点击上传图片按钮后是弹框要求输入图片url的 :
以下是改造后的效果,点击图片上传按钮显示的是现在手机相册图片 :
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3 /* jquery.qeditor ============== This is a simple WYSIWYG editor with jQuery. ## Author: Jason Lee <huacnlee@gmail.com> ## Requirements: [jQuery](http://jquery.com) (Font-Awesome)[http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/] - Toolbar icons ## Usage: $("textarea").qeditor(); and then you need filt the html tags,attributes in you content page. In Rails application, you can use like this: <%= sanitize(@post.body,:tags => %w(strong b i u strike ol ul li address blockquote pre code br div p), :attributes => %w(src)) %> */ var QEDITOR_ALLOW_TAGS_ON_PASTE, QEDITOR_DISABLE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_PASTE, QEDITOR_TOOLBAR_HTML; QEDITOR_TOOLBAR_HTML = "<div class=\"qeditor_toolbar\">\n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"bold\" class=\"qe-bold\"><span class=\"fa fa-bold\" title=\"Bold\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"italic\" class=\"qe-italic\"><span class=\"fa fa-italic\" title=\"Italic\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"underline\" class=\"qe-underline\"><span class=\"fa fa-underline\" title=\"Underline\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"strikethrough\" class=\"qe-strikethrough\"><span class=\"fa fa-strikethrough\" title=\"Strike-through\"></span></a> \n <span class=\"vline\"></span>\n <span class=\"qe-icon qe-heading\">\n <ul class=\"qe-menu\">\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h1\" class=\"qe-h1\">Heading 1</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h2\" class=\"qe-h2\">Heading 2</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h3\" class=\"qe-h3\">Heading 3</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h4\" class=\"qe-h4\">Heading 4</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h5\" class=\"qe-h5\">Heading 5</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h6\" class=\"qe-h6\">Heading 6</a></li>\n <li class=\"qe-hline\"></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"p\" class=\"qe-p\">Paragraph</a></li>\n </ul>\n <span class=\"icon fa fa-font\"></span>\n </span>\n <span class=\"vline\"></span>\n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"insertorderedlist\" class=\"qe-ol\"><span class=\"fa fa-list-ol\" title=\"Insert Ordered-list\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"insertunorderedlist\" class=\"qe-ul\"><span class=\"fa fa-list-ul\" title=\"Insert Unordered-list\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"indent\" class=\"qe-indent\"><span class=\"fa fa-indent\" title=\"Indent\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"outdent\" class=\"qe-outdent\"><span class=\"fa fa-outdent\" title=\"Outdent\"></span></a> \n <span class=\"vline\"></span> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"insertHorizontalRule\" class=\"qe-hr\"><span class=\"fa fa-minus\" title=\"Insert Horizontal Rule\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"blockquote\" class=\"qe-blockquote\"><span class=\"fa fa-quote-left\" title=\"Blockquote\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"pre\" class=\"qe-pre\"><span class=\"fa fa-code\" title=\"Pre\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"createLink\" class=\"qe-link\"><span class=\"fa fa-link\" title=\"Create Link\" title=\"Create Link\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"insertimage\" class=\"qe-image\"><span class=\"fa fa-picture-o\" title=\"Insert Image\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return QEditor.toggleFullScreen(this);\" class=\"qe-fullscreen pull-right\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrows-alt\" title=\"Toggle Fullscreen\"></span></a> \n</div>"; QEDITOR_ALLOW_TAGS_ON_PASTE = "div,p,ul,ol,li,hr,br,b,strong,i,em,img,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7"; QEDITOR_DISABLE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_PASTE = ["style", "class", "id", "name", "width", "height"]; window.QEditor = { actions: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'insertunorderedlist', 'insertorderedlist', 'blockquote', 'pre'], action: function(el, a, p) { var editor; editor = $(".qeditor_preview", $(el).parent().parent()); editor.find(".qeditor_placeholder").remove(); editor.focus(); if (p === null) { p = false; } if (a === "blockquote" || a === "pre") { p = a; a = "formatBlock"; } if (a === "createLink") { p = prompt("Type URL:"); if (p.trim().length === 0) { return false; } } else if (a === "insertimage") { p = prompt("Image URL:"); if (p.trim().length === 0) { return false; } } if (QEditor.state(a)) { document.execCommand(a, false, null); } else { document.execCommand(a, false, p); } QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); editor.change(); return false; }, state: function(action) { return document.queryCommandState(action) === true; }, prompt: function(title) { var val; val = prompt(title); if (val) { return val; } else { return false; } }, toggleFullScreen: function(el) { var border; border = $(el).parent().parent(); if (border.data("qe-fullscreen") === "1") { QEditor.exitFullScreen(); } else { QEditor.enterFullScreen(border); } return false; }, enterFullScreen: function(border) { border.data("qe-fullscreen", "1").addClass("qeditor_fullscreen"); border.find(".qeditor_preview").focus(); return border.find(".qe-fullscreen span").attr("class", "fa fa-compress"); }, exitFullScreen: function() { return $(".qeditor_border").removeClass("qeditor_fullscreen").data("qe-fullscreen", "0").find(".qe-fullscreen span").attr("class", "fa fa-arrows-alt"); }, getCurrentContainerNode: function() { var containerNode, node; if (window.getSelection) { node = window.getSelection().anchorNode; containerNode = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.parentNode : node; } return containerNode; }, checkSectionState: function(editor) { var a, link, _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = QEditor.actions; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { a = _ref[_i]; link = editor.parent().find(".qeditor_toolbar a[data-action=" + a + "]"); if (QEditor.state(a)) { _results.push(link.addClass("qe-state-on")); } else { _results.push(link.removeClass("qe-state-on")); } } return _results; }, version: function() { return "0.2.0"; } }; (function($) { return $.fn.qeditor = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var currentVal, editor, obj, placeholder, qe_heading, toolbar; obj = $(this); obj.addClass("qeditor"); editor = $('<div class="qeditor_preview clearfix" contentEditable="true"></div>'); placeholder = $('<div class="qeditor_placeholder"></div>'); $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { return QEditor.exitFullScreen(); } }); document.execCommand('defaultParagraphSeparator', false, 'p'); currentVal = obj.val(); editor.html(currentVal); editor.addClass(obj.attr("class")); obj.after(editor); placeholder.text(obj.attr("placeholder")); editor.attr("placeholder", obj.attr("placeholder") || ""); editor.append(placeholder); editor.focusin(function() { QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); return $(this).find(".qeditor_placeholder").remove(); }); editor.blur(function() { var t; t = $(this); QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); if (t.html().length === 0 || t.html() === "<br>" || t.html() === "<p></p>") { return $(this).html('<div class="qeditor_placeholder">' + $(this).attr("placeholder") + '</div>'); } }); editor.change(function() { var pobj, t; pobj = $(this); t = pobj.parent().find('.qeditor'); return t.val(pobj.html()); }); editor.on("paste", function() { var txt; txt = $(this); return setTimeout(function() { var attrName, els, _i, _len; els = txt.find("*"); for (_i = 0, _len = QEDITOR_DISABLE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_PASTE.length; _i < _len; _i++) { attrName = QEDITOR_DISABLE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_PASTE[_i]; els.removeAttr(attrName); } els.find(":not(" + QEDITOR_ALLOW_TAGS_ON_PASTE + ")").contents().unwrap(); txt.change(); return true; }, 100); }); editor.keyup(function(e) { QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); return $(this).change(); }); editor.on("click", function(e) { QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); return e.stopPropagation(); }); editor.keydown(function(e) { var node, nodeName; node = QEditor.getCurrentContainerNode(); nodeName = ""; if (node && node.nodeName) { nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } if (e.keyCode === 13 && !