Lesson 3 An known goddess

New words and expressions

1.       Unkonwn

1) not be known by name 无名的

2)not well-known 不出名的

Eg: I’m nobody :我是一个小人物=I’m a small potato

   A household name 家喻户晓的名字 VIP=very important person

He is somebody 他是一个大人物 a big shot 大人物 (口语)

2.       Goddess n.女神 god :男神 –ess 阴性词尾 表示女性或者女性

Hostess 女主人 stewardess 空姐   mistress 情妇

Tigress 雌老虎 mother tiger 母老虎 gender () sex female/male 动物 she/he 形容词

3.       Archaeologist n.考古学家 arch 拱门 前缀:主要的,重要的

-ology scientific study 研究 –ist …

Anthropology 人类学 anthropoid 类人猿 psychology 心理学

Philosofhy 哲学 philo :喜爱 sophy 智慧 physiology :生理学

——ist :specialist 专家 a heart specialist 心脏病专家 Buddist 佛教徒 racist :恐怖主义者

Pacifist 反战主义者 terrorist 种族主义者

4.       Explore 考察,勘探

Internet explore 网络浏览器 explode 爆炸 exploit 剥削,利用 exploid child labor 剥削童工

5.       Promontory n.海角 a high long narrow piece of land which goes out into the sea.

Cape:a large piece of land with 3-side water.

Eg:The cape of Good Hope :好望角

Channel :a passage of water connecting 2 seas

Strait : a passage of water between two lands connecting two seas.

Taiwan Strait 台湾海峡  Pirate 海盗;盗版

Delta 三角洲 Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲

6.       Prosperous  a.繁荣昌盛的 n.prosperity

Eg:We’ll keep the prosperity and stability of HK at any price/cost.

Background notes:

The America experienced the Great Depression in 1930 ,After the boom ,everything is gloom.

Slump :衰退 n.a slump in stock 股市下跌

Slack 松弛的 疲软的(市场)

In low time 在不如意的时候 EgThe business is in low time.生意萧条

7.       Civil

Civil rights 民权 civil law 民法 criminal law 刑法 civil servant 公务员 civil engineering 土木工程 civil war 内战 domestic market 国内市场 domestic violence 家庭暴力

Domestic flights 国内航班 home crowd 家乡父老

8.       Drain  n.下水道

Brain drain 人才流失 drainage n.排水系统

——age 名词后缀 postage 邮资 hostage 人质 orphanage 孤儿院

9.       Worship n.祭祀 祭祀活动

Warship 战舰  rite 宗教仪式 for religious purposes

Rites of haptism 洗礼 pray :ask  God for help 祈祷 prey :猎物 Mass 弥撒

10.   Fragment  n.碎片

Fall into fragment/fall into pieces  摔得粉碎

I am about to go to pieces.

Fraction 一小部分 in a fraction of a second 片刻,瞬间

Fracture 骨折 segment 果实 a segment of an orange :一瓣橘子


1.       make a discovery 做出发现

make a name for oneself 出名   make history 创造历史 make a noise :名噪一时

Eg:Ben Laden really made a noise by 9.11.

Make a dent :to make a first step towards success in something.取得初步的,有效的进展

EgChinese Open-up policy has made a dent.中国改革开放取得初步成效。

2.       Aegean

The Aegean sea lies between Greece and Turkey,part of Mediterranean Sea.

3.       Stand 座落

Eg: China stands in the East of the world.中国屹立世界之林。

Lie in 卧于

Eg:A lake lies in the middle of the forest.

Eg:A grand crocodile lies in wait for its prey.一个庞大的鳄鱼静静等待着猎物。

Be situated (formal) /be located in 坐落于

4.       enjoy 享有

eg:enjoy a long history 历史悠久

   China enjoys a long history .中国享有悠久的历史文化。

Enjoy supports 得到支持。

EgGeoge .W.Bush enjoyed a lot of supports during the president-election.

