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  《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录


  1. 不要使用使用Ping命令测试Azure可用区之间的延迟,ping使用icmp,优先级低导致测试数据不准确,并也不支持Azure虚拟机的加速网卡
  2. 使用4Core或以上核心的CPU
  3. 测试环境是West US 3的3台虚拟机
虚拟机名称 内网IP



  Zone1 Zone2 Zone3
Zone1   329 us
597 us
Zone2 329 us   499 us
597 us
499 us  


  我的逻辑zone 2 -> zone 1的RTT来回时间,平均是329微秒

[root@zone2-vm sockperf]# ./sockperf ping-pong -i --tcp -m 250 -t 101 -p 12345 --full-rtt
sockperf: == version #3.10-31.git19accb522950 == 
sockperf[CLIENT] send on:sockperf: using recvfrom() to block on socket(s)

[ 0] IP =        PORT = 12345 # TCP
sockperf: Warmup stage (sending a few dummy messages)...
sockperf: Starting test...
sockperf: Test end (interrupted by timer)
sockperf: Test ended
sockperf: [Total Run] RunTime=101.000 sec; Warm up time=400 msec; SentMessages=306642; ReceivedMessages=306641
sockperf: ========= Printing statistics for Server No: 0
sockperf: [Valid Duration] RunTime=100.549 sec; SentMessages=305280; ReceivedMessages=305280
sockperf: ====> avg-rtt=329.278 (std-dev=6.181, mean-ad=4.819, median-ad=6.089, siqr=4.182, cv=0.019, std-error=0.011, 99.0% ci=[329.249, 329.307])
sockperf: # dropped messages = 0; # duplicated messages = 0; # out-of-order messages = 0
sockperf: Summary: Round trip is 329.278 usec
sockperf: Total 305280 observations; each percentile contains 3052.80 observations
sockperf: ---> <MAX> observation =  730.838
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.999 =  630.749
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.990 =  390.927
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.900 =  357.838
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.000 =  346.387
sockperf: ---> percentile 90.000 =  337.448
sockperf: ---> percentile 75.000 =  332.661
sockperf: ---> percentile 50.000 =  328.273
sockperf: ---> percentile 25.000 =  324.296
sockperf: ---> <MIN> observation =  319.229


  我的逻辑zone3 -> Zone 1的RTT来回时间,平均是597微秒
[root@zone3-vm sockperf]# ./sockperf ping-pong -i --tcp -m 250 -t 101 -p 12345 --full-rtt
sockperf: == version #3.10-31.git19accb522950 == 
sockperf[CLIENT] send on:sockperf: using recvfrom() to block on socket(s)

[ 0] IP =        PORT = 12345 # TCP
sockperf: Warmup stage (sending a few dummy messages)...
sockperf: Starting test...
sockperf: Test end (interrupted by timer)
sockperf: Test ended
sockperf: [Total Run] RunTime=101.000 sec; Warm up time=400 msec; SentMessages=168930; ReceivedMessages=168929
sockperf: ========= Printing statistics for Server No: 0
sockperf: [Valid Duration] RunTime=100.549 sec; SentMessages=168181; ReceivedMessages=168181
sockperf: ====> avg-rtt=597.784 (std-dev=10.335, mean-ad=4.788, median-ad=5.708, siqr=3.936, cv=0.017, std-error=0.025, 99.0% ci=[597.719, 597.849])
sockperf: # dropped messages = 0; # duplicated messages = 0; # out-of-order messages = 0
sockperf: Summary: Round trip is 597.784 usec
sockperf: Total 168181 observations; each percentile contains 1681.81 observations
sockperf: ---> <MAX> observation = 3754.034
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.999 =  869.444
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.990 =  673.832
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.900 =  638.493
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.000 =  617.334
sockperf: ---> percentile 90.000 =  605.986
sockperf: ---> percentile 75.000 =  600.666
sockperf: ---> percentile 50.000 =  597.206
sockperf: ---> percentile 25.000 =  592.794
sockperf: ---> <MIN> observation =  584.083


  我的逻辑Zone3 -> Zone 2的RTT来回时间,平均是499微秒


[root@zone3-vm sockperf]# ./sockperf ping-pong -i --tcp -m 250 -t 101 -p 12345 --full-rtt
sockperf: == version #3.10-31.git19accb522950 == 
sockperf[CLIENT] send on:sockperf: using recvfrom() to block on socket(s)

