9楼 Contents: ============= Makefile : Makefile *.c : c files *.h : header files ======================================================================= Features: ========== This driver implements basic IEEE802.11. Infrastructure and adhoc mode with open or shared or WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK authentication method. NONE, WEP, TKIP and AES encryption. ======================================================================= Build Instructions: ==================== 1> $tar -xvzf RT2870_Linux_STA_x.x.x.x.tgz go to "./RT2870_Linux_STA_x.x.x.x" directory. 2> In Makefile set the "MODE = STA" in Makefile and chose the TARGET to Linux by set "TARGET = LINUX" define the linux kernel source include file path LINUX_SRC modify to meet your need. 3> In os/linux/ define the GCC and LD of the target machine define the compiler flags CFLAGS modify to meet your need. ** Build for being controlled by NetworkManager or wpa_supplicant wext functions Please set 'HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y' and 'HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=y'. => #>cd wpa_supplicant-x.x => #>./wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ira0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf -d ** Build for being controlled by WpaSupplicant with Ralink Driver Please set 'HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y' and 'HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=n'. => #>cd wpa_supplicant-0.5.7 => #>./wpa_supplicant -Dralink -ira0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf -d 4> $make # compile driver source code # To fix "error: too few arguments to function ˉiwe_stream_add_event" => $patch -i os/linux/sta_ioctl.c.patch os/linux/sta_ioctl.c 5> $cp RT2870STA.dat /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat 6> load driver, go to "os/linux/" directory. #[kernel 2.4] # $/sbin/insmod rt2870sta.o # $/sbin/ifconfig ra0 inet YOUR_IP up #[kernel 2.6] # $/sbin/insmod rt2870sta.ko # $/sbin/ifconfig ra0 inet YOUR_IP up 7> unload driver $/sbin/ifconfig ra0 down $/sbin/rmmod rt2870sta ======================================================================= CONFIGURATION: ==================== RT2870 driver can be configured via following interfaces, i.e. (i)"iwconfig" command, (ii)"iwpriv" command, (iii) configuration file i) iwconfig comes with kernel. ii) iwpriv usage, please refer to file "iwpriv_usage.txt" for details. iii)modify configuration file "RT2870STA.dat" in /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat. Configuration File : RT2870STA.dat --------------------------------------- # Copy this file to /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat # This file is a binary file and will be read on loading rt.o module. # # Use "vi RT2870STA.dat" to modify settings according to your need. # # 1.) set NetworkType to "Adhoc" for using Adhoc-mode, otherwise using Infrastructure # 2.) set Channel to "0" for auto-select on Infrastructure mode # 3.) set SSID for connecting to your Accss-point. # 4.) AuthMode can be "WEPAUTO", "OPEN", "SHARED", "WPAPSK", "WPA2PSK", "WPANONE" # 5.) EncrypType can be "NONE", "WEP", "TKIP", "AES" # for more information refer to the Readme file. # #The word of "Default" must not be removed ================================================================================= If you want for rt2870 driver to auto-load at boot time: A) choose ra0 for first RT2870 WLAN card, ra1 for second RT2870 WLAN card, etc. B) create(edit) 'ifcfg-ra0' file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/, edit( or add the line) in /etc/modules.conf: alias ra0 rt2870sta C) edit(create) the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ra0 DEVICE='ra0' ONBOOT='yes' NOTE: if you use dhcp, add this line too . BOOTPROTO='dhcp' *D) To ease the Default Gateway setting, add the line GATEWAY=x.x.x.x in /etc/sysconfig/network |