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In general, when an activity executes, it quickly performs some work and then either reports its completion or (having established one or more bookmarks) yields and waits for stimulus. This pattern maps nicely to a conceptual model in which work items are queued and then dispatched, one at a time, each to a target activity.

This pattern, depicted in Figure 3.1, is generally known as scheduling, so the component of the WF runtime that encompasses this functionality is known as the scheduler. The scheduler dispatches work items one at a time (from a queue), in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) fashion. Additionally, because the WF runtime never intervenes in the processing of a work item that has been dispatched, the scheduler behavior is strictly nonpreemptive.

Figure 3.1. WF scheduler



To distinguish the scheduler's internal queue of work items from WF program queues (which are explicitly created by activity execution logic), we will call the queue that holds scheduler work items the scheduler work queue. When its scheduler work queue is empty, a WF program instance is considered idle.

Scheduler Work Items

The work items in the scheduler work queue are delegates. Each work item (delegate) corresponds to a method on an activity in the WF program instance. The activity method that is indicated by a work item (delegate) in the scheduler work queue is known as the execution handler of that work item.

Although there is no API to directly manipulate (or view) the scheduler work queue, certain actions taken by activities will cause work items to be enqueued. Delivery of input to a WF program queue can also cause work items to be enqueued.

A given activity's execution may include the invocation of any number of execution handlers. The state on which execution handlers operate is preserved across invocations of execution handlers of the same activity. This state is heap-allocated and is managed independently of the stack that is associated with the currently running CLR thread. The execution of activities across resumption points is stackless.

Scheduling of work items (delegates) is the mechanism by which methods on activities are invoked. This simple machinery drives activity, and WF program, execution. But in order to understand the rules about how and when work items are enqueued, we must understand the lifecycle of an activity, and that is our next topic.

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Activity Automaton

The CLR virtualizes the instruction set of machine processors by describing its execution capabilities in terms of a hardware-agnostic instruction set, Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Programs compiled to MSIL are ultimately translated to machine-specific instructions, but virtualization allows language compilers to target only MSIL and not worry about various processor architectures.

In the WF programming model, the program statements used to build WF programs are classes that derive from Activity and CompositeActivity. Therefore, unlike MSIL, the "instruction set" supported by WF is not fixed. It is expected that many kinds of activities will be built and used in WF programs, while the WF runtime only relies upon the base classes. An activity developer can choose to implement anythingdomain-specific or general-purposewithin the very general boundaries set by the WF runtime. Consequently, the WF runtime is freed from the actual semantics of specific activities.

The WF programming model does codify aspects of the interactions between the WF runtime and activities (such as the dispatch of execution handlers) in terms of an activity automaton (a finite state machine), which we will now explore in depth, with examples.

This chapter focuses solely on the normal execution of an activity. An activity that executes normally begins in the Initialized state, moves to the Executing state when its work begins, and moves to the Closed state when its work is completed. This is shown in Figure 3.2. The full activity automaton, shown in Figure 3.3, includes other states that will be discussed in Chapter 4, "Advanced Activity Execution."

Figure 3.2. Basic activity automaton


Figure 3.3. Complete activity automaton



The lifecycle of any activity in an executing WF program is captured by the states of the activity automaton and the transitions that exist between these states. Transitions from one state to another are brokered by the WF runtime to ensure the correctness of WF program execution.

Another way to view the activity automaton is as an abstract execution contract that exists between the WF runtime and any activity. It is the responsibility of the WF runtime to enforce that the execution of an activity strictly follows the transitions of the activity automaton. It is the responsibility of the activity to decide when certain transitions should occur. Figure 3.4 depicts the participation of both the WF scheduler and an activity in driving the automaton.

Figure 3.4. The dispatch of execution handlers is governed by the activity automaton.



Activity Execution Status and Result

The WriteLine activity shown in Listing 3.1 prints the value of its Text property to the console and then reports its completion.

Listing 3.1. WriteLine Activity

using System;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
                        namespace EssentialWF.Activities
                        public class WriteLine : Activity
                        public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty
                        = DependencyProperty.Register("Text",
                        typeof(string), typeof(WriteLine));
                        public string Text
                        get { return (string) GetValue(TextProperty); }
                        set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); }
                        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context)
                        return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;

The execution logic of WriteLine is found in its override of the Execute method, which is inherited from Activity. The Execute method is the most important in a set of virtual methods defined on Activity that collectively constitute an activity's participation in the transitions of the activity automaton. All activities implement the Execute method; the other methods are more selectively overridden.

Listing 3.2 shows members defined by the Activity type that we will cover in this chapter and the next.

Listing 3.2. Activity Revisited

namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel
                        public class Activity : DependencyObject
                        protected virtual ActivityExecutionStatus Cancel(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context);
                        protected virtual ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context);
                        protected virtual ActivityExecutionStatus HandleFault(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context, Exception fault);
                        protected virtual void Initialize(
                        IServiceProvider provider);
                        protected virtual void Uninitialize(
                        IServiceProvider provider);
                        protected virtual void OnExecutionContextLoad(
                        IServiceProvider provider);
                        protected virtual void OnExecutionContextUnload(
                        IServiceProvider provider);
                        protected virtual void OnClosed(
                        IServiceProvider provider);
                        public ActivityExecutionResult ExecutionResult { get; }
                        public ActivityExecutionStatus ExecutionStatus { get; }
                        /* *** other members *** */

By returning a value of ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed from its Execute method, the WriteLine activity indicates to the WF runtime that its work is done; as a result, the activity moves to the Closed state.

Activity defines a property called ExecutionStatus, whose value indicates the current state (in the activity automaton) of the activity. The type of Activity.ExecutionStatus is ActivityExecutionStatus, which is shown in Listing 3.3.

Listing 3.3. ActivityExecutionStatus

namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel
                        public enum ActivityExecutionStatus

Activity also defines a property called ExecutionResult, whose value qualifies an execution status of ExecutionStatus.Closed, because that state can be entered from any of five other states. The type of Activity.ExecutionResult is ActivityExecutionResult, which is shown in Listing 3.4. An activity with an execution status other than Closed will always have an execution result of None.

Listing 3.4. ActivityExecutionResult

namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel
                        public enum ActivityExecutionResult

The values of the ExecutionStatus and ExecutionResult properties are settable only by the WF runtime, which manages the lifecyle transitions of all activities.

You can determine the current execution status and execution result of an activity by getting the values of its ExecutionStatus and ExecutionResult properties:

using System;
            using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
            public class MyActivity : Activity
            protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
            ActivityExecutionContext context)
            ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing == ExecutionStatus);
            ActivityExecutionResult.None == ExecutionResult);

The ExecutionStatus and ExecutionResult properties only have meaning at runtime for activities within a WF program instance.

Activity Execution Context

The Execute method has one parameter of type ActivityExecutionContext. This object represents the execution context for the currently executing activity.

The ActivityExecutionContext type (abbreviated AEC) is shown in Listing 3.5.

Listing 3.5. ActivityExecutionContext

namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel
                        public sealed class ActivityExecutionContext: IDisposable,
                        public T GetService<T>();
                        public object GetService(Type serviceType);
                        public void CloseActivity();
                        /* *** other members *** */

AEC has several roles in the WF programming model. The simplest view is that AEC makes certain WF runtime functionality available to executing activities. A comprehensive treatment of AEC will be given in Chapter 4.

The WF runtime manages ActivityExecutionContext objects carefully. AEC has only internal constructors, so only the WF runtime creates objects of this type. Moreover, AEC implements System.IDisposable. An AEC object is disposed immediately after the return of the method call (such as Activity.Execute) in which it is a parameter; if you try to cache an AEC object, you will encounter an ObjectDisposedException exception when you access its properties and methods. Allowing AEC objects to be cached could easily lead to violation of the activity automaton:

public class MyActivity : Activity
            private ActivityExecutionContext cachedContext = null;
            protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
            ActivityExecutionContext context)
            this.cachedContext = context;
            return ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing;
            public void UseCachedContext()
            // Next line will throw an ObjectDisposedException

Activity Services

ActivityExecutionContext has a role as a provider of services; these services are an activity's gateway to functionality that exists outside of the running WF program instance. AEC implements System.IServiceProvider and offers the required GetService method plus (for the sake of convenience) a typed GetService<T> wrapper over GetService. Using these methods, an activity can obtain services that are needed in order to complete its work.

