02 2016 档案
Master Nginx(5) - Reverse Proxy Advanced Topics
摘要:Security through separtion Encrypting traffic with SSL Authenticating clients using SSL Blocking traffic based on originating IP address Isolating app
Master Nginx(4) - Nginx as a Reverse Proxy
摘要:Introduction to reverse proxying the proxy module legacy servers with cookies the upstream module keepalive connections load-balancing algorithms Type
Master Nginx(3) - Using the Mail Module
摘要:Basic proxy service Authentication service Combining with memcached Interpreting log files Operating system limits
Mater Nginx(2) - A Configuration Guide
摘要:由一个主配置文件和一些辅助配置文件构成,位于conf目录下 配置指令 指令参数(配置指令对应的值) token串分为简单字符串或复合配置块({}) 简单配置项 复杂配置项 error_page 500 502 /50x.html; location / { root /home/html; inde
Master Nginx(1) - Installing Nginx and Third-Party Modules
摘要:Installing NGINX and Third-Party Modules Installing Nginx using a package manager Linux(deb-based) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-sof