<view class="box"> <view class="header"> <view class="top"> <view class="left"> <image src="https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2Qlpfs.jpg"></image> </view> <view class="right"> <image src="https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QlPlq.jpg"></image> 关注 </view> </view> <view class="botm"> <image src="https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QlCpn.jpg"></image> </view> </view> <view class="section"> <view class="sec1"> <view>点餐</view> <view>评价<text>4.8</text></view> <view>商家<text>故事</text></view> </view> <view class="sec2"> <view class="left"> <view class="dan" wx:for="{{left}}" wx:key="key"> {{item}} </view> </view> <view class="right"> <view class="dan" wx:for="{{right}}" wx:key="key"> <view class="rig_left"> <image src="{{item.img_url}}"></image> </view> <view class="rig_rig"> <view class="title">{{item.title}}</view> <view class="yuanl">{{item.yuanl}}</view> <view class="yuex">月售:{{item.yuex}}</view> <view class="botm"> <view class="jiag"> {{item.qian}} {{item.jiage}} </view> <view class="jiajian"> <text class="jian" bindtap="jian" data-id="{{item.id}}" hidden="{{item.flag}}">-</text> <text class="num" hidden="{{item.flag}}" >{{item.num}}</text> <text class="jia" bindtap="jia" data-id="{{item.id}}">+</text> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="footer"> <view class="left"> <view bindtap="btn"> <image hidden="{{img_flag}}" src="https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QlSYj.jpg"></image> <image hidden="{{!img_flag}}" src="https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QQXm8.jpg"></image> </view> <view class="zongs" hidden="{{!img_flag}}">{{zongshu}}</view> <view class="rig"> <view class="zongj"> ¥ <text>{{zongjia}}</text> </view> <view>免配送费</view> </view> </view> <view class="{{zongjia >= 20 ? 'lan' : 'hui'}}" bindtap="jiesuan"></view> </view> <view class="gwc" hidden="{{show}}"> <view class="top" bindtap="btn"></view> <view class="btm"> <view class="dan" wx:for="{{arr}}" wx:key="key"> <view class="rig_left"> <image src="{{item.img_url}}"></image> </view> <view class="rig_rig"> <view class="title">{{item.title}}</view> <view class="botm"> <view class="jiag"> {{item.qian}} {{item.jiage}} </view> <view class="jiajian"> <text class="jian" bindtap="jian" data-id="{{item.id}}" >-</text> <text class="num" >{{item.num}}</text> <text class="jia" bindtap="jia" data-id="{{item.id}}">+</text> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view>
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107 height: 180rpx; 108 border-radius: 15rpx; 109 overflow: hidden; 110 } 111 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_left image{ 112 width: 100%; 113 height: 100%; 114 } 115 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig{ 116 width: 100%; 117 padding-left: 15rpx; 118 } 119 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig .title{ 120 font-size: 30rpx; 121 font-weight: bold; 122 } 123 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig .yuanl{ 124 font-size: 20rpx; 125 } 126 .section .sec2 .right .dan:nth-child(1) .rig_rig .yuanl{ 127 color: #BE874E; 128 } 129 .section .sec2 .right .dan:nth-child(3) .rig_rig .yuanl{ 130 color: #BE874E; 131 } 132 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig .yuex{ 133 font-size: 20rpx; 134 color: #999999; 135 } 136 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig .botm{ 137 width: 100%; 138 display: flex; 139 justify-content: space-between; 140 padding-top: 40rpx; 141 } 142 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig .botm .jiag{ 143 color: red; 144 } 145 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig .botm .jiajian .jian{ 146 padding: 0 18rpx; 147 text-align: center; 148 border-radius: 50%; 149 border: 2rpx solid #02B7FC; 150 color: #02B7FC; 151 font-size: 40rpx; 152 } 153 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig .botm .jiajian .jia{ 154 font-size: 40rpx; 155 padding: 0 12rpx; 156 text-align: center; 157 border-radius: 50%; 158 background: #02B7FC; 159 color: white; 