Lesson 2 Thirsteen equals one

New words and expressions

1.       Equal

Adj :be equal to 相等 Eg:Wealth is not equal to happiness.

EEOC :stand for Equal Employment Opportunities Commission

A US government organization whose aim is to make sure that people are not prevented from getting jobs because of their race,religion ,age,sex etc,and to make sure that all workers are treated fairly and equally.

Vt:不能加 to

2.       vicar 英国牧区的小牧师 rector :天主教堂的小牧师 priest :神父

curate :副牧师 curate’s egg 有好有坏

EgThe book is something of a curate’s egg.这本书有好有坏。

Bishop :主教  archbishop 红衣大主教 Pope 罗马天主教教皇

Eg:Is the Pope (a) catholic? Clergman :n 神职人员

3.       raise vt

raise kids 养育孩子  raise money 筹集钱 raise the roof 怒发冲冠

The Sun Rises.

A Farewell to Arms 永别了武器 A Farewell to Concubine 霸王别姬

4.       torch n.手电筒

Carry a torch for sb 暗恋某人 Why not carry on ?


1.       be always doing sth :一直在做某事,说话人态度不满意

EgHe is always finding faults with me .他总是找我毛病。

Eg:  Things are always keeping coming up at the last minute 事情总是赶在最后才出现。

2.       be forever doing 不厌其烦

Eg Peter is forever taking about his girl friend.

3.       Cause n.原因,缘故

I.cause and effect

II.sth you support 做善事

III.for one thing or another /for one cause or another

He can’t come for one thing or another .他由于种种原因不能来。

4.       Have sth done have sb do

Have sth to do 要做

EgI have another fish to fry = I have to go /take a French leave :不辞而别

5.       Enough a.足够的 I have enough of it .我受够了。

Eg I’ve had it up to bear with him 。我而无可忍了。

Can not do sth enough =can never do sth enough

Eg:I cannot thank you enough.感激不尽。

6.       Used to do :过去常常做某事

Be/get used to doing 习惯做某事

Be used to do 被用作什么

7.       Strike v struck/ struck striken

Strike hours 报时 strike matches 划火柴 strike sb 打人

Eg: Strike while the iron is hot .趁热打铁。

Strike sb as odd 给某人留下奇怪的印象。

EgHis death strikes us as odd .他的死让我很奇怪。

Be struck by her beauty 被美丽打动了

Day and night 翻译词组对照 不分日夜 日日夜夜

Up and down 上上下下 back and forth 前前后后

Black and white 黑与白

Ever since :引起完成时 自此。。。

8.       Startled 震惊

Surprised 吃惊  astounded/astounded :非常吃惊

Amazed :astonished :extremely surprised 美好的事物让人吃惊

Stunned 吃惊程度最深。

9.       Before 引导时间状语 直到   足足

Eg:It didn’t stop until it struck thirteen times.

Before you know it 什么事情马上就要发生

EgWe’d better set off or it will be dark before you know if .

What’s going on ? What’s up ? What gives? 回答 Nothing much.Not much.

10.   In the torchlight :借着手电筒的光 in the moonlight

Catch sight of 一下子看见 in sight :The victory is in sight.胜利在望

Fall in love at the first sight :一见钟情 hit it right off .一见钟情

11.   Whatever :What on earth are you doing here?

What the hell are you doing up here ?

And whatever 等等

EgWe had a party ,drink,dance and whatever .

12.   I’m trying to repair the bell..

Try egHave a try.Have a go!


Mrs Robison :I’ll tell her everything.

Ben :I don’t think you can do that.

Mrs Robison :Try me 试试看

13.   Night after night 夜夜 day after day year after year

Day  in day out year in year out

14.   Still 不过,仍然

Still,I’m glad the bell is working again.

Just the same :不过 ,仍然 Nothing can help 什么忙都帮不上。

15.   as good as 一样

EgHe is as good as dead there .他像死了一样。

As long as :只要

EgAs long as you love me.只要你爱我。

Better than  better than nothing 总比什么都没有好

EgBetter late than never :亡羊补牢

Better safe than sorry.

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.

16.   Have a cup of tea  某人喜欢的

EgPop music isn’t my cup of tea.


True generosity comes from his heart not from his purse.真正的慷慨来自内心而不是钱包。

Show you something 有些事情跟你讲。

What does normal mean anyway?

On a slow side :有点慢

Retread tires :翻新旧轮胎

There must be something can be done.一定有办法。