEND_ON _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _DETAIL_MULX2 #pragma shader_feature_local _PARALLAXMAP #pragma multi_compile_fwdadd_fullshadows #pragma multi_compile_fog // Uncomment the following line to enable dithering LOD crossfade. Note: there are more in the file to uncomment for other passes. //#pragma multi_compile _ LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE #pragma vertex vertAdd #pragma fragment fragAdd #include "UnityStandardCoreForward.cginc" ENDCG } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Shadow rendering pass Pass { Name "ShadowCaster" Tags { "LightMode" = "ShadowCaster" } Cull Off ZWrite On ZTest LEqual CGPROGRAM #pragma target 3.0 // ------------------------------------- #pragma shader_feature_local _ _ALPHATEST_ON _ALPHABLEND_ON _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature_local _PARALLAXMAP #pragma multi_compile_shadowcaster #pragma multi_compile_instancing // Uncomment the following line to enable dithering LOD crossfade. Note: there are more in the file to uncomment for other passes. //#pragma multi_compile _ LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE #pragma vertex vertShadowCaster #pragma fragment fragShadowCaster #include "UnityStandardShadow.cginc" ENDCG } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Deferred pass Pass { Name "DEFERRED" Tags { "LightMode" = "Deferred" } Cull Off CGPROGRAM #pragma target 3.0 #pragma exclude_renderers nomrt // ------------------------------------- #pragma shader_feature_local _NORMALMAP #pragma shader_feature_local _ _ALPHATEST_ON _ALPHABLEND_ON _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON #pragma shader_feature_fragment _EMISSION #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _DETAIL_MULX2 #pragma shader_feature_local _PARALLAXMAP #pragma multi_compile_prepassfinal #pragma multi_compile_instancing // Uncomment the following line to enable dithering LOD crossfade. Note: there are more in the file to uncomment for other passes. //#pragma multi_compile _ LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE #pragma vertex vertDeferred #pragma fragment fragDeferred2Side #include "UnityStandardCore.cginc" void fragDeferred2Side( VertexOutputDeferred i, out half4 outGBuffer0 : SV_Target0, out half4 outGBuffer1 : SV_Target1, out half4 outGBuffer2 : SV_Target2, out half4 outEmission : SV_Target3 // RT3: emission (rgb), --unused-- (a) #if defined(SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK) && (UNITY_ALLOWED_MRT_COUNT > 4) ,out half4 outShadowMask : SV_Target4 // RT4: shadowmask (rgba) #endif ) { #if (SHADER_TARGET < 30) outGBuffer0 = 1; outGBuffer1 = 1; outGBuffer2 = 0; outEmission = 0; #if defined(SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK) && (UNITY_ALLOWED_MRT_COUNT > 4) outShadowMask = 1; #endif return; #endif UNITY_APPLY_DITHER_CROSSFADE(i.pos.xy); FRAGMENT_SETUP(s) UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(i); // no analytic lights in this pass UnityLight dummyLight = DummyLight(); half atten = 1; // only GI half occlusion = Occlusion(i.tex.xy); #if UNITY_ENABLE_REFLECTION_BUFFERS bool sampleReflectionsInDeferred = false; #else bool sampleReflectionsInDeferred = true; #endif UnityGI gi = FragmentGI(s, occlusion, i.ambientOrLightmapUV, atten, dummyLight, sampleReflectionsInDeferred); half3 emissiveColor = UNITY_BRDF_PBS(s.diffColor, s.specColor, s.oneMinusReflectivity, s.smoothness, s.normalWorld, -s.eyeVec, gi.light, gi.indirect).rgb; #ifdef _EMISSION emissiveColor += Emission(i.tex.xy); #endif #ifndef UNITY_HDR_ON emissiveColor.rgb = exp2(-emissiveColor.rgb); #endif UnityStandardData data; data.diffuseColor = s.diffColor; data.occlusion = occlusion; data.specularColor = s.specColor; data.smoothness = s.smoothness; data.normalWorld = s.normalWorld; if (dot(i.eyeVec, s.normalWorld) > 0) { data.normalWorld = -1 * s.normalWorld; } UnityStandardDataToGbuffer(data, outGBuffer0, outGBuffer1, outGBuffer2); // Emissive