Lesson 8 A famous monastery

New words and expressions

1. Monastery n.男修道院 (a sacred building where monks live)

Monk 僧侣 convent :a sacred building where nuns live

Nun 修女 Sound of Music 音乐之声 Sister Maria


Sister Act Brother 僧侣称呼

Judaism 犹太教 Buddhism 佛教 Catholicism 罗马天主教 Christianity 基督教

Islam 伊斯兰教 Hinduism 印度教 Confucianism 孔教

2. St.

1) Saint 圣人

Culture background notes:

Saint valentine’s Day (February 14th ) People will send a special card,flowers esp.red roses to someone they love but without saying who they are.

2) Straint 海峡

Taiwan Straint

3) Street 马路

Wall Street 华尔街

Background notes:

And actually Manhattan is the business center of New York City,but of course ,the business area is mainly on Wall Street at the southern end of Manhattan where the New York Stock Exchange and the World Trade Center are located.

3. Pass n.

1) A Road or path which goes through 路

2) A place that is difficult to cross 关隘,山隘

Come to a pretty pass 陷入困境

Come to a fine pass /come to a nice pass

A dead living 虽生犹死 a living death 虽死犹生

Shakespeare :Romen and Juliet

Eg.Parting is such a sweet sorrow.离别是甜蜜的伤心。

4. Rash adj.匆忙的,草率的

Make rash decisions 匆忙决定

Eg.Don’t make rash decisions about your future.Take it seriously.

Perfunctory adj.草率的,敷衍的

Eg.You should never be perfunctory about your work.

Eg.More haste,less speed. 欲速则不达。

5. Enclose v.围起来

En- 动词前缀 使动作发生

Eg.The mountains were enclosed in mist .群山笼罩在薄薄浓雾之中。

Wrap :put cloth,paper around sb/sth

Be wrapped up with/in sth :give too much attention to 对什么重视,而忽略了其他东西

Eg.Mr. Kramer has been so wrapped up with his career that ha has no time to take care of his family .Kramer 整天忙于工作,而忽略了他的家庭。

Be wrapped up in English.使自己包围在英语的大环境。

6. Privacy n.隐私;清静

Eg.I don’t want my privacy to be disturbed.

Eg.you may not enjoy privacy in a busy city.

7. Easter n.复活节

A Christian holiday in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life

It’s only inferior to Christmas for Christians.


1. Connect v.连接(万能)

Eg.Taiwan strait connects mainland to Taiwan.

Contact n./v. 与人联系

Keep in contact with sb 与某人联系

Relate v.联系(抽象)

Eg.The rise in crimes relates closely to the increase in unemployment.犯罪率的上升和失业率密切相关。

Link v.链接 与 … 相关

Eg.Flu is linked to virus .流感和病毒有关系

2. Switerland n.瑞士 a country in western Europe know for being a neutral contry.

Sweden a country in Scandinavia.

3. Found v.建立 (正式)

Eg.United Nations was found in 1945.

Establish :to start a company or organization .

Eg.Rockefeller established the Standard Oil company in 1870.

Construct v.构造

Construct a bridge 建造一个桥

Build v. build a house /build a computer.

Build up 增强 build up energy 增强体力 build up credit 树立信誉

4. Save the lives 挽救生命

How to save life:

Don’t kill me! (×) Please save my life(×) Help ! (fall into a river)

Spare me! 饶过我吧。

5. Watchdog a dog to watch 看门狗 监管部门

Paper tiger 纸老虎 mother tiger 母老虎

6. Now that 置于句首 表示强调 由于 既然

Eg.Now that it has been quite dark outside,Tom may as well stay.既然天黑,不如留下来。


Due to

Eg.Due to the heavy snow.I was firmly stuck on the road for 2 hours.

Own to :Owning to her help and kindness,I finally weathered the store.

Thanks to :Thanks to my beloved mother,I’ve got where I am today.

Because of

7. 语篇标识词 but despite however nevertheless in spite of

8. Whenever 每当 :if ever

Eg.Whenever you are in trouble,just let me know.

9. Attempt to do 企图 (书面语) (to try to do sth that is difficulty or dangerous)

Try to do 试着 (口语)

Temp 引诱

Eg.When you’re tempted,you’ll attempt.

10. On foot 徒步

By car by boat by train by plane

By land by sea by air

In cars on his bicycle

11. During the summer moths 在夏天的几个月

During the winter months

Eg.If the winter comes,can spring be far behind.冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

12. In cars 许多人驱车前来

13. Quite different totally different 承上启下作用

14. Drop to (temperature ,price) 下降

Eg.The price drops to only half as much as it used to.

Fall to decline v./n. a decline iin birth rate 出生率下降

Descend v.(height) eg. A plane descends.

15. Regular visitor (造访) 常客

Regular pilgrim 朝圣的香客

Regular customer 熟客 regular army 正规军 regular lawyer 职业律师

16. Party 一群 ,一批

Eg. A party of visitors a host of friends 一群狐朋狗友

A community of monks 一群僧侣 a bevy of young women

An odd collection of people 一群怪人

A flood of refugees 一群难民 a galaxy of beauties 一群美女

17. Receive a warm welcome 受到热烈欢迎

Extend a warm welcome表示热烈欢迎

A warm welcome 热烈欢迎



1. That was then .This is now. 此一时,彼一时。

2. Such things come and go.胜败乃兵家常事。

Eg.The French football team was the champion of last World Cup.But that was then.This is Now.It was eliminated this time.So such things come and go.