sql sever 常用的存储过程的写法或者说与Oracle中存过的异同点


create or replace procedure proc_test (v_pat_no     in     varchar2,
                                                               cv_1        out    sys_refcursor) as
v_patient_id varchar2(12);
v_times number;
tempsize number;

select count(1) into tempsize
from zy_actpatient
where inpatient_no = v_pat_no
and substr(patient_id, 12, 1) = '0'
and nvl(visit_type, '0') <> 'XX';

if tempsize >0  then
          select patient_id, admiss_times
          into v_patient_id, v_times
           from zy_actpatient
           where inpatient_no = v_pat_no;
        select '',''into v_patient_id, v_times from dual;
end if;

     open cv_1 for

    select       a.*    from a   ;




2. sql sever 版本

create   procedure    proc_test_a
@v_pat_no varchar(20)

@v_patient_id varchar(12),
@v_times float,
@tempsize float
select @tempsize =count(1)
from zy_actpatient
where inpatient_no = @v_pat_no
and substring(patient_id, 12, 1) = '0'
and isnull(visit_type, '0') <> 'XX'

if @tempsize >0
select @v_patient_id = patient_id, @v_times=admiss_times from zy_actpatient where inpatient_no = @v_pat_no
and substring(patient_id, 12, 1) = '0' and isnull(visit_type, '0') <> 'XX'
select @v_patient_id='',@v_times=''

 select       a.* from a   where  a.admiss_times = @v_times



从上面的1与2可以得到Oracle与sql sever写存过的区别是::



create or replace procedure p_hld(v_ward in varchar2,
                                                       cv_1 out sys_refcursor)


insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,hlcg)
select enc_id,DISPLAY_NAME
from general_order
where serial = '**' and DISPLAY_NAME like '%护理常规%' and order_status in ('2','3','4') and input_type = 'd'
and ward_sn = v_ward;

insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,fjhl)
select enc_id,DISPLAY_NAME
from general_order
where serial = '**' and DISPLAY_NAME like '%级护理%' and order_status in ('2','3','4') and input_type = 'd'
and ward_sn = v_ward;


open cv_1 for
select distinct b.bed_no,b.name, enc_id,

(select to_char(wm_concat(hlcg)) From hld_general_1 b where b.enc_id = a.enc_id) hlcg ,
(select to_char(wm_concat(fjhl)) From hld_general_1 b where b.enc_id = a.enc_id) fjhl,
(select name from zd_unit_code where code =v_ward) 科室
from hld_general_1 a,cisdb_dev.patient_encounter b
where b.code = 'inp' and b.status_code = 'active'
and b.ward = v_ward
and a.enc_id = b.patient_encounter_id
order by b.bed_no;

delete hld_general_1;





4.0  sql  sever 

CREATE procedure [dbo].[p_hld](@ward varchar(7))


insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,hlcg)
select enc_id,display_name
from general_order
where serial = '**' and display_name like '%护理常规%' and order_status in ('2','3','4') and input_type = 'd'
and stop_time is null and ward_sn = @ward;

insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,fjhl)
select enc_id,display_name
from general_order
where serial = '**' and display_name like '%级护理%' and order_status in ('2','3','4') and input_type = 'd'
and stop_time is null and ward_sn = @ward;

insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,ys)
select enc_id,display_name
from general_order where serial = '**' and display_name like '%饮食%' and order_status in ('2','3','4') and input_type = 'd'
and stop_time is null and ward_sn = @ward;

insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,jh)
select enc_id,display_name + freq_code as display_name from general_order
where code in ('516245','500381','500382','516330','516317','516251') and order_status in ('2','3','4')
and stop_time is null and ward_sn = @ward;

insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,xy)
select enc_id,display_name from general_order where serial = '**' and (display_name like '%吸氧%' or display_name like '%氧气%' )and order_status in ('2','3','4') and input_type = 'd'
and stop_time is null and ward_sn = @ward;

insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,qt)
select enc_id, display_name from general_order where code not in ('516245','500381','500382','516330','516246','999999','516090','516251','516317') and serial = '**' and display_name not like '%护理常规%'
and display_name not like '%级护理%' and display_name not like '%饮食%' and display_name not like '%吸氧%' and order_type not in('1', '2')
and order_status in ('2','3','4') and input_type = 'd'
and stop_time is null and ward_sn = @ward;

select distinct b.bed_no,b.name, enc_id,
( STUFF(( SELECT ',' + hlcg FROM hld_general_1 hlcg WHERE hlcg.enc_id = a.enc_id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') ) hlcg ,
( STUFF(( SELECT ',' + fjhl FROM hld_general_1 fjhl WHERE fjhl.enc_id = a.enc_id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') ) fjhl,
( STUFF(( SELECT ',' + ys FROM hld_general_1 ys WHERE ys.enc_id = a.enc_id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') ) ys,
( STUFF(( SELECT ',' + jh FROM hld_general_1 jh WHERE jh.enc_id = a.enc_id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') ) jh,
( STUFF(( SELECT ',' + xy FROM hld_general_1 xy WHERE xy.enc_id = a.enc_id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') ) xy,
( STUFF(( SELECT ',' + qt FROM hld_general_1 qt WHERE qt.enc_id = a.enc_id FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') ) qt,
(select name from zd_unit_code where code =@ward) 科室
from hld_general_1 a,cisdb_dev.dbo.patient_encounter b
where b.code = 'inp' and b.status_code = 'active'
and b.ward = @ward
and a.enc_id = b.patient_encounter_id
order by b.bed_no;

-- select name INTO @warnname from zd_unit_code where code =@ward;

delete hld_general_1;
-- commit;






insert into hld_general_1 (enc_id,hlcg)

select enc_id,DISPLAY_NAME from general_order 

where DISPLAY_NAME like '%护理常规%' 


hld_general_1 (enc_id,hlcg)

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