In fact, AEC chains its service provider implementation to that of the WF runtime. This means that an activity can obtain custom services proffered by the application hosting the WF runtime, as shown in Figure 3.5.

Consider a WriterService that defines a Write method:

using System;
            namespace EssentialWF.Activities
            public abstract class WriterService
            public abstract void Write(string s);

By defining the writer service abstractly (we could also have used an interface), activities that use the service are shielded from details of how the service is implemented. We can change our implementation of the service over time without affecting activity code.

Here is a simple derivative of WriterService that uses the console to print the string that is provided to the Write method:

using System;
            using EssentialWF.Activities;
            namespace EssentialWF.Services
            public class SimpleWriterService : WriterService
            public override void Write(string s)

Figure 3.5. Chaining of services



A SimpleWriterService object can be added to the WF runtime, which acts as a container of services:

using (WorkflowRuntime runtime = new WorkflowRuntime())
            runtime.AddService(new SimpleWriterService());

We can now change the execution logic of WriteLine to obtain a WriterService and call its Write method:

public class WriteLine : Activity
            // Text property elided for clarity...
            protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
            ActivityExecutionContext context)
            WriterService writer = context.GetService<WriterService>();
            return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;

This change may seem like a small matter, but if WriterService is defined as an abstract class (or an interface), it can have multiple implementations. In this way, the application hosting the WF runtime can choose the appropriate writer service without affecting WF program instances that contain WriteLine activities (that rely only upon the definition of that service).

In Chapter 6, "Transactions," we will bring transactions into the picture and explore how services used by activities (and activities themselves) can partipate in the transactions that attend the execution of WF program instances.

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Bookmarks Revisited

The simplest activities (in terms of execution logic) are like the WriteLine activity; they complete their work entirely within their Execute method. If all activities did this, you would not be able to build very interesting WF programs. Don't get us wrong; simple activities are useful, and indeed are essential to the definition of most WF programs. Typical duties for such activities include obtaining services and exchanging data with those services, and manipulating the state of the WF program instance.

Most real-world processes, however, reach points in time at which further computational progress cannot be made without stimulus (input) from an external entity. It may be that a WF program waits for a person to make a decision about which branch of execution logic should be taken. Or it may be that an activity delegates some computation to an external entity and then waits for the result of that computation to be returned asynchronously.

In order to understand the mechanics of how this kind of activity executes, we will begin by looking at a contrived example: an activity that delegates work to...itself. Consider the version of WriteLine that is shown in Listing 3.6.

Listing 3.6. WriteLine Activity That Uses a Bookmark

using System;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
                        namespace EssentialWF.Activities
                        public class WriteLine : Activity
                        // Text property elided for clarity...
                        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context)
                        base.Invoke(this.ContinueAt, EventArgs.Empty);
                        return ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing;
                        void ContinueAt(object sender, EventArgs e)
                        ActivityExecutionContext context =
                        sender as ActivityExecutionContext;
                        WriterService writer = context.GetService<WriterService>();

Although the example is contrived, there are several things worth looking at here.

By calling Invoke<T> (a protected method defined by Activity), the WriteLine activity creates a bookmark and immediately resumes that bookmark. The bookmark's resumption point is the WriteLine.ContinueAt method, and the payload for the resumed bookmark is EventArgs.Empty.

The bookmark created by the call to Invoke<T> is managed internally by the WF runtime, and because the Invoke<T> method also resumes this bookmark, an item is enqueued in the scheduler work queue (corresponding to the ContinueAt method).

Because it creates a bookmark (and is awaiting resumption of that bookmark), the WriteLine activity can no longer report its completion at the end of the Execute method. Instead it returns a value of ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing, indicating that although WriteLine is yielding the CLR thread by returning from Execute, its work is not complete since there is a pending bookmark. The WriteLine activity remains in the Executing state and does not transition (yet) to Closed.

When the scheduler dispatches the work item corresponding to the ContinueAt method, it passes an ActivityExecutionContext as the sender parameter. This allows the WriteLine to have access to its current execution context.

The ContinueAt method conforms to a standard .NET Framework event handler signature and therefore has a return type of void. Because of this, the WF runtime cannot use the return value of ContinueAt as the way of determining whether or not the activity should remain in the Executing state or transition to the Closed state. The CloseActivity method provided by ActivityExecutionContext can be used instead. If this method is called, the currently executing activity moves to the Closed state; if the method is not called, there is no change in the state of the activity. Because ContinueAt calls CloseActivity, the WriteLine activity moves to the Closed state.

The version of the WriteLine activity that uses Invoke<T>, though contrived, is still illustrative of the general pattern that you will need to use in many of the activities you develop. Although it is possible for an activity to complete its work within the Execute method (as with the version of WriteLine that returns ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed from its Execute method), this is a special case. Just as subroutines are a special, simple case accommodated by the richer concept of a coroutine, activities whose execution logic is embodied in a single Execute method are a special, simple form of episodic computation, in which there is always exactly one episode.

WF Program Execution

Now that we understand the basics of how to write activity execution logic, we can take a closer look at the execution mechanics of a WF program. We will start with a WF program that contains just one activity:

<WriteLine Text="hello, world" xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities" />

Running this program results in the expected output:

hello, world

In Chapter 2, "WF Programs," we briefly looked at the code that is required to host the WF runtime and run WF programs. We will return to the host-facing side of the WF runtime in Chapter 5, "Applications." For now, it is enough to know the basics: First, the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method returns a WorkflowInstance representing a newly created instance of a WF program; second, the WorkflowInstance.Start method tells the WF runtime to begin the execution of that WF program instance.

The call to WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow prepares a scheduler (and the accompanying scheduler work queue) for the new WF program instance. When this method returns, all activities in the WF program are in the Initialized state.

The call to WorkflowInstance.Start enqueues one item in the the scheduler work queuea delegate corresponding to the Execute method of the root activity of the WF program. The root activityin our example, the WriteLineis now in the Executing state, even though the Execute method has not actually been called (the work item has not yet been dispatched). The scheduler work queue is shown in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6. Scheduler work queue after WorkflowInstance.Start


Let's assume that we are using the version of WriteLine that doesn't call Invoke<T>.

When the Execute method returns a value of ActivityExecutionStatus. Closed, the WriteLine activity moves to the Closed state. In this case, the WF runtime recognizes that the program instance is complete since the root activity in the program instance is complete.

The asynchronous version of WriteLine is only slightly more complex. The call to Invoke<T> within Execute will enqueue a work item in the scheduler work queue (corresponding to the resumption of the internally created bookmark).

Thus, when the Execute method (of the version of WriteLine that does call Invoke<T>) returns, the activity remains in the Executing state and the scheduler work queue looks as it is shown in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7. Scheduler work queue after WriteLine.Execute


When the WriteLine.ContinueAt method returns, the WriteLine activity moves to the Closed state and the program instance completes.

WF Program Queues

Any activity that requires input from an external entity must figure out a way to (a) let that external entity know that it requires input, and (b) receive notification when the input is available. This simple pattern is at the heart of episodic computation, and it is supported in a first-class way by the WF runtime. The plain requirement is that an activity must be able to receive input even if the WF program instance in which it exists is idle and sitting in persistent storage like a SQL Server database table. When the input arrives, the WF program instance must be reactivated and its execution resumed (at the appropriate bookmark).

In Chapter 2, we developed an activity called ReadLine (shown again in Listing 3.7), which waits for a string to arrive from an external entity. If you understand how this activity is built and how it executes, you will have the right basis for understanding and creating higher level communication patterns that are used in WF programs. All such patterns are built on top of the same notion of bookmarks.[1]

[1] Although various communication technologies (such as WCF or ASMX) can be layered upon WF, they all must use the WorkflowQueuingService to robustly deliver data to passivated WF program instances.