160 } 161 .section .sec2 .right .dan .rig_rig .botm .jiajian .num{ 162 padding: 0 15rpx; 163 } 164 .footer{ 165 width: 90%; 166 height: 100rpx; 167 padding: 20rpx 5%; 168 position: fixed; 169 bottom: 0; 170 background: white; 171 display: flex; 172 justify-content: space-between; 173 } 174 .footer .left{ 175 display: flex; 176 } 177 .footer .left image{ 178 width: 120rpx; 179 height: 70rpx; 180 } 181 .hui::before{ 182 display: block; 183 width: 200rpx; 184 height: 60rpx; 185 text-align: center; 186 line-height: 60rpx; 187 border-radius: 30rpx; 188 color: white; 189 background: #999999; 190 content: "¥20起送"; 191 } 192 .lan::before{ 193 display: block; 194 width: 200rpx; 195 height: 60rpx; 196 text-align: center; 197 line-height: 60rpx; 198 border-radius: 30rpx; 199 color: white; 200 content: "去结算"; 201 background: #02B7FC; 202 } 203 .zongs{ 204 width: 30rpx; 205 height: 30rpx; 206 border-radius: 50%; 207 background: red; 208 color: white; 209 font-size: 25rpx; 210 text-align: center; 211 line-height: 30rpx; 212 position: absolute; 213 top: 31rpx; 214 left: 120rpx; 215 } 216 .footer .left .rig .zongj{ 217 font-size: 20rpx; 218 } 219 .footer .left .rig .zongj text{ 220 font-size: 40rpx; 221 } 222 .footer .left .rig view:nth-child(2){ 223 font-size: 20rpx; 224 } 225 page{ 226 width: 100%; 227 height: 100%; 228 /* overflow: hidden; */ 229 } 230 .gwc{ 231 position: fixed; 232 top: 0; 233 width: 100%; 234 height: 90%; 235 z-index: 2; 236 } 237 .gwc .top{ 238 width: 100%; 239 height: 100%; 240 background: rgba(0, 0, 0,0.5); 241 } 242 .gwc .btm{ 243 width: 100%; 244 height: 40%; 245 overflow: auto; 246 position: absolute; 247 bottom: 0; 248 background: white; 249 z-index: 3; 250 } 251 252 .gwc .btm .dan{ 253 width: 100%; 254 padding-top: 15rpx; 255 display: flex; 256 } 257 .gwc .btm .dan .rig_left{ 258 width: 250rpx; 259 height: 180rpx; 260 border-radius: 15rpx; 261 overflow: hidden; 262 } 263 .gwc .btm .dan .rig_left image{ 264 width: 100%; 265 height: 100%; 266 } 267 .gwc .dan .rig_rig{ 268 width: 100%; 269 padding-left: 15rpx; 270 } 271 .gwc .dan .rig_rig .title{ 272 font-size: 30rpx; 273 font-weight: bold; 274 } 275 .gwc .dan .rig_rig .botm{ 276 width: 90%; 277 display: flex; 278 justify-content: space-between; 279 padding-top: 60rpx; 280 } 281 .gwc .dan .rig_rig .botm .jiag{ 282 color: red; 283 } 284 .gwc .dan:nth-child(1) .rig_rig .botm .jiajian{ 285 display: block; 286 } 287 .gwc .dan .rig_rig .botm .jiajian .jian{ 288 padding: 0 18rpx; 289 text-align: center; 290 border-radius: 50%; 291 border: 2rpx solid #02B7FC; 292 color: #02B7FC; 293 font-size: 40rpx; 294 } 295 .gwc .dan .rig_rig .botm .jiajian .jia{ 296 font-size: 40rpx; 297 padding: 0 12rpx; 298 text-align: center; 299 border-radius: 50%; 300 background: #02B7FC; 301 color: white; 302 } 303 .gwc .dan .rig_rig .botm .jiajian .num{ 304 padding: 0 15rpx; 305 }
1 // pages/sjia/sjia.js 2 Page({ 3 4 /** 5 * 页面的初始数据 6 */ 7 data: { 8 left:["热销","福利回馈特惠","满减主食","折扣单品","满减小食","套餐人气精选","套餐超值品质","满减饮料","流量专享"], 9 right:[ 10 { 11 img_url:"https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QQj0S.jpg", 12 title:"至尊板烧堡", 13 yuanl:"郑州板烧堡人气飙升至第2名", 14 yuex:"13", 15 qian:"¥", 16 jiage:13.9, 17 id:0, 18 num:0, 19 flag:true, 20 danz:0 21 }, 22 { 23 img_url:"https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QQj0S.jpg", 24 title:"香辣双鸡堡", 25 yuanl:"原料:鸡肉", 26 yuex:"13", 27 qian:"¥", 28 jiage:13.9, 29 id:1, 30 num:0, 31 flag:true, 32 danz:0 33 }, 34 { 35 img_url:"https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QQj0S.jpg", 36 title:"香辣鸡腿堡", 37 yuanl:"汉堡品类优先商品", 38 yuex:"13", 39 qian:"¥", 40 jiage:13.9, 41 id:2, 42 num:0, 43 flag:true, 44 danz:0 45 }, 46 { 47 img_url:"https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QQj0S.jpg", 48 title:"至尊板烧堡", 49 yuanl:"原料:鳕鱼", 50 yuex:"13", 51 qian:"¥", 52 jiage:13.9, 53 id:3, 54 num:0, 55 flag:true, 56 danz:0 57 }, 58 { 59 img_url:"https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/02/2QQj0S.jpg", 60 title:"香辣鸡肉堡 ,。", 61 yuanl:"原料:鳕鱼", 62 yuex:"13", 63 qian:"¥", 