

#define m 5
typedef struct nd
 int keynum;
 int data[m+1];
 struct nd *chd[m+1];
 struct nd *pr;

class btree
 pbtnode root;
  int i;
  cout<<"enter node infor ,0 is the endl/nstart:";
//  cin>>i;
//  while(i)
//  {
  // for(i=1;i<1111;i++)
//   cin>>i;
//  }

 void call()

 int search(pbtnode &rt,int k)
  if(rt==0)return 0;
  for(int i=1;i<=rt->keynum&&rt->data[i]<k;i++);
  return i;

 void searchBtree(pbtnode &rt,int k,pbtnode &q,bool &bl)
   int i=search(rt,k);
    cout<<"have a null tear!/n";
    cout<<"the node have in the tree!/n";
   else if(rt->keynum<i)
   else if(k<rt->data[i])
//   else
//    rt=rt->chd[i];

 //Insert the information in the tree!1

 void Insert(pbtnode &rt,int k,pbtnode ap)
   rt=new btnode;
   for(int i=0;i<=m;i++)
   cout<<"seceess insert!/n";
   int i=search(rt,k);
    cout<<"the node have in the tree!/n";
    for(int j=rt->keynum;j>=i;j--)
    cout<<"Insert seccess!!/n";


 void InsertBtree(pbtnode &rt,int k)
  pbtnode p=rt,q;
  bool bl;

 void slpit(pbtnode &rt)
   btnode q=*rt;        
   int i,j;
   pbtnode p=new btnode;
   for(j=0, i=m/2+1;i<=m;i++,j++)  
    p->data[i]=q.data[j];       //change in the here!!
//   for(i=0;i<=p->keynum;i++) //////
//   {
//    if(p->chd[i])
//     p->chd[i]=p;
//   }
   int n=rt->data[m/2+1];
  cout<<"insert up seccess!/n";

 void newroot(pbtnode &rt)        //change at the night
  pbtnode root=new btnode;
  pbtnode nd=new btnode;
  for(int i=0;i<m+1;i++)
  int j;
  {     //**
   if(rt->chd[j])                   //add in the night


//  nd->chd[j]->pr=nd;

 //delete a key from the tree

 void Inorder(pbtnode &rt)
  for(int i=0;i<=rt->keynum;i++)
    cout<<rt->data[i+1]<<"   ";

 void print()
  cout<<"/nthe B_tree/n";


void main()
 btree bt;

posted @ 2007-07-20 12:56  thubier  阅读(10)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报