Listing 3.7. ReadLine Activity

using System;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
                        using System.Workflow.Runtime;
                        namespace EssentialWF.Activities
                        public class ReadLine : Activity
                        private string text;
                        public string Text
                        get { return text; }
                        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context)
                        WorkflowQueuingService qService =
                        WorkflowQueue queue =
                        qService.CreateWorkflowQueue(this.Name, true);
                        queue.QueueItemAvailable += this.ContinueAt;
                        return ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing;
                        void ContinueAt(object sender, QueueEventArgs e)
                        ActivityExecutionContext context =
                        sender as ActivityExecutionContext;
                        WorkflowQueuingService qService =
                        WorkflowQueue queue = qService.GetWorkflowQueue(this.Name);
                        text = (string) queue.Dequeue();

The execution logic of the ReadLine activity uses a WF program queue. A WF program queue is essentially a named location (a bookmark) where an activity can receive data, even if the WF program instance in which the activity exists is not in memory. A WF program queue is not the same as the WF program instance's scheduler queue, which is managed by the WF runtime. Think of a WF program queue as the data structure in which an explicitly created bookmark holds its payload (to be delivered upon the resumption of the bookmark). It is an addressable location where external entities can deliver data.

The Execute method of ReadLine obtains the WorkflowQueuingService from its ActivityExecutionContext. The WorkflowQueuingService is asked to create a WF program queue with a name that is the same as that of the activity (this.Name). The name of a WF program queue can be any IComparable object; usually a string will suffice. We are choosing a simple queue naming convention here, but other schemes are possible. Regardless, the external code that provides input to a WF program instance must know the name of the appropriate WF program queue.

The WorkflowQueuingService type is shown in Listing 3.8.

Listing 3.8. WorkflowQueuingService

namespace System.Workflow.Runtime
                        public class WorkflowQueuingService
                        public WorkflowQueue CreateWorkflowQueue(IComparable queueName,
                        bool transactional);
                        public bool Exists(IComparable queueName);
                        public WorkflowQueue GetWorkflowQueue(IComparable queueName);
                        public void DeleteWorkflowQueue(IComparable queueName);
                        /* *** other members *** */

The same WF program queue name may be used in more than one WF program instance. This just means that if we write a WF program containing a ReadLine activity named "r1", we can execute any number of instances of this WF program without any problems. Each instance will create a separate WF program queue with the name "r1". Because data is always enqueued to a specific WF program instance (via WorkflowInstance.EnqueueItem), there is no conflict or ambiguity. Another way of stating this is that WF program queues are not shared across WF program instances. This allows us to think of the logical address of a WF program queue as the WorkflowInstance.InstanceId identifying the WF program instance that owns the WF program queue, plus the WF program queue name.

A WF program queue acts as a conduit for communication between external entities and an activity in a WF program instance. Code outside of the WF program instance can deposit data into a WF program queue using the EnqueueItem method defined on the WorkflowInstance class. An activity (and, by extension, a WF program) can create as many distinct WF program queues as it requires.

The CreateWorkflowQueue method returns a WorkflowQueue object that represents the WF program queue. The WorkflowQueue type is shown in Listing 3.9.

Listing 3.9. WorkflowQueue

namespace System.Workflow.Runtime
                        public class WorkflowQueue
                        public IComparable QueueName { get; }
                        public int Count { get; }
                        public object Dequeue();
                        public object Peek();
                        public event EventHandler<QueueEventArgs>
                        /* *** other members *** */

The QueueItemAvailable event is raised when an item is enqueued into the WF program queue. Under the covers, this is just a bookmark (disguised using C# event syntax).

The QueueItemAvailable event is also raised if, when an activity subscribes to this event, there are already (previously enqueued) items present in the WF program queue. This permits a decoupling of the delivery of data to a bookmark and the resumption of that bookmark.

Here is a simple WF program that contains only a single ReadLine activity:

<ReadLine x:Name="r1" xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities"
            xmlns:x="" />

If we save this WF program as a file called "Read.xoml", we can execute it using the console application of Listing 3.10, which hosts the WF runtime and delivers data to the ReadLine activity via the WF program queue.

Listing 3.10. A Console Application That Delivers Data to a ReadLine Activity

using System;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler;
                        using System.Workflow.Runtime;
                        using System.Xml;
                        class Program
                        static void Main()
                        using (WorkflowRuntime runtime = new WorkflowRuntime())
                        TypeProvider tp = new TypeProvider(null);
                        runtime.WorkflowIdled += delegate(object sender,
                        WorkflowEventArgs e)
                        Console.WriteLine("WF program instance " +
                        e.WorkflowInstance.InstanceId + " is idle");
                        runtime.WorkflowCompleted += delegate(object sender,
                        WorkflowCompletedEventArgs e)
                        Console.WriteLine("WF program instance " +
                        e.WorkflowInstance.InstanceId + " completed");
                        WorkflowInstance instance = null;
                        using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader("Read.xoml"))
                        instance = runtime.CreateWorkflow(reader);
                        string text = Console.ReadLine();
                        instance.EnqueueItem("r1", text, null, null);
                        // Prevent Main from exiting before
                        // the WF program instance completes

The console application calls WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow, which loads the WF program from XAML. It then calls WorkflowInstance.Start, which causes the Execute method of ReadLinethe root activity in the WF programto be scheduled.

The console application then waits for the user to enter text at the console. Meanwhile, the WF runtime begins the execution of the WF program instance on a thread that is different than the thread on which Main is running. The ReadLine activity has its Execute method invoked. The ReadLine activity creates its WF program queue and then waits for data to arrive there. Because there are no other items in the scheduler work queue, the WF program instance is idle.

The console application subscribes for the WorkflowRuntime.WorkflowIdled event and, when this event is raised by the WF runtime, writes the InstanceId of the WF program instance to the console:

WF program instance 631855e5-1958-4ce7-a29a-dc6f8e2a9238 is idle

When a line of text is read, the console application calls EnqueueItem, passing the text it received from the console as payload associated with the resumption of the bookmark.

The implementation of WorkflowInstance.EnqueueItem enqueues (in the scheduler work queue) work items for all activities that are subscribed to this WF program queue's QueueItemAvailable event. This is depicted in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.8. Enqueuing data to a WF program queue



In our example, the ReadLine activity's callback is called ContinueAt. This delegate will be scheduled as a work item and dispatched by the scheduler; if the idle WF program instance had been passivated (not shown in this example), the WF runtime would automatically bring it back into memory.

The ReadLine activity will set its Text property with the string obtained from the Dequeue operation on its WF program queue. In the example, we are doing no error checking to ensure that the object is indeed of type string. The ContinueAt method informs the WF runtime that it is complete by calling CloseActivity. The WF program instance, because it only contains the ReadLine, also completes. The console application, which subscribed to the WorkflowRuntime.WorkflowCompleted event, prints this fact to the console.

WF Program instance 631855e5-1958-4ce7-a29a-dc6f8e2a9238 completed

If the console application tries to enqueue data to a WF program queue that does not exist, the EnqueueItem method will throw an InvalidOperationException indicating that the WF program queue could not be found. In our implementation of ReadLine, the WF program queue is not created until the ReadLine activity begins executing. Thus, the following lines of code are problematic:

WorkflowInstance instance = runtime.CreateWorkflow(...);
            instance.EnqueueItem("r1", "hello", null, null);

The preceding code omits the call to WorkflowInstance.Start, and because of this the WF program queue named "r1" does not yet exist. In other words, the implementation of ReadLine requires that the application doesn't enqueue the data until after the ReadLine activity starts to execute. Even the code in the console application of Listing 3.9 presents a race condition because the execution of the WF program instance occurs on a different thread than the execution of the console application. We may be able to work around this race condition quite easily in our contrived example where the WF program is just a single ReadLine activity. But in a larger WF program, with many activities managing WF program queues, and executing at different times, this is a lot trickier.

One of the ways to mitigate this problem is to allow activities to create WF program queues during the creation of a WF program instance. This will ensure that, after the call to WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow, the WF program instance can immediately receive data (even if it cannot yet process it, which will only begin once WorkflowInstance.Start is called). In a later section, we will change ReadLine to do exactly this.


Another example of an activity that cannot complete its execution logic entirely within the Execute method is a Wait activity that simply waits for a specified amount of time to elapse before completing. The Wait activity is shown in Listing 3.11.

