VCS -- ucli save-restore的妙用

VCS -- ucli save-restore的妙用


跑了一两周的case 突然LSF崩溃,所有验证进度中断,ICer内心也是很奔溃的。

VCS 其实提供了一种save 仿真状态的功能,配合restore使用,可使仿真中断后,在save点重启仿真。

  • ucli 描述:

Use this command to store the current simulation snapshot in a specified file.
This command saves the entire simulation state
including breakpoints set at the time of saving the simulation.
Relative or absolute path can be given where you want the specified
file to be kept (see the example that follows). This command also
creates (along with the specified file) a file named filename.ucli
in the directory where the specified file is saved. This file has the
record of all the commands that have been executed (including this
command). Multiple simulation snapshots can be created by using
this command repeatedly


  • save

  • restore


posted @ 2022-09-16 10:35  Thisway2014  阅读(2848)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报