
Welcome to the Graphene-Django docs.

欢迎来到Graphene Django文档。

Graphene-Django is built on top of Graphene. Graphene-Django provides some additional abstractions that make it easy to add GraphQL functionality to your Django project.

Graphene-Django是建立在 Graphene之上的. Graphene-Django提供了一些额外的抽象,可以轻松地将GraphQL功能添加到Django项目中。

First time? We recommend you start with the installation guide to get set up and the basic tutorial. It is worth reading the core graphene docs to familiarize yourself with the basic utilities.


Core tenets 核心原则

If you want to expose your data through GraphQL - read the Installation, Schema and Queries section.


For more advanced use, check out the Relay tutorial.


翻译 名称 连接
安装 Installation Installation
基础教程 Basic Tutorial Basic Tutorial
中继教程 Relay tutorial Relay tutorial
架构 Schema Schema
查询和对象类型 Queries & ObjectTypes Queries & ObjectTypes
领域 Fields Fields
额外类型 Extra Types Extra Types
突变 Mutations Mutations
订阅 Subscriptions Subscriptions
过滤 Filtering Filtering
Django授权 Authorization in Django Authorization in Django
Django调试中间件 Django Debug Middleware Django Debug Middleware
内省图式 Introspection Schema Introspection Schema
使用django测试API调用 Testing API calls with django Testing API calls with django
设置 Settings Settings
@@ -4,6 +4,5 @@
-    let foo = bar.baz([1, 2, 3]);
-    foo = foo + 1;
+    const foo = bar.baz([1, 2, 3]) + 1;
     console.log(`foo: ${foo}`);
import express from 'express'
import { express as playground } from 'graphql-playground/middleware'

const app = express()
app.use('/playground', playground({ endpointUrl: '/graphql' }))
cd /usr/local/etc
cp php.ini php.ini.bak
vi php.ini
ls -la
total 2
drwxr-xr-x   2 chris  chris     11 Jan 10 16:48 .
drwxr--r-x  45 chris  chris     92 Feb 14 11:10 ..
-rwxr-xr-x   1 chris  chris    444 Aug 25  2013 backup
-rwxr-xr-x   1 chris  chris    642 Jan 17 14:42 deploy
posted @ 2020-09-25 07:00  双葫  阅读(766)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报