Listing 3.11. Wait Activity

using System;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
                        using System.Workflow.Runtime;
                        namespace EssentialWF.Activities
                        public class Wait : Activity
                        private Guid timerId;
                        public static readonly DependencyProperty DurationProperty
                        = DependencyProperty.Register("Duration",
                        typeof(TimeSpan), typeof(Wait));
                        public TimeSpan Duration
                        get { return (TimeSpan) GetValue(DurationProperty); }
                        set { SetValue(DurationProperty, value); }
                        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context)
                        WorkflowQueuingService qService =
                        timerId = Guid.NewGuid();
                        WorkflowQueue queue = qService.CreateWorkflowQueue(
                        timerId, true);
                        queue.QueueItemAvailable += this.ContinueAt;
                        TimerService timerService = context.GetService<TimerService>();
                        timerService.SetTimer(timerId, Duration);
                        return ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing;
                        void ContinueAt(object sender, QueueEventArgs e)
                        ActivityExecutionContext context =
                        sender as ActivityExecutionContext;
                        WorkflowQueuingService qService =
                        WorkflowQueue queue = qService.GetWorkflowQueue(timerId);

Listing 3.11 shows the basic implementation of a Wait activity that depends upon an implementation of a TimerService (see Listing 3.12) for the actual management of the timer. The Wait activity, in its Execute method, creates a WF program queue providing the bookmark resumption point (ContinueAt) and calls TimerService.SetTimer, passing a unique identifier representing the timer. The TimerService is responsible for managing the actual timers. When the timer is triggered, the timer service resumes the bookmark by enqueuing data in the WF program queue created by the Wait activity. When the ContinueAt method is invoked by the scheduler (with the AEC as the sender argument), the Wait activity deletes the WF program queue and transitions to the Closed state.

The TimerService defines a SetTimer method that allows the activity to specify the duration of the timer as a TimeSpan, along with the name of the WF program queue that the TimerService will use to deliver a notification using WorkflowInstance.EnqueueItem (with a null payload) when the specified amount of time has elapsed.

Listing 3.12. TimerService Used by the Wait Activity

using System;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
                        using System.Workflow.Runtime;
                        namespace EssentialWF.Activities
                        public abstract class TimerService
                        public abstract void SetTimer(Guid timerId, TimeSpan duration);
                        public abstract void CancelTimer(Guid timerId);

A simple implementation of the timer service is shown in Listing 3.13.

Listing 3.13. Implementation of a TimerService

using System;
                        using System.Collections.Generic;
                        using System.Threading;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
                        using System.Workflow.Runtime;
                        using EssentialWF.Activities;
                        namespace EssentialWF.Services
                        public class SimpleTimerService : TimerService
                        WorkflowRuntime runtime;
                        Dictionary<Guid, Timer> timers = new Dictionary<Guid, Timer>();
                        public SimpleTimerService(WorkflowRuntime runtime)
                        this.runtime = runtime;
                        public override void SetTimer(Guid timerId, TimeSpan duration)
                        Guid instanceId = WorkflowEnvironment.WorkflowInstanceId;
                        Timer timer = new Timer(delegate(object o)
                        WorkflowInstance instance = runtime.GetWorkflow(instanceId);
                        instance.EnqueueItem(timerId, null, null, null);
                        }, timerId, duration, new TimeSpan(Timeout.Infinite));
                        timers.Add(timerId, timer);
                        public override void CancelTimer(Guid timerId)

The SimpleTimerService mantains a set of System.Threading.Timer objects. The timerId that is passed as a parameter to the SetTimer method serves as the name of the WF program queue created by the Wait activity. When a timer fires, the callback (written as an anonymous method) enqueues a (null) item into the appropriate WF program queue, and the Wait activity resumes its execution.

In Chapter 6 we will discuss transactions, and we will see how transactional services (such as a durable timer service) can be implemented. Because we have followed the practice of making the Wait activity dependent only on the abstract definition of the timer service, we can change the implementation of the timer service without affecting our activities and WF programs.

As mentioned earlier, the WF runtime is a container of services. Custom services that are added to the WF runtime can be obtained by executing activities. An implementation of a TimerService can be added to the WF runtime like so:

using (WorkflowRuntime runtime = new WorkflowRuntime())
            runtime.AddService(new SimpleTimerService(runtime));

Executing the Wait activity within a simple WF program will cause the program to pause (and potentially passivate) and later, when the timeout occurs, resume the execution. The following program will start and then pause for 5 seconds, and finally resume its execution and complete:

<Wait Duration="00:00:05" xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities" />

Our reason for introducing the Wait activity is to illustrate a general pattern.

There is nothing at all special about timers. The Wait activity makes a request to a service on which it depends, and indicates to the service where (to which WF program queue) the result of the requested work should be delivered. The service takes some amount of time to complete the requested work. When the work is done, the service returns the result of the work to the activity via the WF program queue.

This bookmarking pattern is the basis for developing WF programs that are "coordinators of work" that is performed outside their boundaries.

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Activity Initialization and Uninitialization

In the activity automaton, Initialized is the start state in which all activities begin their lifecycle. When the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method returns, all activities in the newly created WF program instance are in the Initialized state.

Within the implementation of CreateWorkflow, the WF runtime calls the Initialize method of the root activity in the WF program. There are other interesting details related to the creation of new WF program instances, and they will be covered in Chapter 5; here we will focus only on activity initialization.

Activities can use the Initialize method to perform whatever initialization is necessary when a WF program instance is created. Custom services added to the WF runtime (and also the WorkflowQueuingService) can be obtained by the activity via the IServiceProvider that is passed as a parameter to Initialize. ActivityExecutionContext is not available because the activity (indeed, the WF program) has not yet begun its execution.

The CompositeActivity class overrides Initialize and in its implementation invokes the Initialize method of all enabled child activities. If you develop a composite activity, or indeed any activity that requires initialization logic, you should always call base.Initialize within your implementation of the Initialize method to ensure proper initialization of the WF program instance.

The WF runtime's scheduler machinery is not used during initialization to dispatch the calls to Initialize. It would be overkill to do so because the WF program instance is not yet running. Because invocation of Initialize is synchronous, the WF runtime can guarantee that when the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method returns, the WF program instance is fully initialized and ready for execution.

If an exception is thrown from any activity's Initialize method, the initialization of the WF program instance fails, and the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method will throw an exception indicating that this has occurred.

So, what can an activity do in its Initialize method? Initialize carries one parameter of type System.IServiceProvider. No execution context exists at this time for the activity, so it is not correct for the WF runtime to provide AEC. Still, the IServiceProvider of Initialize does the same service chaining that AEC does. Any custom services that you add to the WorkflowRuntime are proffered by this service provider so that an activity may do whatever resource initialization is required. The WorkflowQueuingService is available too, so that WF program queues may be created.

To summarize, the Initialized state is the start state of the activity automaton. Activities in this state have not started their execution, and can be said to be in a latent form, but do get a chance to perform initialization logic in their Initialize method.

Listing 3.14 updates the ReadLine activity so that it creates its WF program queue within its Initialize method.

Listing 3.14. The ReadLine Activity with Initialization Logic

using System;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
                        using System.Workflow.Runtime;
                        namespace EssentialWF.Activities
                        public class ReadLine : Activity
                        private string text;
                        public string Text
                        get { return this.text; }
                        protected override void Initialize(
                        IServiceProvider provider)
                        WorkflowQueuingService qService =
                        (WorkflowQueuingService) provider.GetService(
                        if (!qService.Exists(this.Name))
                        qService.CreateWorkflowQueue(this.Name, true);
                        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context) {
                        WorkflowQueuingService qService =
                        WorkflowQueue queue = qService.GetWorkflowQueue(Name);
                        if (queue.Count > 0)
                        this.text = (string) queue.Dequeue();
                        return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
                        queue.QueueItemAvailable += this.ContinueAt;
                        return ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing;
                        void ContinueAt(object sender, QueueEventArgs e)
                        ActivityExecutionContext context =
                        sender as ActivityExecutionContext;
                        WorkflowQueuingService qService =
                        WorkflowQueue queue = qService.GetWorkflowQueue(Name);
                        this.text = (string) queue.Dequeue();
                        protected override void Uninitialize(IServiceProvider provider)
                        WorkflowQueuingService qService =
                        (WorkflowQueuingService) provider.GetService(
                        if (qService.Exists(this.Name))

The implementation of Execute accounts for the fact that by the time the activity executes, there may already be an item in its WF program queue. If an item is indeed available, there is no need to subscribe to the QueueItemAvailable event. The ReadLine activity also contains an implementation of the Uninitialize method, in which the WF program queue is deleted.

