04 2013 档案
摘要:产品概念,5%产品定义,20%产品开发,25%产品测试,25%客户验收,10%产品维护15%项目管理:需求分析:设计:开发:测试:实施支持需求分析 : 20% 设计、开发与测试: 20% 工程维护:60%
Scrum 简介
摘要:Three Roles: Product Owner, Scrum master, TeamThe Product owner: Own and prioritizes the Product Backlogdefines and prioritizes features--owns the gathering of requirementsagrees to iteration ground rules--set length of calendar time for sprint (2,3,4 weeks typical)does not interfere with sprint(no
Oracle SQL (2):SQL Fundamentals(Day II)
摘要:联合查询:1.等值连接:(内连接,自然连接)SQL> select d.deptno, d.dname, e.empno, e.ename, e.sal 2 from dept d, emp e 3 where d.deptno=e.deptno;13 rows selected.2.非等值连接:SQL> select e.ename, e.sal, s.grade 2 from emp e, salgrade s 3* where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal3.自连接:SQL> select e.ename, m.ename 2 fr
Oracle SQL (1):SQL Fundamentals(Day I)
摘要:[root@localhost ~]# su - oracle[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba;SQL> show user;USER is "SYS"SQL> startup open;SQL> alter user scott identified by tiger account unlock;SQL> alter user hr identified by hr account unlock;SQL> conn scott/tiger;SQL> set linesize 140;(
OCM读书笔记(0) - OCM考试(Oracle Certified Master)核心内参
摘要:ORACLE 10g下载地址oracle 下载还需要用户名我自己注册了个方便大家使用下载user:1603869780@qq.compass:qwe123QWE密码是这个 一般不会动了 大家也不用帮我找回密码了每次都改 也很麻烦的如果有需要可以帮我浏览下 右侧的需要的信息用迅雷下就不用密码了 下载也不会卡到最后 还可以续传Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Enterprise/Standard Edition for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) http://download.oracle.com/otn/nt/or