A graph comprises nodes (also called vertices) connected by links (also known as edges or arcs), each node represents a random variable (or group of random variables) and the links express probabilistic relationships between these variables. The two main class of graphical models are Bayesian networ 阅读全文
最近利用Eclipse在写一个插件,在开发过程中难免会遇到需要引用第三方JAR包的情况,最开始搞了很久,对MANIFEST.MF以及plugin.xml文件进行各种配置,不过依旧还是不成功,通过找一些资料得知一个比较好的方法,并已经测试成功,方法如下:首先利用Eclipse,将需要引用的第三方JAR包制作成插件,“File->New Project->Plug-in Development->Plug-in from exisiting JAR archives” 点击"Next",加入需要的JAR文件,点击"Finish"即可完成相应 阅读全文