The Uninitialize method is the logical counterpart of the Initialize method.

Uninitialize is called (synchronously, not via a work item in the scheduler work queue) as the final part of an activity's transition to the Closed state from the Executing state. It is also called when it is determined by the WF runtime that an activity in the Initialized state will never be executed. The latter case occurs when the parent of an activity transitions to the Closed state without having requested the execution of that child activity.

Activities cannot assume that they will always be executed, just as the program statements in all but one branch of a C# if statement will be passed over. Any resources created in an activity's Initialize method should therefore be cleaned up in its Uninitialize method.

As part of an activity's transition to the Closed state (and just prior to the invocation of Uninitialize), the WF runtime synchronously invokes the OnClosed method that is defined by Activity. In this method, activities can clean up the resources they allocated during their execution (as opposed to during their initialization).

You might wonder why OnClosed exists when we also have Uninitialize. The simple answer is that Uninitialize should clean up resources allocated in Initialize, whereas the purpose of OnClosed is to clean up resources allocated during the execution of the activity. An executing activity can transition to the Closed state from several different states (which will be discussed more in the next chapter), and the OnClosed method will be called in each of these cases.

To summarize, when we execute a ReadLine activity, ReadLine has its methods invoked in the following order:

  • Initialize

  • Execute

  • ContinueAt

  • OnClose

  • Uninitialize

If a ReadLine activity is present in a WF program, but never executes, it will only have its Initialize and Uninitialize methods called.

Activities as CLR Objects

Because Activity implements System.ComponentModel.IComponent, which extends System.IDisposable, activities are given yet another opportunity to perform cleanup of resources. The IDisposable.Dispose method, however (like an activity's constructor), is a practicality necessitated by the fact that a WF program instance is transiently realized as a set of CLR objects when that program instance is in memory. These objects, like any objects, are created and destroyed subject to the rules of the CLR. However, transitions in the CLR object lifecycle are logically unrelated to the execution lifecycle of the WF program instance (and the activities within it). In other words, the calling of the Activity.Dispose method reflects the passivation cycles of a WF program instanceevery time a WF program instance is passivated, the activity objects that represent the program instance while it is in memory are disposed because they no longer represent the (passivated) program instance.

The WF runtime will call the Dispose method on the CLR object representing an activity every time the WF program instance containing the activity is passivated. In contrast, Initialize and Uninitialize are called exactly once during the logical lifetime of an activity, which can span any number of passivation cycles. In contrast, Dispose may be invoked multiple times for an activity during its lifetime.

It is recommended that activities not perform any resource management in their object constructors. CLR objects that transiently represent an activity may be constructed and disposed multiple times during the course of the activity's execution lifetime. The constructor of an activity may be called multiple times even during the creation of a single program instance (or reactivation of an instance). It is crucial to understand that because an activity is an intrinsically resumable entity, its logical lifespan is governed by the activity automaton and not by the lifetime of any CLR object.

In order to provide well-defined points for resource allocation and cleanup, Activity defines two additional methods, OnExecutionContextLoad and OnExecutionContextUnload, which bracket the lifetime of a CLR object representing an activity in a WF instance. You can rely upon the WF runtime to call OnExecutionContextLoad during the creation (or reactivation) and OnExecutionContextUnload during the passivation of a WF instance. OnExecutionContextUnload is essentially just like Dispose except that it accepts an IServiceProvider as a parameter and therefore has access to runtime services.

Dispose, OnExecutionContextLoad, and OnExecutionContextUnload are side effects of the fact that the WF runtime is layered on top of the CLR, and are related to the management of CLR objects which transiently represent a WF program instance. In contrast, Initialize, Uninitialize, and OnClose are related to the lifetime of the activity as described by the activity automaton. It is crucial to understand this difference between CLR programs and WF programs. From the perspective of the CLR, a CLR program instance is defined by its in-memory existence and lifetime. From the point of view of the WF runtime, a WF program instance is defined on an altogether different plane, and in fact can spend most of its lifetime in persistent storage. Because a WF program instance may passivate and reactivate many times (perhaps on different machines), objects that represent the activities in that instance in memory might need to be constructed and disposed of many times before the WF program instance completes (see Figure 3.9).

Figure 3.9. Lifecycle of a WF program instance



Many activities require only an empty constructor and Dispose method, but it is important nonetheless to know when and why they will be called.

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Composite Activity Execution

Enough with WF programs that are only a single activity! It's time to develop some composite activities and then declare and run some more interesting WF programs.

We will begin with the Sequence activity of Chapter 2, shown again here:

public class Sequence : CompositeActivity
            protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
            ActivityExecutionContext context)
            if (this.EnabledActivities.Count == 0)
            return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
            Activity child = this.EnabledActivities[0];
            child.Closed += this.ContinueAt;
            return ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing;
            void ContinueAt(object sender,
            ActivityExecutionStatusChangedEventArgs e)
            ActivityExecutionContext context =
            sender as ActivityExecutionContext;
            e.Activity.Closed -= this.ContinueAt;
            int index = this.EnabledActivities.IndexOf(e.Activity);
            if ((index + 1) == this.EnabledActivities.Count)
            Activity child = this.EnabledActivities[index + 1];
            child.Closed += this.ContinueAt;

The job of the Sequence activity is to emulate a C# {} statement block, and execute its child activities one by one. Only when the final child activity of a Sequence finishes can the Sequence report that it is complete.

The Execute method of Sequence first checks to see if there are any child activities at all. If none are present, the method returns ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed. The Sequence is done because it has nothing to do. It is like an empty C# statement block. If one or more child activities are present, though, the first child activity needs to be scheduled for execution. In order to do this, two lines of code are necessary:

child.Closed += ContinueAt;

These two statements constitute a very simple bookmarking pattern that you will encounter repeatedly in composite activity implementations. The subscripton to the Closed event of the child activity sets up a bookmark that is managed internally by the WF runtime. The Activity.Closed event is merely syntactic sugar on top of the bookmark management infrastructure. The += results in the creation of a bookmark, and the dispatch of the Closed event (the resumption of the bookmark), is brokered via the scheduler.

The invocation of ActivityExecutionContext.ExecuteActivity requests that the indicated child activity be scheduled for execution. Specifically, the Execute method of the child activity is added as a work item in the scheduler work queue.

In order to enforce the activity automaton, the WF runtime will throw an exception from within ExecuteActivity if the child activity is not in the Initialized state. If the call to ExecuteActivity succeeds, an item is added to the scheduler work queue, representing the invocation of the child activity's Execute method. A successful call to ExecuteActivity also immediately places the child activity in the Executing state.

The Sequence activity's code that schedules the execution of its first child activity and subscribes for this child activity's Closed event is analogous to the ReadLine activity's logic that creates a WF program queue and subscribes to that queue's QueueItemAvailable event. In both cases, the activity is dependent upon some work, outside of its control, and can proceed no further until it is notified that this work has been completed. The code is somewhat different, but the bookmarking pattern is exactly the same.

Of course, for a composite activity like Sequence, the pattern must be repeated until all child activities have completed their execution. This is achieved in the ContinueAt method, which is scheduled for execution when the currently executing child activity moves to the Closed state. When it receives notification that a child activity has completed its execution, Sequence first removes its subscription for that child activity's Closed event. If the child activity that just completed is the last child activity in the Sequence, the Sequence reports its own completion. Otherwise, the bookmarking pattern is repeated for the next child activity.

There are a couple of crucial aspects to the WF runtime's role as the enforcer of state transitions. If the Sequence activity tries to report its completion while a child activity is in the Executing state, this transition will not be allowed. This fact is the cornerstone of the WF runtime's composition-related enforcement (and is not implied by the activity automaton).