Enjoy good health 良好的身体健康状况 enjoy large sales 畅销

Enjoy a handsome income 有一份不错的收入。

5.       be build of stone  由石头建造

be made of stone :铁石心肠

EgHe is made of stone.他是一个铁石心肠的人。

6.       With 介词 作为抽象含义而使用 表示事物的特征和性质

A man with a heard 山羊胡子 a man with a moustache 小胡子

A man with whiskers 络腮胡子 a man with queues 发辫

Abrasham Lincoln :

Of the people(民有) ,by the people(民治) ,for the people (民享).

7.       B.C before Christ   before the birth of Christ. 公元前

A.D. Anno Domini (Latin)

Since the birth of Christ=After the birth of Christ.

8.       Roman Times 古罗马时代(From 200 B.C until 400 A.D)

Eg:Do as the Romans do when in Rome.入乡随俗

Eg:Every road leads to Rome.条条大路通罗马

EgRome wasn’t built in a day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

9.       Sacred adj。庄严的 greatly respected .

Holy :good 神圣的 the holy city :圣城的 Jerusalem.

Religious 宗教的(神圣)

10.   Represent v.代表 [ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt]

Eg:The statue of Liberty represents the friendship of France and America.自由女神像代表法国和美国的友谊。

Stand for 代表

Symbolize :v 象征 to be the symbol of 成为象征

EgPimple is the symbol of youth.青春痘是成熟的象征。

EgRose is the symbol of England. 玫瑰花是英国的象征。

11.   Remains 历史遗迹 ;遗体

Ruins 废墟

Be on the road to ruins 走向灭亡

Relic 遗物 遗迹 遗风陋俗 legacy [ˈlɛɡəsi] 遗产

Eg: As the legacy of man-dominated society,Women find it their duty to spend the money men earn.作为男权社会遗留的产物,女人觉得花男人的钱是天经地义的事。

12.   Date from 可以追溯到.. 自从 .. 就有

Date back to /go back to /trace back to  不能用于被动语态。

13.    Missing head 下落不明的头

The lost generation :迷茫的一代 be lost 迷路

Background notes:

The young men who were killed in WWI who could have been successful in art,science or literature and also it means all the people who became adults during or after WWI,and suffered  a great social and emotional disadvantages as a result.A group of US writers grew up during WWI,such as Eraest Hemingway,a pacifist.

The old man and sea. Farewell to Arms.

14.   Classical a.传统的 古朴的

Classical music 古典音乐--  popular music 流行音乐

Classical physics 古典物理  quantum physics 量子物理

         Classical times 古希腊

         Classic 经典 EgTitanic is a classic film.

         Class n.阶级 等级 It wa very okd and precious even then.

15.   Reconstruct v.重建 修复


Background notes:

The period of American history after the civil war when the sourthern states ,under government and military control,rejoined the US.Slavery was abolished .Black people were given the right to vote;and a few universities were established for black people.

16.   Turn out to be 竟然是

Eg:To be both a father and mothe to a child at the same time turns out to be more difficult than he thought.

17.   Wear 穿

Wear a dress 穿衣服 wear make-up 化妆 wear  perfume 喷香水 wear contact lenses 戴隐形眼镜 wear a moustache 留胡子 wear a sad look 一脸愁容 wear pistol 佩戴手 枪

18.   Full-length

Full-length Tv series :大型系列片 full-dress welcome 热烈欢迎

19.   Despite 尽管 in spite of

20.   So far 引起完成时 until (until now)/   up to (up to now) by now


Bible 圣经 refer to 2 books old Testment 旧约

Long long ago ,the sky and New Testment 耶稣

The earth were in chaos

On the 6th day 第六日

Man :Adam –the first man

Eve :it means woman who belongs to man.

Snake :serpent

Adam’s apple :喉结 forbidden fruit 禁果

Toil in the field 田里干活 walk on its belly 爬行

1.       Adam and Eve :熏肉加鸡蛋

2.       As old as Adam 老掉牙

3.       Bathing beauty 出水芙蓉 not know somebody from Adam 根本不认识

4.       Bone of my bone flesh of my flesh 血肉相连

5.       Dust you are back to dust you’ll return when you die. 原来自泥土,将回到泥中去