(e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey)) { if (nodeName === "blockquote" || nodeName === "pre") { e.stopPropagation(); document.execCommand('InsertParagraph', false); document.execCommand("formatBlock", false, "p"); document.execCommand('outdent', false); return false; } } }); obj.hide(); obj.wrap('<div class="qeditor_border"></div>'); obj.after(editor); toolbar = $(QEDITOR_TOOLBAR_HTML); qe_heading = toolbar.find(".qe-heading"); qe_heading.mouseenter(function() { $(this).addClass("hover"); return $(this).find(".qe-menu").show(); }); qe_heading.mouseleave(function() { $(this).removeClass("hover"); return $(this).find(".qe-menu").hide(); }); toolbar.find(".qe-heading .qe-menu a").click(function() { var link; link = $(this); link.parent().parent().hide(); QEditor.action(this, "formatBlock", link.data("name")); return false; }); toolbar.find("a[data-action]").click(function() { return QEditor.action(this, $(this).attr("data-action")); }); return editor.before(toolbar); }); }; })(jQuery);
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3 /* jquery.qeditor ============== This is a simple WYSIWYG editor with jQuery. ## Author: Jason Lee <huacnlee@gmail.com> ## Requirements: [jQuery](http://jquery.com) (Font-Awesome)[http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/] - Toolbar icons ## Usage: $("textarea").qeditor(); and then you need filt the html tags,attributes in you content page. In Rails application, you can use like this: <%= sanitize(@post.body,:tags => %w(strong b i u strike ol ul li address blockquote pre code br div p), :attributes => %w(src)) %> */ var QEDITOR_ALLOW_TAGS_ON_PASTE, QEDITOR_DISABLE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_PASTE, QEDITOR_TOOLBAR_HTML; QEDITOR_TOOLBAR_HTML = "<div class=\"qeditor_toolbar\">\n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"bold\" class=\"qe-bold\"><span class=\"fa fa-bold\" title=\"Bold\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"italic\" class=\"qe-italic\"><span class=\"fa fa-italic\" title=\"Italic\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"underline\" class=\"qe-underline\"><span class=\"fa fa-underline\" title=\"Underline\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"strikethrough\" class=\"qe-strikethrough\"><span class=\"fa fa-strikethrough\" title=\"Strike-through\"></span></a> \n <span class=\"vline\"></span>\n <span class=\"qe-icon qe-heading\">\n <ul class=\"qe-menu\">\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h1\" class=\"qe-h1\">Heading 1</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h2\" class=\"qe-h2\">Heading 2</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h3\" class=\"qe-h3\">Heading 3</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h4\" class=\"qe-h4\">Heading 4</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h5\" class=\"qe-h5\">Heading 5</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"h6\" class=\"qe-h6\">Heading 6</a></li>\n <li class=\"qe-hline\"></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" data-name=\"p\" class=\"qe-p\">Paragraph</a></li>\n </ul>\n <span class=\"icon fa fa-font\"></span>\n </span>\n <span class=\"vline\"></span>\n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"insertorderedlist\" class=\"qe-ol\"><span class=\"fa fa-list-ol\" title=\"Insert Ordered-list\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"insertunorderedlist\" class=\"qe-ul\"><span class=\"fa fa-list-ul\" title=\"Insert Unordered-list\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"indent\" class=\"qe-indent\"><span class=\"fa fa-indent\" title=\"Indent\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"outdent\" class=\"qe-outdent\"><span class=\"fa fa-outdent\" title=\"Outdent\"></span></a> \n <span class=\"vline\"></span> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"insertHorizontalRule\" class=\"qe-hr\"><span class=\"fa fa-minus\" title=\"Insert Horizontal Rule\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"blockquote\" class=\"qe-blockquote\"><span class=\"fa fa-quote-left\" title=\"Blockquote\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"pre\" class=\"qe-pre\"><span class=\"fa fa-code\" title=\"Pre\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"createLink\" class=\"qe-link\"><span class=\"fa fa-link\" title=\"Create Link\" title=\"Create Link\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"insertimage\" class=\"qe-image\"><span class=\"fa fa-picture-o\" title=\"Insert Image\"></span></a> \n <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return QEditor.toggleFullScreen(this);\" class=\"qe-fullscreen pull-right\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrows-alt\" title=\"Toggle