- 手机、wifi等的无线通信在空口段由于信道竞争等原因导致数据包传输出错,但其实网络可能并不拥塞,只是单纯的数据包出错,这是不拥塞被误判成了拥塞!
- 网络设备buffer增加,能容纳的数据包也增加了。当buffer被填满后就产生了拥塞,但此时数据包还未丢失(或则发送端判断还未超时),所以如果以丢包判断拥塞,此时就会误判为不拥塞,导致拥塞判断延迟,和上述情况刚好相反!
- 导致整个网络的吞吐率呈现锯齿状:先是努力向上,达到阈值或丢失后就减半,再逐步增加cw,达到阈值或丢失后继续减半,周而复始,产生带宽震荡,导致大部分时候的带宽利用率或吞吐量不高!
- 端到端延迟大:网络中转设备的buffer被填满,数据包排队等待通行,此时还未丢包,发送端无法判断是否拥塞
- 算法侵略性强:抢占其他算法的带宽,导致整网的效果不好,带宽分配不均
- reno和cubic发送数据包是“brust突发”的:一次性发送4个、8个等,可能导致路由设备buffer瞬间填满,超出瓶颈链路的带宽,所以要控制分组数据包的数量,避免瞬间超出BtlBW;这个间隔该怎么计算了?
节拍参数pacing_gain: 1、1.25、0.75等取值;时间间隔就是packet.size/pacing_rate;next_send_time=now()+packet.size/pacing_rate;
3、BRR采用的拥塞控制算法需要两个变量:RTT(又被称为RTprop:round-trip propagation time)和BtlBW(bottleneck bandwidth),分别是传输延迟和链接瓶颈带宽,这两个变量的值又是怎么精确测量的了?
- 双方握手阶段:此时还未发送大量数据,理论上链路的数据还不多,可以把syn+ack的时间作为RTT;
- 已经握手完成:双方有交互式的应用,导致双方的数据量都不大,还没有把瓶颈链路的带宽打满,也可以把syn+ack的时间作为RTT;
- 如果双方都开足马力收发数据,导致瓶颈链路都打满了,怎么测RTT了? 只能每隔一定时间段(比如10s到几分钟),选择2%左右的时间段(这里是200ms到几秒),双方主动降低发送速度,目的是让应用回到受限阶段后再测量RTT(这也是BBR算法相对公平、不恶意挤占整个网络带宽的原因)!
- 刚开始源端的发送速度还未达到BDP时,因为链路还有空闲,此时处于应用受限阶段(直白称之为应用不足),所以RTT保持稳定不变,整个网络的delivery rate持续上升!
- 等达到BDP但小于BDP+BtlBufSize,代表着整个链路都塞满了但瓶颈设备的buffer还未慢,此时处于带宽受限阶段(直白称之为带宽不足);此时如果源端继续加速发送数据,直接导致RTT增加,delivery rate因为链路没了空闲也无法继续提升!
- 如果源端继续火力全开地发送数据,使得insight的数据量超过了BDP+BtlBufSize,这代表这链路本身的带宽+路由设备的buffer都被填满,此时路由设备只能丢包,此阶段称为缓冲受限(直白称之为缓冲不足)
- 所谓的拥塞控制,就是要让在途的inflight数据量不要超过BDP!所以是通过RTT和BtlBW这两个变量来控制拥塞的,而不是传统的遇到丢包就减半这种简单粗暴的方式!
4、上述都是BBR出现的背景和原理,具体是怎么落地的了? 分了4个阶段,分别是startup、drain、probeBW和probe_RTT!
(1) Startup: 从名字就能看出来这是初始启动阶段!既然刚启动,通信双方互相发送的数据肯定不多,此时链路吞吐量较小。为了最大化利用链路带宽,Startup为BtlBw 实现了二分查找法:随着传输速率增加,每次用 2/ln2 增益来倍增发送速率,整个链路带宽很快会被填满!当连续三个RTT交付速率不增加25%时就达到了BL带宽受限状态,此时就能测量出BtlBW(也就是RTT*BtlBw)
(2)Drain:经过startup阶段的灌水后,整个链路被洪水漫灌,导致吞吐量下降,此时发送方逐渐降低发送速率,使得inflight<BDP, 避免拥塞
(3) probe_BW:经过第二阶段的排水后,inflight基本稳定,这是整个BBR算法最稳定的状态了;从名字就能看出来,这个阶段是用来探测带宽的!