[ 0] IP =        PORT = 12345 # TCP
sockperf: Warmup stage (sending a few dummy messages)...
sockperf: Starting test...
sockperf: Test end (interrupted by timer)
sockperf: Test ended
sockperf: [Total Run] RunTime=101.000 sec; Warm up time=400 msec; SentMessages=202256; ReceivedMessages=202255
sockperf: ========= Printing statistics for Server No: 0
sockperf: [Valid Duration] RunTime=100.549 sec; SentMessages=201369; ReceivedMessages=201369
sockperf: ====> avg-rtt=499.247 (std-dev=21.937, mean-ad=4.989, median-ad=6.349, siqr=4.349, cv=0.044, std-error=0.049, 99.0% ci=[499.121, 499.373])
sockperf: # dropped messages = 0; # duplicated messages = 0; # out-of-order messages = 0
sockperf: Summary: Round trip is 499.247 usec
sockperf: Total 201369 observations; each percentile contains 2013.69 observations
sockperf: ---> <MAX> observation = 9768.329
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.999 = 1197.550
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.990 =  627.747
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.900 =  530.358
sockperf: ---> percentile 99.000 =  514.444
sockperf: ---> percentile 90.000 =  507.588
sockperf: ---> percentile 75.000 =  502.799
sockperf: ---> percentile 50.000 =  498.307
sockperf: ---> percentile 25.000 =  494.099
sockperf: ---> <MIN> observation =  488.251


posted @ 2025-03-01 19:23 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(6) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 Azure虚拟机为了安全考虑,默认是禁止root账户的。 如果我们需要启用root的密码登录,需要执行下面的操作。 1.我们首先新建一台Linux VM,操作系统选择Rocky 9。 2.编辑SSH配置文件 vi /etc/ssh/ss 阅读全文
posted @ 2025-01-23 16:45 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(16) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 1.说明 (1)本文介绍在Azure新加坡数据中心,部署Dedicated HSM服务。 2.前提要求 (1)我们需要开一个微软支持工单,启用Azure Dedicate HSM服务。具体步骤略。 (2)微软支持团队确认后,我们需要安装 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-12-27 20:05 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(148) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 Azure VM设置反向DNS记录 1.首先,先创建1台Azure VM,部署在Azure Germany West Central。给这台虚拟机挂载1个公网IP地址 2.在自己的DNS域名解析商,做CNAME解析,比如:lei.cyy 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-11-08 16:16 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(20) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 1.问题描述: 之前遇到了部分MySQL 虚拟机,操作系统盘和数据盘的磁盘读取(Disk Read)突增,同时虚拟机可用内存突然减少,最后发生OOM (Out of Memory)。如下图: 2.通过安装Linux ATOP工具,监控虚 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-10-31 19:26 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(42) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 一.需求: 1.有1个Azure CLI的命令,叫 az storage file download --path --share-name [--account-key] [--account-name] 具体可以参考:https:/ 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-10-15 12:54 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(16) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 我们在使用Azure AKS的时候,会通过Azure Application Gateway进行服务暴露,主要有三种实现方式: (1)推荐做法:通过AGIC (Application Gateway Ingress Controller 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-09-14 11:44 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(55) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 本文介绍的是静态创建存储账户,即用户需要提前创建好存储账户 1.我们首先创建Azure AKS集群,步骤略。我们的AKS集群名称为:aks1-27-9 2.Azure AKS 通过NFS File Share挂载的时候,NFS 4.1只 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-08-21 17:42 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(47) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 最近有1个客户需求,在这里记录一下。 客户提出需要使用Azure负载均衡器(四层负载均衡器),实现主备模式。 场景是负载均衡器后有2台虚拟机 - 平时100%的流量都发送到第一台虚拟机 - 如果第一台虚拟机发生宕机了,则100%的流量都 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-07-10 16:21 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(143) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 本文介绍的是动态创建存储账户 即用户不需要提前创建好存储账户,由AKS自己管理 Azure AKS 通过NFS File Share挂载的时候,NFS 4.1只支持高级性能层的Azure存储账户。 1.创建名为 azure-file-s 阅读全文
posted @ 2024-07-02 16:38 Lei Zhang的博客 阅读(24) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
