Exercise 2.63 Each of the following two procedures converts a binary tree to a list. (define (tree->list-1 tree) (if (null? tree) '() (append (tree->l 阅读全文
Exercise 2.62 Give a (n) implementation of union-set for sets represented as ordered lists. 这道题难度也不大,思路是依次从两个集合中取第一个元素,比较他们的大小,把小的那个和剩下所有元素连接的结果连接起来。由 阅读全文
Exercise 2.61 Give an implementation of adjoin-set using the ordered representation. By analogy with element-of-set? show how to take advantage of the 阅读全文
Exercise2.60 We specified that a set would be represented as a list with no duplicates. Now suppose we allow duplicates. For instance, the set {1, 2, 阅读全文
Exercise 2.59 Implement the union-set operation for the unordered-list representation of sets. 这道题很简单,仿照 intersection-set 稍作修改就可以实现了 (define (union-se 阅读全文
Exercise 2.58 Suppose we want to modify the differentiation program so that it works with ordinary mathematical notation, in which + and * are infix r 阅读全文
Exercise 2.57 Extend the differentiation program to handle sums and products of arbitrary numbers of (two or more) terms. Then the last example above 阅读全文
Exercise 2.56 Show how to extend the basic differentiator to handle more kinds of expressions. For instance, implement the differentiation rule d(x^n) 阅读全文
2.53不用写代码,2.54和2.55属于一道题,所以就放到一起吧 Exercise2.53 What would the interpreter print in response to evaluating each of the following expressions? (list 'a 阅读全文
Exercise 2.52 Make changes to the square limit of wave shown in Figure 2.9 by working at each of the levels described above. In particular: a. Add som 阅读全文