


1.DBScan(for density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise),我觉得维基百科中对它的描述很准确,很详尽:

DBSCAN's definition of a cluster is based on the notion of density reachability. Basically, a point q isdirectly density-reachable from a point p if it is not farther away than a given distance \varepsilon (i.e., is part of its \varepsilon-neighborhood) and if p is surrounded by sufficiently many points such that one may consider p and q to be part of a cluster. q is called density-reachable (note the distinction from "directly density-reachable") from p if there is a sequence p_1,\ldots,p_n of points with p_1 = p and p_n = q where each p_{i+1} is directly density-reachable from p_i.

Note that the relation of density-reachable is not symmetric. q might lie on the edge of a cluster, having insufficiently many neighbors to count as dense itself. This would halt the process of finding a path that stops with the first non-dense point. By contrast, starting the process with q would lead to p (though the process would halt there, p being the first non-dense point). Due to this asymmetry, the notion of density-connected is introduced: two points p and q are density-connected if there is a pointo such that both p and q are density-reachable from o. Density-connectedness is symmetric.

A cluster, which is a subset of the points of the database, satisfies two properties:

  1. All points within the cluster are mutually density-connected.
  2. If a point is density-connected to any point of the cluster, it is part of the cluster as well.






4.1 在收藏夹上面创建“快捷键”(当然,你可以把它打包为chrome插件,关于chrome插件开发,可以参照:http://dev.chromechina.com/thread-1940-1-1.html):新建一个收藏夹,在网址中写入下面的代码:

javascript: void((function() {
    var d = document;
    if (null == d.getElementById("thinkBank_ClearReader")) {
        var e = d.createElement("script");
        e.setAttribute("id", "thinkBank_ClearReader");
        e.setAttribute("charset", "UTF-8");
        e.setAttribute("src", "http://XXX/Scripts/displayHtmlClearly.js?" + Math.floor(new Date / 1E7));



4.2 创建displayHtmlClearly.js文件:


function removeTags() {
        var docType = /<!DOCTYPE.*?>/gi;
        var comment = /<!--.*?-->/gi;
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        var liBTag = /<\s{0,}\/?li.*?>/gi;
        var removeStyle = /(<(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|strong|div|p|pre|person|plaintext))\s(?:\s*\w*?\s*=\s*".+?")*?\s*?(>)/gi;
        var otherTag_preview = /<(?!img)(?!\/?h1)(?!\/?h2)(?!\/?h3)(?!\/?h4)(?!\/?h5)(?!\/?h6)(?!\/?strong)(?!\/?div)(?!\/?p)(?!\/?br)(?!\/?a)[\s\S]*?>/gi;

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        textBodytPreview = textBodytPreview.replace(/(<h6><\/h6>\s{0,}){2,}/gi, "<h6></h6>");



4.3 核心算法分析:



View Code
 1 function extractText() {
 2         // 去除每行的空白字符
 3         lines = textBody.split('\n');
 4         lines2 = textBodytPreview.split('\n');
 5         for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
 6             lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/\s*/gi, "");
 8         // 去除上下紧邻行为空,且该行字数小于30的行
 9         for (var i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
10             if (lines[i].length < 30 && 0 == lines[i - 1].length && 0 == lines[i + 1].length)
11                 lines[i] = "";
12         }
14         // 统计去除空白字符后每个行块所含总字数
15         for (var i = 0; i < lines.length - blockHeight; i++) {
16             var len = 0;
17             for (var j = 0; j < blockHeight; j++)
18                 len += lines[i + j].length;
19             blockLen.push(len);
20         }
22         // 寻找各个正文块起始和结束行,并进行拼接
23         textStart = FindTextStart(0);
24         if (0 == textStart)
25             content = "未能提取到正文!";
26         else {
27             if (bJoinMethond == 1) {
28                 while (textEnd < lines.length) {
29                     textEnd = FindTextEnd(textStart);
30                     content += GetText();
31                     textStart = FindTextStart(textEnd);
32                     if (0 == textStart)
33                         break;
34                     textEnd = textStart;
35                 }
36             }
37             else {
38                 textEnd = FindTextEnd(textStart);
39                 content += GetText();
40             }
41         }
42     }
44     // 如果一个行块大小超过阈值,且紧跟其后的1个行块大小不为0,则此行块为起始点(即连续的4行文字长度超过阈值)
45     function FindTextStart(index) {
46         for (var i = index; i < blockLen.length - 1; i++) {
47             if (blockLen[i] > threshold && blockLen[i + 1] > 0) {
48                 return i;
49             }
50         }
51         return 0;
52     }
54     // 起始点之后,如果2个连续行块大小都为0,则认为其是结束点(即连续的4行文字长度为0)
55     function FindTextEnd(index) {
56         for (var i = index + 1; i < blockLen.length - 1; i++) {
57             if (0 == blockLen[i] && 0 == blockLen[i + 1])
58                 return i;
59         }
60         return lines.length - 1;
61     }
63     function GetText() {
64         var sb = "";
65         for (var i = textStart; i < textEnd; i++) {
66             if (lines2[i].length != 0)
67                 sb += lines2[i];
68         }
69         return sb;
70     }

4.4 找出正文,接下来显示即可,我的显示就是在原网页上覆盖一个iframe,这样,因为我们请求过网页,仅仅需要在客户端做这些分析即可,不用再次请求(在网易的新闻做的测试,原网页上):

4.5 感谢HIT-SCIR的陈鑫前辈,感谢华南农业大学信息学院的欧阳佳,林丕源 给我的灵感。

4.6 如果下次有空,在分享我对这个js类库的改进,添加了基于视觉的网页分割算法VIPS。本人学艺尚浅,如果有写的不好的地方,请指教。

QQ:344481058  邮箱:three_zone@163.com

2012年07月05日 修改: 由于有些读者想看整个javascript文件,故将文件共享出来,希望可以与大家一起交流。



posted @ 2012-04-29 19:23  三度空间  阅读(1209)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报