function onAck(packet) rtt = now - packet.sendtime // 收包时间 减去 包中记录的发包时间就是RTT update_min_filter(RTpropFilter, rtt) // 更新对 RTT 的估计 delivered += packet.size delivered_time = now //计算当前实际的传输速率 delivery_rate = (delivered - packet.delivered) / (delivered_time - packet.delivered_time) if (delivery_rate > BtlBwFilter.current_max // 实际传输速率已经大于当前估计的瓶颈带宽,或 || !packet.app_limited) // 不是应用受限(应用受限的样本对估计 BtlBw 无意义) update_max_filter(BtlBwFilter, delivery_rate) // 根更新对 BtlBw 的估计 if (app_limited_until > 0) // 达到瓶颈带宽前,仍然可发送的字节数 app_limited_until = app_limited_until - packet.size
function send(packet) bdp = BtlBwFilter.current_max * RTpropFilter.current_min // 计算 BDP if (inflight >= cwnd_gain * bdp) // 如果正在传输中的数据量超过了允许的最大值 return // 直接返回,接下来就等下一个 ACK,或者等超时重传 // 能执行到这说明 inflight < cwnd_gain * bdp,即正在传输中的数据量 < 瓶颈容量 if (now >= next_send_time) packet = nextPacketToSend() if (!packet) // 如果没有数据要发送 app_limited_until = inflight // 更新 “在达到瓶颈容量之前,仍然可发送的数据量” return packet.app_limited = (app_limited_until > 0) // 如果仍然能发送若干字节才会达到瓶颈容量,说明处于 app_limited 状态 packet.sendtime = now packet.delivered = delivered packet.delivered_time = delivered_time ship(packet) //下次发送数据的时间,通过这个控制拥塞 next_send_time = now + packet.size / (pacing_gain * BtlBwFilter.current_max) //用定时器设置下次发送时间到期后的回调函数,就是继续执行send函数 timerCallbackAt(send, next_send_time)
6、接下来看看google提供的BBR源码,在net\ipv4\tcp_bbr.c这个文件里(我用的是linux 4.9的源码)!
static struct tcp_congestion_ops tcp_bbr_cong_ops __read_mostly = { .flags = TCP_CONG_NON_RESTRICTED, .name = "bbr", .owner = THIS_MODULE, .init = bbr_init, .cong_control = bbr_main, .sndbuf_expand = bbr_sndbuf_expand, .undo_cwnd = bbr_undo_cwnd, .cwnd_event = bbr_cwnd_event, .ssthresh = bbr_ssthresh, .tso_segs_goal = bbr_tso_segs_goal, .get_info = bbr_get_info, .set_state = bbr_set_state, };
static void bbr_main(struct sock *sk, const struct rate_sample *rs) { struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); u32 bw; bbr_update_model(sk, rs); bw = bbr_bw(sk); bbr_set_pacing_rate(sk, bw, bbr->pacing_gain); bbr_set_tso_segs_goal(sk); bbr_set_cwnd(sk, rs, rs->acked_sacked, bw, bbr->cwnd_gain); }
/* Estimate the bandwidth based on how fast packets are delivered 估算实际的带宽 1、更新RTT周期 2、计算带宽=确认的字节数*BW_UNIT/采样时间 3、带宽和minirtt样本加入新的rtt、bw样本 */ static void bbr_update_bw(struct sock *sk, const struct rate_sample *rs) { struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); u64 bw; bbr->round_start = 0; if (rs->delivered < 0 || rs->interval_us <= 0) return; /* Not a valid observation */ /* See if we've reached the next RTT */ if (!before(rs->prior_delivered, bbr->next_rtt_delivered)) { bbr->next_rtt_delivered = tp->delivered; bbr->rtt_cnt++; bbr->round_start = 1; bbr->packet_conservation = 0; } bbr_lt_bw_sampling(sk, rs); /* Divide delivered by the interval to find a (lower bound) bottleneck * bandwidth sample. Delivered is in packets and interval_us in uS and * ratio will be <<1 for most connections. So delivered is first scaled. 计算带宽 */ bw = (u64)rs->delivered * BW_UNIT; do_div(bw, rs->interval_us); /* If this sample is application-limited, it is likely to have a very * low delivered count that represents application behavior rather than * the available network rate. Such a sample could drag down estimated * bw, causing needless slow-down. Thus, to continue to send at the * last measured network rate, we filter out app-limited samples unless * they describe the path bw at least as well as our bw model. * * So the goal during app-limited phase is to proceed with the best * network rate no matter how long. We automatically leave this * phase when app writes faster than the network can deliver :) */ if (!rs->is_app_limited || bw >= bbr_max_bw(sk)) { /* Incorporate new sample into our max bw filter. 带宽和minirtt样本加入新的rtt、bw样本*/ minmax_running_max(&bbr->bw, bbr_bw_rtts, bbr->rtt_cnt, bw); } }