The corollary to this rule is that only an activity's parent is allowed to request that activity's execution. A call to ActivityExecutionContext.ExecuteActivity by its parent is the only stimulus that will cause an activity to move to the Executing state.

These simple enforcements play a huge role in establishing the meaning and ensuring the integrity of composite activities and, by extension, WF programs.

Of course, there must be one exception to the rule that only the parent of an activity can schedule its execution, and that is for the root activity, whose Parent property is null. As we have already seen, it is the application hosting the WF runtime that makes a request to the WF runtime to schedule the execution of the root activity's Execute method.

Effectively, as part of the creation of a WF program instance, the WF runtime creates an implicit bookmark whose resumption point is the Execute method of the root activity. The invocation of WorkflowInstance.Start resumes this bookmark, and begins the execution of the program instance.

It will be instructive to trace the execution of a simple WF program that uses Sequence, noting the changes that occur at each step to the scheduler work queue. The XAML in Listing 3.15 is a Sequence with a set of WriteLine child activities.

Listing 3.15. A WF Program That Uses Sequence

<Sequence x:Name="s1" xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities"
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w1" Text="One" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w2" Text="Two" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w3" Text="Three" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w4" Text="Four" />

Running an instance of this program will result in the expected output.


When the application hosting the WF runtime calls WorkflowInstance.Start, it is telling the WF runtime to resume the initial, implicit bookmark. The result of the call to Start is that the scheduler work queue for this instance contains a single itema work item for the Execute method of the root activity.

The root activityin our example, the Sequenceis now in the Executing state, even though its Execute method has not actually been called. Figure 3.10 shows the scheduler work queue, along with the state of the WF program instance (with Executing activities shown in boldface).

Figure 3.10. WF program instance after WorkflowInstance.Start


At this point, the WF runtime's dispatcher logic enters the picture, and invokes the Sequence activity's Execute method, removing the corresponding item from the scheduler work queue. From this point forward, it is the activities in the WF program that drive the program forward; the WF runtime plays a passive role as the scheduler of work and the enforcer of activity state transitions.

The Execute method of Sequence will, as we know, schedule its first child activity for execution. When the Execute method returns, the scheduler work queue looks as it is shown in Figure 3.11. The first WriteLine activity is now in the Executing state (again, even though its Execute method has not been called). The Sequence too is in the Executing state.

Figure 3.11. WF program instance after Sequence.Execute


As we know from the basic pattern used for child activity execution, Sequence has, at this point, also subscribed to the Closed event of its first child activity. Even though Closed (and the other events defined on the Activity class) looks like a normal event, under the covers it is an internally managed bookmark.

When the Execute method of WriteLine returns, the WriteLine activity moves to the Closed state. Because the Sequence has subscribed to the event corresponding to this transition, an appropriate work item will be placed in the scheduler work queue. The current state of the program instance is as shown in Figure 3.12; the first WriteLine is underlined to indicate that it has completed its execution and is in the Closed state.

Figure 3.12. WF program instance after first child activity completes


Now the work item for the ContinueAt method of Sequence is dispatched. As we know, ContinueAt will follow the standard pattern for requesting the execution of the second child activity. When ContinueAt method returns, the program state is as shown in Figure 3.13, with the second WriteLine activity now in the Executing state.

Figure 3.13. WF program instance after first callback to Sequence.ContinueAt


This pattern will continue as the Sequence marches through the list of its child activities. When the last child activity reports its completion, the ContinueAt method will report the completion of the Sequence. The WF runtime will observe this (you can think of the WF runtime as a subscriber to the root activity's Closed event), and will do the necessary bookkeeping to complete this WF program instance.

Figure 3.14 summarizes the execution of our WF program as an interaction diagram.

Figure 3.14. Interaction diagram of the execution of Listing 3.15



One crucial point about the Sequence activity is that it implemented sequential execution of its child activities using the general-purpose methods and events available on AEC and Activity. The WF runtime contains no knowledge of sequential activity execution; it only pays attention to the activity automaton and the containment relationships between activities in its role as enforcer of state transitions.

To see how easy it is to define other forms of control flow as composite activities, let's write a composite activity that executes its child activities in an interleaved manner.

The Interleave activity shown in Listing 3.16 implements an AND join by first scheduling the execution of all child activities in a single burst and waiting for them all to complete before reporting its own completion.

Listing 3.16. Interleave Activity

using System;
                        using System.Collections;
                        using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
                        namespace EssentialWF.Activities
                        public class Interleave : CompositeActivity
                        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
                        ActivityExecutionContext context)
                        if (this.EnabledActivities.Count == 0)
                        return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
                        IList<Activity> shuffled = ShuffleList(EnabledActivities);
                        foreach (Activity child in shuffled)
                        child.Closed += ContinueAt;
                        return ActivityExecutionStatus.Executing;
                        void ContinueAt(object sender,
                        ActivityExecutionStatusChangedEventArgs e)
                        e.Activity.Closed -= ContinueAt;
                        ActivityExecutionContext context =
                        sender as ActivityExecutionContext;
                        foreach (Activity child in this.EnabledActivities)
                        if ((child.ExecutionStatus !=
                        && (child.ExecutionStatus !=
                        // ShuffleList method elided for clarity

We will discuss the finer points of the Interleave activity's execution (which induces a form of pseudo-concurrency) a bit later in this chapter. First, though, let's look at the mechanics of how Interleave executes, just as we did for Sequence.

You can see right away that the code for Interleave is quite similar to that of Sequence. In the Execute method, all of the child activities are scheduled for execution, not merely the first one as with Sequence. In the implementation of ContinueAt, the Interleave reports itself as completed only if all child activities are in the Closed state.

There is one other interesting line of code:

IList<Activity> shuffled = ShuffleList(EnabledActivities);

ShuffleList is presumed to be a private helper method that simply shuffles the list of child activities into some random order. The Interleave activity will work just fine without ShuffleList, but we have added it so that users of Interleave cannot predict or rely upon the order in which child activities are scheduled for execution.

The XAML in Listing 3.17 is an Interleave activity that contains a set of WriteLine child activities.

Listing 3.17. Interleaved Execution of WriteLine Activities

<Interleave x:Name="i1" xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities"
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w1" Text="One" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w2" Text="Two" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w3" Text="Three" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w4" Text="Four" />

Running the program in Listing 3.17 may result in the following output:


Or the following:


Or the following:


Or any of the other possible orderings of the four strings printed by the four WriteLine activities.

Let's trace through the execution of an instance of this program, showing the scheduler work queue and program state. The program is started exactly like the one we developed earlier with Sequence; an item is placed in the scheduler work queue representing a call to the Execute method of the root activity, and the root activity is placed in the Executing state (see Figure 3.15).

Figure 3.15. WF program instance in Listing 3.17 after WorkflowInstance.Start


Let's assume that the call to ShuffleList results in the following ordering of child activities: w2, w4, w1, w3. When the Execute method of Interleave returns, the program state is as shown in Figure 3.16.

Figure 3.16. WF program instance in Listing 3.17 after Interleave.Execute


Now all four child activities are queued for execution and all four child activities of the Interleave are in the Executing state. The dispatcher will pick the item from the front of the queue (Execute "w2"). This will cause the Execute method of WriteLine named "w2" to be invoked. When this method returns, "Two" will have been printed to the console and the state of the program is as shown in Figure 3.17.

Figure 3.17. WF program instance in Listing 3.17 after WriteLine "w2" completes


As expected, because Interleave has subscribed to the Closed event of each child activity, there is a callback to the ContinueAt method present in the scheduler work queue. This item, however, sits behind three other itemsthe execution handlers for the Execute methods of w4, w1, and w3. The process outlined for w2 will therefore repeat three more times, resulting in the state shown in Figure 3.18.

Figure 3.18. WF program instance in Listing 3.17 after WriteLine "w4" completes


At this point, all four WriteLine activities have completed. The Interleave activity, though, has not actually received any notifications because its work items are still in the scheduler work queue. The four work items in the scheduler work queue are all resumptions of the same bookmark. The resumption point is the ContinueAt method of Interleave; the four work items differ only in the EventArgs data that is the payload of each resumed bookmark.

