Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies

New words and expressions

1. Mutilate v.使残缺不全 remove part of the body

Eg:Many people were mutilated and maimed in the blast.许多人在大爆炸中残废

Maim :使残废 amputate :to cut off a diseased arm or leg in an operation 截肢

Lop :cut a limb off a body 砍去手脚 limb :手足,四肢

Sever v.(in an accident) 受伤而失去

2. The Ladies n.女厕所 the Gents 男厕所 WC :water closet 厕所 John Am.(俚语)

Tarzen 厕所(男)

How to go the toilet :

1) I’d like to be excused.

2) I have to retire for a moment.

3) Excuse me (降调,熟人) 声调表示问问题。

3. Chew v.咀嚼 chewing gum 口香糖 bubble gum 泡泡糖 chew up a bone 啃骨头

Chew at a bone . chew on sth / chew over sth 琢磨

Eg:I began to chew on what he had told me.

Chew sb out :妈的狗血喷头 chew the fat 闲谈 (to have a long friendly conversation)

Bite off more than you can chew :贪多嚼不烂

4. Fiance n.未婚夫 a man (a woman is engaged to )

Fiancée :未婚妻 a woman (a man is engaged to )

Bachelor 单身汉 eligible bachelor :a rich young man 钻石王老五

Wift-to-be :准妻子

husband-to-be 准丈夫

Bride 新娘 bridegroom 新娘 Mistres 情妇 fancy man 情夫

Concubine 姨太太 Farewell to Concubine.

5. Micro- 术语 小的,微笑的

Microscope 显微镜 microwave oven 微波炉 microfilm 微缩胶卷

Microbe 微生物,细菌 Microsoft 微软

Mini- 小的前缀

Miniskirt 迷你裙 mini car 迷你车 mini bus mini break :a short holiday.

Miniature 微型画

Pocket 口袋 pocket money 零花钱 pocket dictionary 袖珍词典 pocket camera 袖珍照相机 pocket edition 袖珍版 an empty pocket 穷光蛋

Macro-表示大 术语

Microeconomics 宏观经济学

6. Spokensman n.发言人

Spokensman for the Cabinet 内阁发言人 spokensman for the White House 白宫发言人

Tradesman 生意人 statesman 政治家(褒义) –politician 政客

Woodsman 樵夫 speaker 下议院议长(英国) 众议院议长(美国)

Speaker of the House of Commons

Many of us no longer use man,for it seems women are not included.We prefer ‘person’ instead.


1. Has it ever happened to you ? 这样的事情在你身上发生过吗?

Happen to :to have 发生

Eg:Love never happens to me.

Occur to :an idea suddently comes into your mind 想都没有想过

Eg:To buy a new car never occurs to me.

Strike sb as +adj.给某人留下印象

Eg:His death struck us as odd.

2. Trousers (Br.) 复数 pants(Am.) 长裤

Like ants in one’s pants 如坐针毡

Eg:The husband felt like ants in his fants when he heard that his wife was going to give birth to a baby.

3. Banknote 纸钞

Riddle :why is a river rich .

Green back 美钞 green power (Am.) bogus :假钞

Eg:How would you like to pay?怎么结账

I’d like to pay by credit card.

I’d like to pay by cheque.

I’d like to pay in cash.

Make a fortune 发财 marry a fortune 嫁给有钱人

Fortune teller 算命先生

4. Rescue v./n.解救

Rescue sb/sth from 从…解救出来

Eg:rescue the company from ruin 从破灭中拯救公司

Eg:Only work rescued myself from sadness.

Come to one’s rescue :赶去解救

Save v.挽救 saver 存款人 savior 救星 savor :味道

5. Whiter than white 引起情感共鸣

Five score years ago Four score and server years ago. Score :20年

A white day 幸运的一天 a black day 倒霉的一天 a white elephant 大而无用的东西

6. Despair n./v/绝望

Run out of hope 绝望

Eg:The wisdom is the despair of smaller man.智者的聪明才智是他们所望尘莫及的。

Eg:to Hew a stone of hope out of the mountain of despair.希望源自绝望。

Fall into despair :不限悲痛,陷入绝望

Sink into despair

Eg:The mother fell into despair at the idea that her son sacrificed on the battle.

Despair of sth 消极

Eg.He despair of himself.他对自己绝望了。

7. Have 只有当有才能自身否定haven’t 其他都不可以

Eg:I haven’t a book. Don’t need to do 实意动词

8. Mutilated ladies 残缺不全的纸钞

The Queen’s head appears on English bank notes and lady refers to the Queen.

9. Claim

1) V.声称

Eg:Don’t claim to know what you don’t know.

2) V. claimed to have done sth 声称曾经做过

Eg:Up to now,no organization claimed to have been responsible for the bombing.

3) V. (有权利) 认领 eg:claim a watch.

4) N. 要求,索赔 territorial claims 领土要求

Make a claim for 对 ….提出要求(索赔)

Make a claim for damage :就损失提出索赔

10. Feed v.喂 feed,fed,fed

Feed one’s face :eat a lot 特别能吃

Be fed up with :受够了。

Eg.I’m fed up with you.

Eg.I’ve had it up to here with you!

11. Case n.事件 案例

Crack the case 破案 case history 病历

Eg.It’s quite another case.完全是另外一码事。

It’s a clear case of sth 简直就是

Eg.It’s a clear case of cheating! 这简直就是欺骗。

Black mail 敲诈

Eg. It’s a clear case of black mail.这简直就是敲诈。

12. Concern 与….有关联 (抽象)

As far as I’m concerned 就我而言

When sth is concerned 只要一牵扯到

Eg. When English is concerned ,I’m like a babe(baby) in the woods. 一说到英语,我一窍不通。

13. For safekeeping 妥善保管

Eg.People put money in the bank for safekeeping.

Eg.People deposit money in the bank for safekeeping.

Safeguard n.保卫 保安 bodyguard 保镖

14. Go horse riding 骑马

Go back riding 骑在父亲的后背上 go Christmas shopping 圣诞节购物

Go window shopping 只看不买

15. Dismay n. (the worry,disappointment and happiness you feel when sth bad happened

to one’s dismay 令人沮丧

to one’s surprise令人大感惊讶

to one’s relif 令人大觉放心

ot one’s amusement 令人愉快

16. Find +sth(宾) +adj(宾语补足语) eg:How did you find sth?

How did you find Titanic?

I found it moving and touching.

I found it impossible to finish the task.

17. Something to do 可供识别的东西

Eg:Do you have something to tell?

Eg.It has nothing to do with me.

18. Pay money on claim 就索赔而支付

Pay money for sth

Eg.I paid quite a large sum of money for the new house.

Pay by credit card. 信用卡支付

Pay in cash 现金支付


1. Work while you work and play while you play.This is the way to be happy and gay.


2. He is rich that has few wants. 知足常乐