Fullscreen\"></span></a> \n</div>"; QEDITOR_ALLOW_TAGS_ON_PASTE = "div,p,ul,ol,li,hr,br,b,strong,i,em,img,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7"; QEDITOR_DISABLE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_PASTE = ["style", "class", "id", "name", "width", "height"]; window.QEditor = { actions: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'insertunorderedlist', 'insertorderedlist', 'blockquote', 'pre'], action: function(el, a, p) { var editor; editor = $(".qeditor_preview", $(el).parent().parent()); editor.find(".qeditor_placeholder").remove(); editor.focus(); if (p === null) { p = false; } if (a === "blockquote" || a === "pre") { p = a; a = "formatBlock"; } if (a === "createLink") { p = prompt("Type URL:"); if (p.trim().length === 0) { return false; } } else if (a === "insertimage") { //p = prompt("Image URL:"); //TODO var input; if(document.getElementById('inImgId')){ input = document.getElementById('inImgId'); }else{ input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('id', 'inImgId'); input.setAttribute('type', 'file'); input.setAttribute('name', 'file'); input.setAttribute('accept', 'image/gif, image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png'); document.body.appendChild(input); input.style.display = 'none'; } input.click(); input.onchange = function(){ if(!input.value){return;} var fd = new FormData(); var file; file = input.files[0]; fd.append('file', file); $.ajax({ url : window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/weixin/uploadArticlePic', data : fd, processData : false, contentType : false, enctype : 'multipart/form-data', type : 'POST', success : function(data) { var json = JSON.parse(data); if (json.success) { QEditor.imageChange(json.data); } else { alert(json.message); } } }); } if (p == null || p.trim().length === 0) { return false; } } if (QEditor.state(a)) { document.execCommand(a, false, null); } else { document.execCommand(a, false, p); } QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); editor.change(); return false; }, state: function(action) { return document.queryCommandState(action) === true; }, prompt: function(title) { var val; val = prompt(title); if (val) { return val; } else { return false; } }, toggleFullScreen: function(el) { var border; border = $(el).parent().parent(); if (border.data("qe-fullscreen") === "1") { QEditor.exitFullScreen(); } else { QEditor.enterFullScreen(border); } return false; }, enterFullScreen: function(border) { border.data("qe-fullscreen", "1").addClass("qeditor_fullscreen"); border.find(".qeditor_preview").focus(); return border.find(".qe-fullscreen span").attr("class", "fa fa-compress"); }, exitFullScreen: function() { return $(".qeditor_border").removeClass("qeditor_fullscreen").data("qe-fullscreen", "0").find(".qe-fullscreen span").attr("class", "fa fa-arrows-alt"); }, getCurrentContainerNode: function() { var containerNode, node; if (window.getSelection) { node = window.getSelection().anchorNode; containerNode = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.parentNode : node; } return containerNode; }, checkSectionState: function(editor) { var a, link, _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = QEditor.actions; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { a = _ref[_i]; link = editor.parent().find(".qeditor_toolbar a[data-action=" + a + "]"); if (QEditor.state(a)) { _results.push(link.addClass("qe-state-on")); } else { _results.push(link.removeClass("qe-state-on")); } } return _results; }, imageChange: function(imgUrl) { var editor = $(".qeditor_preview", $(".qeditor_border")); editor.focus(); document.execCommand("insertimage", false, imgUrl); QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); editor.change(); }, version: function() { return "0.2.0"; } }; (function($) { return $.fn.qeditor = function(params) { // 控制上传图片按钮显示与否 Add by C.Q 20160803 var defaults = { showImage: true // true:显示上传图片按钮;false:不显示 }; params = $.extend({}, defaults, params); return this.each(function() { var currentVal, editor, obj, placeholder, qe_heading, toolbar; obj = $(this); obj.addClass("qeditor"); editor = $('<div class="qeditor_preview clearfix" contentEditable="true"></div>'); placeholder = $('<div class="qeditor_placeholder"></div>'); $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { return QEditor.exitFullScreen(); } }); document.execCommand('defaultParagraphSeparator', false, 'p'); currentVal = obj.val(); editor.html(currentVal); editor.addClass(obj.attr("class")); obj.after(editor); placeholder.text(obj.attr("placeholder")); editor.attr("placeholder", obj.attr("placeholder") || ""); editor.append(placeholder); editor.focusin(function() { QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); return $(this).find(".qeditor_placeholder").remove(); }); editor.blur(function() { var t; t = $(this); QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); if (t.html().length === 0 || t.html() === "<br>" || t.html() === "<p></p>") { return $(this).html('<div class="qeditor_placeholder">' + $(this).attr("placeholder") + '</div>'); } }); editor.change(function() { var pobj, t; pobj = $(this); t = pobj.parent().find('.qeditor'); return t.val(pobj.html()); }); editor.on("paste", function() { var txt; txt = $(this); return setTimeout(function() { var attrName, els, _i, _len; els = txt.find("*"); for (_i = 0, _len = QEDITOR_DISABLE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_PASTE.length; _i < _len; _i++) { attrName = QEDITOR_DISABLE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_PASTE[_i]; els.removeAttr(attrName); } els.find(":not(" + QEDITOR_ALLOW_TAGS_ON_PASTE + ")").contents().unwrap(); txt.change(); return true; }, 100); }); editor.keyup(function(e) { QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); return $(this).change(); }); editor.on("click", function(e) { QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); return e.stopPropagation(); }); editor.keydown(function(e) { var node, nodeName; node = QEditor.getCurrentContainerNode(); nodeName = ""; if (node && node.nodeName) { nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } if (e.keyCode === 13 && !(e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey)) { if (nodeName === "blockquote" || nodeName === "pre") { e.stopPropagation(); document.execCommand('InsertParagraph', false); document.execCommand("formatBlock", false, "p"); document.execCommand('outdent', false); return false; } } }); obj.hide(); obj.wrap('<div class="qeditor_border"></div>'); obj.after(editor); // 控制图片显示与否 Add by C.Q 20160803 if (params.showImage == false) { QEDITOR_TOOLBAR_HTML = QEDITOR_TOOLBAR_HTML.replace('<a href="#" data-action="insertimage" class="qe-image"><span class="fa fa-picture-o" title="Insert Image"></span></a>', ""); } toolbar = $(QEDITOR_TOOLBAR_HTML); qe_heading = toolbar.find(".qe-heading"); qe_heading.mouseenter(function() { $(this).addClass("hover"); return $(this).find(".qe-menu").show(); }); qe_heading.mouseleave(function() { $(this).removeClass("hover"); return $(this).find(".qe-menu").hide(); }); toolbar.find(".qe-heading .qe-menu a").click(function() { var link; link = $(this); link.parent().parent().hide(); QEditor.action(this, "formatBlock", link.data("name")); return false; }); toolbar.find("a[data-action]").click(function() { return QEditor.action(this, $(this).attr("data-action")); }); return editor.before(toolbar); }); }; })(jQuery);
else if (a === "insertimage") { p = prompt("Image URL:"); if (p.trim().length === 0) { return false; } }
else if (a === "insertimage") { //p = prompt("Image URL:"); var input; if(document.getElementById('inImgId')){ input = document.getElementById('inImgId'); }else{ input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('id', 'inImgId'); input.setAttribute('type', 'file'); input.setAttribute('name', 'file'); input.setAttribute('accept', 'image/gif, image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png'); document.body.appendChild(input); input.style.display = 'none'; } input.click(); input.onchange = function(){ if(!input.value){return;} var fd = new FormData(); var file; file = input.files[0]; fd.append('file', file); $.ajax({ url : window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/weixin/uploadArticlePic', data : fd, processData : false, contentType : false, enctype : 'multipart/form-data', type : 'POST', success : function(data) { var json = JSON.parse(data); if (json.success) { QEditor.imageChange(json.data); } else { alert(json.message); } } }); } if (p == null || p.trim().length === 0) { return false; } }
注意到代码中上传图片成功后执行的 QEditor.imageChange(json.data)方法。
imageChange: function(imgUrl) { var editor = $(".qeditor_preview", $(".qeditor_border")); editor.focus(); document.execCommand("insertimage", false, imgUrl); QEditor.checkSectionState(editor); editor.change(); }
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