When the first work item is delivered to Interleave, the logic of the ContinueAt method will determine that all child activities are in the Closed state, so the Interleave itself is reported as complete. When the other three callbacks are subsequently dispatched, the WF runtime observes that the Interleave is already in the Closed state, so the callbacks are not delivered (they are simply discarded); delivery of these callbacks would violate the activity automaton because the Interleave cannot resume execution once it is in the Closed state.

Now, what we have seen in the execution of this WF program is quite a bit different than what we saw for the WF program that used Sequence. Things get even more interesting, though, if each child activity of the Interleave is not a simple activity like WriteLine, but a Sequence (which might contain other Interleave activities). Furthermore, it's clearly not very interesting or useful to simply execute WriteLine activities in an interleaved manner. It is much more realistic for each branch to be performing work that depends upon external input. In this way, the ordering of the execution of activities is determined, in part, by the timing of EnqueueItem operations performed by external code on WF program queues. By modeling these interactions in an Interleave, no branch is blocked by any other (because activities use bookmarks when their execution awaits external stimulus) and the execution of the activities within the branches can interleave.

As we know, the Interleave activity uses an explicit shuffling technique to decide the ordering in which its child activities are scheduled for execution. The influence of Interleave, however, ends there. If a Sequence activity is added as a child activity of an Interleave, the Interleave controls when the Sequence executes, but only the Sequence controls when its child activities are executed.

The XAML in Listing 3.18 is an Interleave with a set of Sequence child activities that contain child activities. The name of the WF program queue created by ReadLine in its Initialize method is the name of the activity. So, four WF program queues will be created during the initialization of a WF program instance, and these WF program queues are named r1, r2, r3, and r4.

Listing 3.18. Interleaved Execution of Sequence Activities

<Interleave x:Name="i1" xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities"
                        <Sequence x:Name="s1">
                        <ReadLine x:Name="r1" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w1" Text="{wf:ActivityBind r1,Path=Text}" />
                        <ReadLine x:Name="r2" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w2" Text="{wf:ActivityBind r2,Path=Text}" />
                        <Sequence x:Name="s2">
                        <ReadLine x:Name="r3" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w3" Text="{wf:ActivityBind r3,Path=Text}" />
                        <ReadLine x:Name="r4" />
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w4" Text="{wf:ActivityBind r4,Path=Text}" />

We are not going to go through the execution of an instance of this program step by stepit would take a few pages of diagramsbut we know enough about the execution logic of the Sequence and Interleave activities to predict what will happen. Assuming that no items are enqueued into any of the WF program queues, the program will reach the state shown in Figure 3.19.

Figure 3.19. WF program instance in Listing 3.18 after reaching ReadLine activities


At this point, the program is idle. Both Sequence activities have started executing, and each has, in turn, requested the execution of their first child activity (which happens to be a ReadLine activity in both cases). Each ReadLine activity is stuck waiting for an item to appear in its WF program queue. If the Interleave had a third child activity that was a Sequence of any number of WriteLine activities, then this Sequence would run to completion.

If we enqueue the string "hello" into WF program queue "r3", there will be an episode of action. The ContinueAt method of the ReadLine activity with name "r3" will be scheduled (the name of the WF program queue created by ReadLine is the same as its Name property). This will cause the ReadLine activity to complete, which will schedule notification of its Closed event to the enclosing Sequence "s2". That Sequence will schedule the execution of the WriteLine "w3" that follows the just-completed ReadLine. The WriteLine will get the string received by the ReadLine activity (via activity databinding) and write it to the console. The WriteLine will complete, again causing a notification to the enclosing Sequence. The Sequence will then move on to its third child activity, another ReadLine, which will now wait until an item is enqueued into its WF program queue.

The series of steps just described will result in the state of the program shown in Figure 3.20.

Figure 3.20. WF program instance in Listing 3.18 again in an idle state


This example is typical of the episodic execution we described at the outset of the chapter. As a result of stimulus from the external world, the WF program instance moves forward. And it is truly the composite activities that are driving the program's execution by providing the control flow; the WF runtime is passively dispatching whatever items appear in the scheduler work queue while enforcing adherence to the activity automaton.

Once you understand the activity automaton and the execution-related rules of activity composition, it is easy to model other control flow patterns beyond simple sequential and interleaved execution. This allows your programs to mirror more precisely whatever processes they are trying to coordinate. In the next chapter, we will look at several additional aspects of composite activity development that aid in building different kinds of control flow.

It may be helpful to pause here and consolidate what you've learned from this chapter so far. As an exercise, we suggest writing a custom composite activity. An appropriate choice on which to test your skills is PrioritizedInterleave. The PrioritizedInterleave activity executes its child activities in priority order. Each child activity has a property, named Priority, of type int.

When PrioritizedInterleave executes, first all child activities with a priority of 1 are executed in an interleaved manner; when those are completed, all child activities with a priority of 2 are executed (also in an interleaved manner). This continues until all child activities have been executed. As you might guess, the execution logic of PrioritizedInterleave is something of a combination of the logic we developed for Sequence and the logic we developed for Interleave.

Listing 3.19 shows an example WF program containing a Prioritized-Interleave. The seven child activities of the PrioritizedInterleave are grouped into three different sets according to the values of their Priority property. The best way to implement the Priority property is as an attached property, which supports the XAML syntax shown in Listing 3.19. Attached properties are covered in Chapter 7, "Advanced Authoring." You can take a simpler approach and add a Priority property to WriteLine and then test your PrioritizedParallel activity using the modified WriteLine.

Listing 3.19. WF Program that Is a PrioritizedInterleave

<PrioritizedInterleave xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities">
                        <B PrioritizedInterleave.Priority="1" />
                        <C PrioritizedInterleave.Priority="2" />
                        <A PrioritizedInterleave.Priority="1" />
                        <E PrioritizedInterleave.Priority="2" />
                        <F PrioritizedInterleave.Priority="3" />
                        <G PrioritizedInterleave.Priority="3" />
                        <D PrioritizedInterleave.Priority="2" />

This WF program is depicted in a more readable form in Figure 3.21, which conveys the interleaved execution that occurs within the groupings of child activities.

Figure 3.21. PrioritizedInterleave activity containing three groupings


You might conclude from Figure 3.21 that this WF program could just as easily be built using the Sequence and Interleave activities we developed previously. True, but there is another way of looking at things. Both Sequence and Interleave are nothing but degenerate cases of our PrioritizedInterleave, in which the priorities of the child activities are either all different or all the same, respectively. This is a simple but instructive example of the control flow flexibility afforded by the composition model of WF.

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WF Threads

From the point of view of activities, the WF runtime makes no guarantee about which CLR thread is used to dispatch a work item in a scheduler work queue. It is possible for any two work items, even consecutively enqueued work items, to be dispatched using different threads.

It is the application hosting the WF runtime that decides how CLR threads are to be allocated to WF program instances (though the WF runtime does impose a limit of one thread at a time for a specific WF program instance). It is also solely the host application that determines when a WF program instance should be passivated. Typically, passivation occurs when a WF program instance becomes idle, but it is possible, as we will see in Chapter 5, for a WF program instance to be passivated even when its scheduler work queue is not empty. As a developer of activities, the safest assumption is that every work item is dispatched on a different thread. Although in practice the same CLR thread will be used to dispatch a set of work items, it is best to not make any assumption about the CLR thread on which activity methods are invoked. This means not storing data in the thread context or call context or, more generally, not relying on THRead.CurrentThread in any way.

The WF runtime does guarantee that the scheduler managing the work items for a single WF program instance utilizes exactly one CLR thread at a time, for a given episode of the WF program instance. In other words, the scheduler never performs concurrent dispatch of work items in its work queue. Dispatch always occurs one item at a time. Furthermore, the WF runtime never preempts the execution of a dispatched work item. Activities are counted upon to employ bookmarks when they are logically blocked, allowing them to yield the CLR thread while they await stimulus.

The fact that the WF runtime uses a single CLR thread at a time for a given WF program instance is a pragmatic decision. It is possible to imagine concurrent dispatch of work items, but the benefits appear to be outweighed by the drawbacks.

