2.5 Classical IPC Problems经典IPC问题
2.5.1 The Producer-Consumer(or Bounded Buffer)Problem
2.5.2 The Dining Philosophers Problem哲学家进餐问题
Loop forever Think Get Hungry Eat |
- 5位哲学家坐在圆桌旁;
- 每个哲学家都有一盘意大利面;
- 每个盘子之间有一个叉子;
- 哲学家吃饭要用两把叉子;
- 显而易见的解决方案(拿右边的;拿左边的;吃饭;放下右边的;放下左边的)=死锁。
- 围绕所有序列化的大锁。
- 书中有很好的代码。
#include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <semaphore.h>
#define N 5 #define LEFT (i+N-1)%N #define RIGHT (i+1)%N #define THINKING 0 #define HUNGRY 1 #define EATING 2
sem_t semArray[N]; int status[N]; pthread_mutex_t lock; pthread_t threadIDArray[N];
void test(int i) { if (status[i] == HUNGRY && status[LEFT] != EATING && status[RIGHT] != EATING) { status[i] = EATING; sem_post(&semArray[i]); } }
void take_forks(int i) { pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); status[i] = HUNGRY; test(i); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); sem_wait(&semArray[i]); printf("philosopher %d take No.%d and No.%d forks!\n", i, i, i + 1); }
void put_forks(int i) { pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); status[i] = THINKING; test(LEFT); test(RIGHT); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); }
void* PhilosopherActionFunction(void* params) { int philosopherID = *((int*)params); printf("philosopher %d start Thinking!\n", philosopherID); sleep(4); while (1) { printf("philosopher %d get hungry!\n", philosopherID); take_forks(philosopherID); sleep(3); put_forks(philosopherID); printf("philosopher %d put forks!\n", philosopherID); int thinkTime = rand() % 10; sleep(thinkTime); }
pthread_exit(NULL); }
int main() { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { sem_init(&semArray[i], 0, 0); status[i] = THINKING; }
pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL);
int a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, d = 3, e = 4; pthread_create(&threadIDArray[a], NULL, PhilosopherActionFunction, (void*)&a); pthread_create(&threadIDArray[b], NULL, PhilosopherActionFunction, (void*)&b); pthread_create(&threadIDArray[c], NULL, PhilosopherActionFunction, (void*)&c); pthread_create(&threadIDArray[d], NULL, PhilosopherActionFunction, (void*)&d); pthread_create(&threadIDArray[e], NULL, PhilosopherActionFunction, (void*)&e);
pthread_join(threadIDArray[a], NULL); pthread_join(threadIDArray[b], NULL); pthread_join(threadIDArray[c], NULL); pthread_join(threadIDArray[d], NULL); pthread_join(threadIDArray[e], NULL);
return 0; } |
Homework 14
In the solution to the dining philosophers problem, why is the state variable set to HUNGRY int the procedure take_forks? 在用餐哲学家问题的解决方案中,为什么状态变量在take_fork的过程中设置为HUNGRY?
If a philosopher blocks, neighbors can later see that she is hungry by checking his state, in test, so he can be awakened when the forks are available. 如果一个哲学家被阻塞后,它的邻居可以根据这位哲学家当前处在的饥饿状态,判断其是否可以进行进餐活动,当其左右两侧的哲学家都不处于EATING状态时他就可以被唤醒成功得到叉子。
Consider the procedure put_forks. Suppose that the variable state[i] was set to THINKING after the two calls to test, rather then before. How would this change affect the solution? 考虑put_forks方法。假设state[i]在两次测试调用之后被设置为THINKING,而不是在之前,这种变化将如何影响解决方案?
产生死锁!test(i)永远也无法被测试通过。The change would mean that after a philosopher stopped eating, neither of his neighbors could be chosen next. In fact, they would never be chosen. Suppose that philosopher 2 finished eating. He would run test for philosophers 1 and 3, and neither would be started, even though both were hungry and both forks were available. Similarly, if philosopher 4 finished eating, philosopher 3 would not be started. Nothing would start him.
