CLR允许创建 generic reference types 以及generic value types, 但是不允许创建 generic enumerated types.
首先,同一个AppDomain中不同的程序集均使用List<DateTime>, CLR仅会编译一次List<DateTime>。
public delegate TReturn CallMe<TReturn, TKey, TValue>(TKey key, TValue value);
public sealed class CallMe<TReturn, TKey, TValue> { public CallMe(Object obj, IntPtr method); public virtual TReturn Invoke(TKey key, TValue value); public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(TKey key, TValue value, AsyncCallback callback, Object obj); public virtual TReturn EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); }
主限制(primary constraint) -- zero or one
internal sealed class PrimaryConstraintOfClass<T> where T : class { public void M() { T temp = null;// Allowed because T must be a reference type } }
值类型(struct): internal sealed class PrimaryConstraintOfStruct<T> where T : struct { public static T Factory() { // Allowed because all value types implicitly // have a public, parameterless constructor return new T(); } }
辅助限制(secondary constraint) -- zero or more
private static List<TBase> ConvertIList<T, TBase>(IList<T> list) where T : TBase { List<TBase> baseList = new List<TBase>(list.Count); for (Int32 index = 0; index < list.Count; index++) { baseList.Add(list[index]); } return baseList; }
构造函数限制(constructor constraint) -- zero or one
internal sealed class ConstructorConstraint<T> where T : new() { public static T Factory() { // Allowed because all value types implicitly // have a public, parameterless constructor and because // the constraint requires that any specified reference // type also have a public, parameterless constructor return new T(); } }
internal sealed class Node<T> { public T m_data; public Node<T> m_next; public Node(T data) : this(data, null){ } public Node(T data, Node<T> next){ m_data = data; m_next = next; } }
private static void SameDataLinkedList()
Node<Char> head = new Node<Char>('C');
head = new Node<Char>('B', head);
head = new Node<Char>('A', head); // 'A' 必须与'B'类型相同
internal class Node { protected Node m_next; public Node(Node next){ m_next = next; } } internal sealed class TypedNode<T> : Node { public T m_data;
public TypedNode(T data) : this(data, null){ } public TypedNode(T data, Node next) : base(next){ m_data = data; } }
private static void DifferentDataLinkedList(){
Node head = new TypedNode<Char>('.');
head = new TypedNode<DateTime>(DateTime.Now, head);
head = new TypedNode<String>("Today is ", head); // 'Today is' 可以与DateTime.Now类型不同