lighting buffer outEmission = half4(emissiveColor, 1); // Baked direct lighting occlusion if any #if defined(SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK) && (UNITY_ALLOWED_MRT_COUNT > 4) outShadowMask = UnityGetRawBakedOcclusions(i.ambientOrLightmapUV.xy, IN_WORLDPOS(i)); #endif } ENDCG } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Extracts information for lightmapping, GI (emission, albedo, ...) // This pass it not used during regular rendering. Pass { Name "META" Tags { "LightMode"="Meta" } Cull Off CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert_meta #pragma fragment frag_meta #pragma shader_feature_fragment _EMISSION #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _DETAIL_MULX2 #pragma shader_feature EDITOR_VISUALIZATION #include "UnityStandardMeta.cginc" ENDCG } } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "PerformanceChecks"="False" } LOD 150 // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Base forward pass (directional light, emission, lightmaps, ...) Pass { Name "FORWARD" Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" } Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend] ZWrite [_ZWrite] CGPROGRAM #pragma target 2.0 #pragma shader_feature_local _NORMALMAP #pragma shader_feature_local _ _ALPHATEST_ON _ALPHABLEND_ON _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON #pragma shader_feature_fragment _EMISSION #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF // SM2.0: NOT SUPPORTED shader_feature_local _DETAIL_MULX2 // SM2.0: NOT SUPPORTED shader_feature_local _PARALLAXMAP #pragma skip_variants SHADOWS_SOFT DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED #pragma multi_compile_fwdbase #pragma multi_compile_fog #pragma vertex vertBase #pragma fragment fragBase #include "UnityStandardCoreForward.cginc" ENDCG } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Additive forward pass (one light per pass) Pass { Name "FORWARD_DELTA" Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardAdd" } Blend [_SrcBlend] One Fog { Color (0,0,0,0) } // in additive pass fog should be black ZWrite Off ZTest LEqual CGPROGRAM #pragma target 2.0 #pragma shader_feature_local _NORMALMAP #pragma shader_feature_local _ _ALPHATEST_ON _ALPHABLEND_ON _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _DETAIL_MULX2 // SM2.0: NOT SUPPORTED shader_feature_local _PARALLAXMAP #pragma skip_variants SHADOWS_SOFT #pragma multi_compile_fwdadd_fullshadows #pragma multi_compile_fog #pragma vertex vertAdd #pragma fragment fragAdd #include "UnityStandardCoreForward.cginc" ENDCG } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Shadow rendering pass Pass { Name "ShadowCaster" Tags { "LightMode" = "ShadowCaster" } ZWrite On ZTest LEqual CGPROGRAM #pragma target 2.0 #pragma shader_feature_local _ _ALPHATEST_ON _ALPHABLEND_ON _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma skip_variants SHADOWS_SOFT #pragma multi_compile_shadowcaster #pragma vertex vertShadowCaster #pragma fragment fragShadowCaster #include "UnityStandardShadow.cginc" ENDCG } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Extracts information for lightmapping, GI (emission, albedo, ...) // This pass it not used during regular rendering. Pass { Name "META" Tags { "LightMode"="Meta" } Cull Off CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert_meta #pragma fragment frag_meta #pragma shader_feature_fragment _EMISSION #pragma shader_feature_local _METALLICGLOSSMAP #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment _DETAIL_MULX2 #pragma shader_feature EDITOR_VISUALIZATION #include "UnityStandardMeta.cginc" ENDCG } } FallBack "VertexLit" CustomEditor "StandardShaderGUI" }
这里主要是对延迟渲染中的修改, 就是到处加上Cull Off, 让它双面显示以及背面阴影正确, 然后只修改了延迟渲染中的背面剔除的法向量, 就是直接把原函数fragDeferred从UnityStandardCore.cginc中抄过来, 在获取向量的时候对视角背面的取反:
data.normalWorld = s.normalWorld; if (dot(i.eyeVec, s.normalWorld) > 0) { data.normalWorld = -1 * s.normalWorld; }