2.5.3 The Readers and Writers Problem读者-写者问题
- Reader(读者)可以与其他进程/线程并发工作;
- Writer(写者)不能与其他进程/线程并发工作;
- 防止两个Writer同时进行写入;
- 防止Writer和Reader同时进行写入和读取;
- 当没有Writer写入时可允许多个Reader进行读取;
- 在一定程度上确保公平;
#include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <string.h>
#define M 4 #define N 2 #define LENGTH 64
sem_t readerSem; sem_t writerSem; int readingNumber = 0; pthread_t threadList[M + N];
char buffer[LENGTH] = "Hello World!"; char* stringSet[] = {"Hello World", "Hello Thank you!", "Don't Hurry", "Just Do It", "Harry Potter", "I'am not sure!"};
void* ReaderThread(void* params) { int readerID = *((int*)params); char threadBuffer[LENGTH]; while (1) { sem_wait(&readerSem); readingNumber += 1; if (readingNumber == 1) sem_wait(&writerSem); sem_post(&readerSem);
strcpy(threadBuffer, buffer); printf("Reader No.%d read [%s]\n", readerID, threadBuffer);
sem_wait(&readerSem); readingNumber -= 1; if (readingNumber == 0) sem_post(&writerSem); sem_post(&readerSem);
int sleepTime = rand() % 20; sleep(sleepTime); }
pthread_exit(NULL); }
void* WriterThread(void* params) { int writerID = *((int*)params); while (1) { int changeToID = rand() % 6; sem_wait(&writerSem); printf("Writer No.%d start Write!\n", writerID); strcpy(buffer, stringSet[changeToID]); printf("Writer No.%d Write Success!\n", writerID); sem_post(&writerSem); sleep(changeToID); }
pthread_exit(NULL); }
int main() { sem_init(&readerSem, 0, 1); sem_init(&writerSem, 0, 1);
int* readerIDList = (int*)malloc(M * sizeof(int)); int* writerIDList = (int*)malloc(N * sizeof(int)); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < M; i++) { readerIDList[i] = i + 1; pthread_create(&threadList[i], NULL, ReaderThread, (void*)&readerIDList[i]); }
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { writerIDList[i] = i + 1; pthread_create(&threadList[M + i], NULL, WriterThread, (void*)&writerIDList[i]); }
for (i = 0; i < M + N; i++) { pthread_join(threadList[i], NULL); }
free(readerIDList); free(writerIDList); } |
writer-priority 写者优先的读者/写者问题
reader-priority 读者优先的读者/写者问题
#include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <string.h>
#define M 4 #define N 2 #define LENGTH 64
sem_t countSem; sem_t bufferSem; sem_t writerPrioritySem; int readingNumber = 0; int otherCanEnter = 1; pthread_t threadList[M + N];
char buffer[LENGTH] = "Hello World!"; char* stringSet[] = {"Hello World", "Hello Thank you!", "Don't Hurry", "Just Do It", "Harry Potter", "I'am not sure!"};
void* ReaderThread(void* params) { int readerID = *((int*)params); char threadBuffer[LENGTH]; while (1) { while (otherCanEnter == 0) {};
sem_wait(&countSem); readingNumber += 1; if (readingNumber == 1) sem_wait(&bufferSem); sem_post(&countSem);
strcpy(threadBuffer, buffer); printf("Reader No.%d read [%s]\n", readerID, threadBuffer);
sem_wait(&countSem); readingNumber -= 1; if (readingNumber == 0) sem_post(&bufferSem); sem_post(&countSem);
int sleepTime = rand() % 2; sleep(sleepTime); }
pthread_exit(NULL); }
void* WriterThread(void* params) { int writerID = *((int*)params); while (1) { int changeToID = rand() % 6;
sem_wait(&writerPrioritySem); otherCanEnter = 0;
sem_wait(&bufferSem); printf("Writer No.%d start Write!\n", writerID); strcpy(buffer, stringSet[changeToID]); printf("Writer No.%d Write Success!\n", writerID); sem_post(&bufferSem);
otherCanEnter = 1; sem_post(&writerPrioritySem);
sleep(changeToID); }
pthread_exit(NULL); }
int main() { sem_init(&countSem, 0, 1); sem_init(&bufferSem, 0, 1); sem_init(&writerPrioritySem, 0, 1);
int* readerIDList = (int*)malloc(M * sizeof(int)); int* writerIDList = (int*)malloc(N * sizeof(int)); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < M; i++) { readerIDList[i] = i + 1; pthread_create(&threadList[i], NULL, ReaderThread, (void*)&readerIDList[i]); }
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { writerIDList[i] = i + 1; pthread_create(&threadList[M + i], NULL, WriterThread, (void*)&writerIDList[i]); }
for (i = 0; i < M + N; i++) { pthread_join(threadList[i], NULL); }
free(readerIDList); free(writerIDList); } |
2.5.4 Summary of 2.3 and 2.5 2.3和2.5的总结
posted on 2022-01-06 15:06 ThomasZhong 阅读(48) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报