One big advantage of a single-threaded execution model is the simplification of activity development. Activity developers need not worry about concurrent execution of an activity's methods. Locking, preemption, and other aspects of multithreaded programming are not a part of WF activity development, and these simplifications are important given WF's goal of broad adoption by .NET developers.

Some readers might object to the fact that the threading model of the WF runtime eliminates the possibility of true, or fine-grained, concurrency (the simultaneous use of more than one machine processor). Let's be clear: What is precluded is the possibility of true concurrency within an instance of a WF program. In any application where the number of simultaneously executing (non-idle) WF program instances tends to be greater than the number of machine processors, true concurrency would not buy you much. The design-time overhead of a vastly more challenging programming model for activities weighs down this approach, and mightily so in our estimation. Computations that benefit from true concurrency are, for WF programs, best abstracted as features of a service; the service can be made available to activities (using the service chaining techniques we've already described). In this way, the service can be executed in an environment optimized for true concurrency, which may or may not be on the machine on which the WF program instance is running.

True concurrency is a rather simple concept to describe, but the techniques for synchronization that are available in most mainstream programming paradigms are difficult to master and, when not applied properly, are notorious for causing hard-to-find bugs that make programs defective (or, perhaps, in the eyes of their users, capricious). The WF programming model arguably has found a sweet spot, given the types of problems that WF is intended to solve. WF program instances clearly allow interleaved (pseudo-concurrent) execution of activities, and WF makes it easy to write and use the constructs that permit interleaving. We have seen an example of such an activity, Interleave, and how essentially similar it is to Sequence, in both its implementation and its usage in a WF program.

Just like the CLR virtualizes a set of operating system threads, the WF runtime can be said to virtualize CLR threads. The interleaved execution of activities within a WF program instance is therefore not unlike the interleaved execution of CLR threads within an operating system process. Each child activity of an Interleave can be thought of as executing on a separate WF thread, though in fact this WF thread is a purely conceptual entity and does not have any physical manifestation in the WF programming model. Figure 3.22 depicts the relationship between these shadowy WF threads and actual CLR threads.

Figure 3.22. WF threads



This pattern of execution is sometimes called pseudo-concurrency or perceived parallelism.

Synchronized Access to State

Given the WF runtime's threading model, it should be clear that the synchronization primitives used in C# programs are not applicable in WF programs.

Synchronization primitives are not aware of the interleaved execution of WF threads. In fact, they can get you into quite a bit of trouble in a WF program and should be generally avoided. For example, if two activities in a WF program refer to some shared state (for instance, several fields of a third activity, accessed as properties of that activity), then CLR synchronization techniques will not be the right choice for ensuring synchronized access to the shared state. CLR locking primitives are generally not designed to survive and remain valid across passivation cycles of a WF program instance.

Put another way, since the WF programming model virtualizes threads of program execution, it must also carry the burden of providing synchronized access to shared data.

WF provides the ability to synchronize access to state shared by multiple WF threads in terms of a special composite activity defined in the System.Workflow.ComponentModel namespace. This activity is named SynchronizationScopeActivity and it executes its child activities sequentially.

SynchronizationScopeActivity is the WF programming model's synchronization primitive. It allows the developer of a WF program to draw boundaries around synchronization domains of (pseudo)concurrently executing activities, which, conceptually, run on different WF threads.

The SynchronizationScopeActivity type is shown in Listing 3.20.

Listing 3.20. SynchronizationScopeActivity

namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel
                        public sealed class SynchronizationScopeActivity : CompositeActivity
                        public ICollection<string> SynchronizationHandles { get; set; }
                        /* *** other members *** */

As you can see, the SynchronizationScopeActivity type carries a property called SynchronizationHandles of type ICollection<string>. This property holds a set of named synchronization handles. A synchronization handle is essentially a locking primitive.

The WF runtime guarantees that occurrences of SynchronizationScopeActivity sharing a synchronization handle token will be executed serially without any interleaving of their contained activities. In other words, one Synchronization ScopeActivity will complete before the next one (that shares a synchronization handle with the first) begins. To avoid deadlocks, the WF runtime internally manages virtual locks (not CLR locks) corresponding to the synchronization handles specified by the occurrences of SynchronizationScopeActivity in a WF program. These virtual locks survive passivation of the WF program instance.

Before the execution of a SynchronizationScopeActivity begins, all of the virtual locks associated with that SynchronizationScopeActivity activity's set of synchronization handles are obtained.

Listing 3.21 shows a WF program that uses SynchronizationScopeActivity to provide synchronized execution of interleaving activities. Even though there is no actual shared data, the two occurrences of SynchronizationScopeActivity require the same virtual lock and therefore execute serially.

Listing 3.21. Synchronization Using SynchronizationScopeActivity

<Interleave xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities"
                        xmlns:wf="" >
                        <wf:SynchronizationScopeActivity SynchronizationHandles="h1">
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w1" Text="One"/>
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w2" Text="Two"/>
                        <wf:SynchronizationScopeActivity SynchronizationHandles="h1">
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w3" Text="Three"/>
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w4" Text="Four"/>

This WF program will always produce one of the following outputs:









There are only two possible outputs for the preceding program. The Interleave activity will schedule both of the SynchronizationScopeActivity activities. Whichever one is scheduled first acquires the virtual lock that protects the synchronization handle "h1". Once the lock is obtained, the second SynchronizationScopeActivity activity is not allowed to execute, even though it has a work item in the scheduler work queue. Only when the first SynchronizationScopeActivity transitions to the Closed state will the lock be released, and the second SynchronizationScopeActivity be permitted to execute.

In the preceding example, there is no interleaving of activity execution across the two occurrences of SynchronizationScopeActivity, due to the fact that they require the same lock. If we change the program by altering the value of the SynchronizationHandles property for one SynchronizationScopeActivity to "h2", then the presence of the two SynchronizationScopeActivity activities is meaningless because they are defining different synchronization domains. Interleaved execution of the activities contained within them can and will occur.

SynchronizationScopeActivity activities can be nested in a WF program. Each SynchronizationScopeActivity acts as a lock manager that is responsible for granting locks to its child activities and managing a wait list of activities waiting to acquire locks (the WF runtime acts as the lock manager for the root activity of the program).

SynchronizationScopeActivity, when it begins its execution, collects the locks corresponding to its synchronization handles as well as those for all nested SynchronizationScopeActivity activities.

Because a parent SynchronizationScopeActivity is guaranteed to start its execution before a SynchronizationScopeActivity nested within it, the parent acquires the locks needed for all of its nested child SynchronizationScopeActivity instances before executing them, and deadlocks are safely avoided.

For the WF program shown in Listing 3.22, either SynchronizationScope-Activity s1 or SynchronizationScopeActivity s4 will execute in its entirety before the other one begins executing. In this example, the locks required by s1 and s4 are the same (indicated by the synchronization handles "a", "b", and "c"). In fact, the execution of s1 and s4 will be serialized even if they share a single synchronization handle name in their respective subtrees.

Listing 3.22. Nested SynchronizationScopeActivity Declarations

<Interleave xmlns="http://EssentialWF/Activities"
                        <wf:SynchronizationScopeActivity x:Name="s1"
                        <Interleave x:Name="i1">
                        <wf:SynchronizationScopeActivity x:Name="s2"
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w3" Text="One"/>
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w4" Text="Two"/>
                        <wf:SynchronizationScopeActivity x:Name="s3"
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w5" Text="Three"/>
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w6" Text="Four"/>
                        <wf:SynchronizationScopeActivity x:Name="s4"
                        <Interleave x:Name="i2">
                        <wf:SynchronizationScopeActivity x:Name="s5"
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w9" Text="Five"/>
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w10" Text="Six"/>
                        <wf:SynchronizationScopeActivity x:Name="s6"
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w11" Text="Seven"/>
                        <WriteLine x:Name="w12" Text="Eight"/>

SynchronizationScopeActivity provides a simple way to synchronize the interleaved execution of WF threads. Effectively, this synchronization technique orders the dispatch of operations in the scheduler work queue in accordance with the synchronization domains that are named by SynchronizationScopeActivity activities.

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