/* Pace using current bw estimate and a gain factor. In order to help drive the * network toward lower queues while maintaining high utilization and low * latency, the average pacing rate aims to be slightly (~1%) lower than the * estimated bandwidth. This is an important aspect of the design. In this * implementation this slightly lower pacing rate is achieved implicitly by not * including link-layer headers in the packet size used for the pacing rate. */ static void bbr_set_pacing_rate(struct sock *sk, u32 bw, int gain) { struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); u64 rate = bw; rate = bbr_rate_bytes_per_sec(sk, rate, gain); rate = min_t(u64, rate, sk->sk_max_pacing_rate); if (bbr->mode != BBR_STARTUP || rate > sk->sk_pacing_rate) sk->sk_pacing_rate = rate; }
/* The goal of PROBE_RTT mode is to have BBR flows cooperatively and * periodically drain the bottleneck queue, to converge to measure the true * min_rtt (unloaded propagation delay). This allows the flows to keep queues * small (reducing queuing delay and packet loss) and achieve fairness among * BBR flows. * * The min_rtt filter window is 10 seconds. When the min_rtt estimate expires, * we enter PROBE_RTT mode and cap the cwnd at bbr_cwnd_min_target=4 packets. * After at least bbr_probe_rtt_mode_ms=200ms and at least one packet-timed * round trip elapsed with that flight size <= 4, we leave PROBE_RTT mode and * re-enter the previous mode. BBR uses 200ms to approximately bound the * performance penalty of PROBE_RTT's cwnd capping to roughly 2% (200ms/10s). * * Note that flows need only pay 2% if they are busy sending over the last 10 * seconds. Interactive applications (e.g., Web, RPCs, video chunks) often have * natural silences or low-rate periods within 10 seconds where the rate is low * enough for long enough to drain its queue in the bottleneck. We pick up * these min RTT measurements opportunistically with our min_rtt filter. :-) */ static void bbr_update_min_rtt(struct sock *sk, const struct rate_sample *rs) { struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk); struct bbr *bbr = inet_csk_ca(sk); bool filter_expired; /* Track min RTT seen in the min_rtt_win_sec filter window: */ filter_expired = after(tcp_time_stamp, bbr->min_rtt_stamp + bbr_min_rtt_win_sec * HZ); if (rs->rtt_us >= 0 && (rs->rtt_us <= bbr->min_rtt_us || filter_expired)) { bbr->min_rtt_us = rs->rtt_us; bbr->min_rtt_stamp = tcp_time_stamp; } if (bbr_probe_rtt_mode_ms > 0 && filter_expired && !bbr->idle_restart && bbr->mode != BBR_PROBE_RTT) { bbr->mode = BBR_PROBE_RTT; /* dip, drain queue */ bbr->pacing_gain = BBR_UNIT; bbr->cwnd_gain = BBR_UNIT; bbr_save_cwnd(sk); /* note cwnd so we can restore it */ bbr->probe_rtt_done_stamp = 0; } if (bbr->mode == BBR_PROBE_RTT) {//如果是probe_rtt状态 /* Ignore low rate samples during this mode. */ tp->app_limited = (tp->delivered + tcp_packets_in_flight(tp)) ? : 1; /* Maintain min packets in flight for max(200 ms, 1 round). */ if (!bbr->probe_rtt_done_stamp && tcp_packets_in_flight(tp) <= bbr_cwnd_min_target) { bbr->probe_rtt_done_stamp = tcp_time_stamp + msecs_to_jiffies(bbr_probe_rtt_mode_ms); bbr->probe_rtt_round_done = 0; bbr->next_rtt_delivered = tp->delivered; } else if (bbr->probe_rtt_done_stamp) { if (bbr->round_start) bbr->probe_rtt_round_done = 1; if (bbr->probe_rtt_round_done && after(tcp_time_stamp, bbr->probe_rtt_done_stamp)) { bbr->min_rtt_stamp = tcp_time_stamp; bbr->restore_cwnd = 1; /* snap to prior_cwnd */ bbr_reset_mode(sk); } } } bbr->idle_restart = 0; }
6、总结:BBR算法不再基于丢包判断,也不再使用AIMD线性增乘性减策略来维护拥塞窗口,而是分别采样估计(网络链路拓扑情况对于发送端和接收端来说都是黑盒,不太可能完全实时掌控,只能不停地采样)极大带宽和极小延时,并用二者乘积作为发送窗口。同事BBR引入了Pacing Rate限制数据发送速率,配合cwnd使用来降低冲击!
1、 google bbr源码分析
2、 BBR拥塞控制算法
3、 google论文:基于拥塞(而非丢包)的拥塞控制
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