64 jiage:13.9, 65 id:4, 66 num:0, 67 flag:true, 68 danz:0 69 } 70 ], 71 img_flag:false, 72 zongshu:0, 73 zongjia:0, 74 show:true, 75 arr:[] 76 }, 77 jia(e){ 78 var that = this; 79 var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; //获取商品自定义id 80 var num = that.data.right[index].num; //通过自定义id获取当前点击元素的数量 81 var numprop = "right["+index+"].num"; //通过字符串拼接的形式来拿取当前商品的数量用于下边进行更改 82 var img_flag = that.data.img_flag; 83 var flagprop = "right["+index+"].flag"; 84 var arr = that.data.arr; //用于接收加入购物车中的数据 85 var arr_id = ""; //通过点击时拿到的id进行判断是否加入购物车 86 var danzprop = "right["+index+"].danz"; //单个总价 87 88 //计算单个商品加的数量 注意:最开始计算完单个数量时必须要把值先更新,下边才能继续写 89 num += 1; 90 that.setData({ 91 [numprop]:num 92 }) 93 94 //计算单个商品的总价,用于下一个确认订单页面 95 that.data.right[index].danz=that.data.right[index].num*that.data.right[index].jiage; 96 that.setData({ 97 [danzprop]:that.data.right[index].danz 98 }) 99 100 //加入购物车 101 if (that.data.zongshu == 0) { 102 arr.push(that.data.right[index]); //当点击加入 总数为0时 加入第一个购物车 103 } 104 for(let j=0;j<that.data.arr.length;j++){ 105 arr_id += String(arr[j].id) //遍历购物车中商品 并添加id到数组用于添加判断 106 } 107 if (arr_id.indexOf(String(index)) == -1) { 108 arr.push(that.data.right[index]); //再次点击时判断购物车中是否有这件商品 没有时添加 109 } 110 that.setData({ 111 arr:arr 112 }) 113 114 if (num >= 1) { 115 that.setData({ //当商品总数大于等于1时,让减号跟数量显示 116 [flagprop]:false 117 }) 118 } 119 //计算总价钱跟总数量 120 var zshu = null; 121 var zjia = null; 122 for(let i=0;i < that.data.right.length;i++){ 123 zshu += that.data.right[i].num; 124 zjia += that.data.right[i].num*that.data.right[i].jiage; 125 } 126 that.setData({ 127 zongshu:zshu, 128 zongjia:zjia+2 129 }) 130 // console.log(that.data.zongjia); 131 if (that.data.zongshu >= 1) { //购物车的显示隐藏 132 that.setData({ 133 img_flag:true 134 }) 135 } 136 }, 137 jian(e){ 138 var that = this; 139 var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; 140 var num = that.data.right[index].num; 141 var numprop = "right["+index+"].num" 142 var img_flag = that.data.img_flag; 143 var flagprop = "right["+index+"].flag"; 144 var arr = that.data.arr; 145 //单商品数量加减 146 num -= 1; 147 that.setData({ 148 [numprop]:num 149 }) 150 //当商品数量为0时将这个商品从购物车中删除 151 for(let j=0;j<arr.length;j++){ 152 if (arr[j].num == 0) { 153 arr.splice(j,1); 154 } 155 } 156 that.setData({ 157 arr:arr 158 }) 159 160 if (num < 1) { //当单个商品数量小于1时让数量跟减号隐藏 161 that.setData({ 162 [flagprop]:true 163 }) 164 } 165 //计算总价跟总数 166 var zshu = null; 167 var zjia = null; 168 for(let i=0;i < that.data.right.length;i++){ 169 zshu += that.data.right[i].num; 170 zjia += that.data.right[i].num*that.data.right[i].jiage; 171 } 172 that.setData({ 173 zongshu:zshu, 174 zongjia:zjia 175 }) 176 // console.log(that.data.zongshu); 177 if (that.data.zongshu < 1) { 178 that.setData({ 179 img_flag:false 180 }) 181 } 182 }, 183 184 btn(){ //购物车的显示隐藏 185 var that = this; 186 that.setData({ 187 show:!that.data.show 188 }) 189 }, 190 jiesuan(){ 191 var that = this; 192 if (that.data.zongjia >= 20) { //当总价大于等于20才能购买配送 193 wx.navigateTo({ 194 url: '../../pages/qrdd/qrdd' 195 }) 196 } 197 }, 198 /** 199 * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 200 */ 201 onLoad: function (options) { 202 203 }, 204 205 /** 206 * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 207 */ 208 onReady: function () { 209 210 }, 211 212 /** 213 * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 214 */ 215 onShow: function () { 216 217 }, 218 219 /** 220 * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 221 */ 222 onHide: function () { 223 224 }, 225 226 /** 227 * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 228 */ 229 onUnload: function () { 230 231 }, 232 233 /** 234 * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 235 */ 236 onPullDownRefresh: function () { 237 238 }, 239 240 /** 241 * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 242 */ 243 onReachBottom: function () { 244 245 }, 246 247 /** 248 * 用户点击右上角分享 249 */ 250 onShareAppMessage: function () { 251 252 } 253 })
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