
Graphene-Django integrates with django-filter (2.x for Python 3 or 1.x for Python 2) to provide filtering of results. See the usage documentation for details on the format for filter_fields.


This filtering is automatically available when implementing a relay.Node. Additionally django-filter is an optional dependency of Graphene.


You will need to install it manually, which can be done as follows:


# You'll need to install django-filter
# 你需要安装django-filter
pip install django-filter>=2

After installing django-filter you’ll need to add the application in the settings.py file:


    # ...

Note: The techniques below are demoed in the cookbook example app.


Filterable fields 滤过性的字段

The filter_fields parameter is used to specify the fields which can be filtered upon. The value specified here is passed directly to django-filter, so see the filtering documentation for full details on the range of options available.


For example:


class AnimalNode(DjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        # Assume you have an Animal model defined with the following fields
        # 假设您有一个使用以下字段定义的动物模型
        model = Animal
        filter_fields = ['name', 'genus', 'is_domesticated']
        interfaces = (relay.Node, )

class Query(ObjectType):
    animal = relay.Node.Field(AnimalNode)
    all_animals = DjangoFilterConnectionField(AnimalNode)

You could then perform a query such as:


query {
  # Note that fields names become camelcased
  # 注意字段名称变成驼峰格式
  allAnimals(genus: "cat", isDomesticated: true) {
    edges {
      node {

You can also make more complex lookup types available:


class AnimalNode(DjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        model = Animal
        # Provide more complex lookup types
        # 提供更复杂的查找类型
        filter_fields = {
            'name': ['exact', 'icontains', 'istartswith'],
            'genus': ['exact'],
            'is_domesticated': ['exact'],
        interfaces = (relay.Node, )

Which you could query as follows:


query {
  # Note that fields names become camelcased
  # 注意字段名称变成驼峰格式
  allAnimals(name_Icontains: "lion") {
    edges {
      node {

Custom Filtersets 自定义Filtersets

By default Graphene provides easy access to the most commonly used features of django-filter. This is done by transparently creating a django_filters.FilterSet class for you and passing in the values for filter_fields.

默认情况下,Graphene 可以方便地获得最常用的django-filter特性。这是通过透明地为您创建一个django_filters.FilterSet类并传入filter_fields的值来实现的。

However, you may find this to be insufficient. In these cases you can create your own FilterSet. You can pass it directly as follows:


class AnimalNode(DjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        # Assume you have an Animal model defined with the following fields
        # 假设您有一个用以下字段定义的动物模型
        model = Animal
        filter_fields = ['name', 'genus', 'is_domesticated']
        interfaces = (relay.Node, )

class AnimalFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
    # Do case-insensitive lookups on 'name'
    # 对'name'执行不区分大小写的查询
    name = django_filters.CharFilter(lookup_expr=['iexact'])

    class Meta:
        model = Animal
        fields = ['name', 'genus', 'is_domesticated']

class Query(ObjectType):
    animal = relay.Node.Field(AnimalNode)
    # We specify our custom AnimalFilter using the filterset_class param
    # 我们使用filterset_class参数来指定我们的自定义AnimalFilter
    all_animals = DjangoFilterConnectionField(AnimalNode,

You can also specify the FilterSet class using the filterset_class parameter when defining your DjangoObjectType, however, this can’t be used in unison with the filter_fields parameter:


class AnimalFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
    # Do case-insensitive lookups on 'name'
    # 对'name'执行不区分大小写的查询
    name = django_filters.CharFilter(lookup_expr=['iexact'])

    class Meta:
        # Assume you have an Animal model defined with the following fields
        # 假设您有一个使用以下字段定义的动物模型
        model = Animal
        fields = ['name', 'genus', 'is_domesticated']

class AnimalNode(DjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        model = Animal
        filterset_class = AnimalFilter
        interfaces = (relay.Node, )

class Query(ObjectType):
    animal = relay.Node.Field(AnimalNode)
    all_animals = DjangoFilterConnectionField(AnimalNode)

The context argument is passed on as the request argument in a django_filters.FilterSet instance. You can use this to customize your filters to be context-dependent. We could modify the AnimalFilter above to pre-filter animals owned by the authenticated user (set in context.user).


class AnimalFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
    # Do case-insensitive lookups on 'name'
    # 对'name'执行不区分大小写的查询
    name = django_filters.CharFilter(lookup_type=['iexact'])

    class Meta:
        model = Animal
        fields = ['name', 'genus', 'is_domesticated']

    def qs(self):
        # The query context can be found in self.request.
        # 可以在self.request中找到查询上下文。
        return super(AnimalFilter, self).qs.filter(owner=self.request.user)

Ordering 订购

You can use OrderFilter to define how you want your returned results to be ordered.


Extend the tuple of fields if you want to order by more than one field.


from django_filters import FilterSet, OrderingFilter

class UserFilter(FilterSet):
    class Meta:
        model = UserModel

    order_by = OrderingFilter(
            ('created_at', 'created_at'),

class Group(DjangoObjectType):
  users = DjangoFilterConnectionField(Ticket, filterset_class=UserFilter)

  class Meta:
      name = 'Group'
      model = GroupModel
      interfaces = (relay.Node,)

  def resolve_users(self, info, **kwargs):
    return UserFilter(kwargs).qs

with this set up, you can now order the users under group:


query {
  group(id: "xxx") {
    users(orderBy: "-created_at") {
posted @ 2020-09-25 07:12  双葫  阅读(240)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报