Exercise 1.43
If f is a numerical function and n is a positive integer, then we can form the nth repeated application of f, which is defined to be the function whose value at x is f (f (...(f (x)). . .)). For example, if f is the function x -> x + 1, then the nth repeated application of f is the function x -> x + n. If f is the operation of squaring a number, then the nth repeated application of f is the function that raises its argument to the 2^n-th power. Write a procedure that takes as inputs a procedure that computes f and a positive integer n and returns the procedure that computes the nth repeated application of f. Your procedure should be able to be used as follows:
((repeated square 2) 5)
Hint: You may find it convenient to use compose from Exercise 1.42.
这道题稍微复杂一点,要用一个循环来实现重复调用目标函数 n 次。
; f 表示函数,参数只有一个且为数值;n 表示要嵌套执行多少次 f 函数
(define (repeated f n)
(if (= n 1)
(lambda (x) (f x))
(compose f (repeated f (- n 1)))))
((repeated square 2) 5)
((repeated inc 10) 5)
; 执行结果